Bird flu in Eastern Europe now, when will it hit Canada ?


Nov 18, 2004
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The bird flu is for real now.
It has found its way into Eastern Europe, Romania and so on.
I bet it will move westward pretty soon.
In a couple of weeks, I bet it will find its way into the West like Canada and the states.

What should we do now ?

1. Kill all the birds ?

2. No more SPing ?

3. Stock up on Tamiflu ?

4. Boycott seeing EE SPs ?

5. Stay home and drink juice ?

It is for real now, and it is no laughing matter.

lonely guy

New member
Jul 10, 2005
Just what we need...more crap in our lives.

Just my luck, ABC will start showing "The STAND" on TV again :eek:


maryland said:
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The bird flu is for real now.

It is for real now, and it is no laughing matter.
I guess it was not for real last year in BC

"August 19, 2004

* The CFIA has lifted all movement restrictions on poultry in the Fraser Valley and has officially ended its control operation.
* Surveillance indicates that avian influenza has been eradicated from the area.
* Approximately 17 million chickens, turkeys and ducks were destroyed in the eradication operation.
* Poultry producers can begin to restock, but it may take up to a year to return to normal levels of production.
* It's estimated the B.C. poultry industry lost at least 400 million dollars as a result of the avian influenza outbreak."$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/cpv8126?opendocument


Oct 29, 2004

maryland said:
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The bird flu is for real now.
It has found its way into Eastern Europe, Romania and so on.
I bet it will move westward pretty soon.
In a couple of weeks, I bet it will find its way into the West like Canada and the states.

What should we do now ?

1. Kill all the birds ?

2. No more SPing ?

3. Stock up on Tamiflu ?

4. Boycott seeing EE SPs ?

5. Stay home and drink juice ?

It is for real now, and it is no laughing matter.

The flu, in its current state, can only be contracted with direct contact with an infected bird. If someone knows any different, please correct me.

If, or more probably when this form of avian flu mutates to allow human-to-human infection then we're in deep. How will this hobby react will be small question compared to how will it be screened at the border, potentially contanimated food supply, mass transit in large urban areas (it'll be worse than a transit strike) just to name a few.

Until the virus mutates we are just blowing smoke.

My suggestion is ... if you have a to do list ..... what are you waiting for.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts