Bill for Stephen Harper’s annual Arctic trips tops $3.4M


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
OINK OINK at the public trough.....

Canadians paid more than $2.65 million, excluding RCMP costs, to send Stephen Harper on his annual northern sojourns between 2006 and 2013.
That's what it would cost to send me there too
Its pretty cold up there the woman are none too cute & getting internet coverage is pretty tough.

Now before you cast judgement (opps too late) what was the bill to send Jean C there when he was the PM?
I believe old Jean did a number of world tours so the data should be easy to find, even for you


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
The cost for Ontario's Green Energy program is about $200 million a year and Wynne wants to expand that bullshit program.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Squeezer you don't believe the arctic is part of Canada? Who knew!
I didn't write the article so once again an example of a right winger making an erroneous assumption.

If this had been Trudeau the right winger's would be up in arms.

My opinion is that world leaders need to travel abroad and within Canada but again, right wingers employ a double standard on expenses.

FACT....if a conservative party had been in charge provincially, they ALSO would have moved the gas plants resulting in $$$$$$$!!!!

I reiterate, HYPOCRITES!!


Active member
Sep 22, 2010
The corrupt Liberals cant pin anything on Harper so they use this kind of small-scale big sounding propganda.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I didn't write the article so once again an example of a right winger making an erroneous assumption.

If this had been Trudeau the right winger's would be up in arms.

My opinion is that world leaders need to travel abroad and within Canada but again, right wingers employ a double standard on expenses.

FACT....if a conservative party had been in charge provincially, they ALSO would have moved the gas plants resulting in $$$$$$$!!!!

I reiterate, HYPOCRITES!!
You brought it up & implied the PM was wasting $

OINK OINK at the public trough.....
That is yours to wear for along time

You can not make the assumption that a provincial PC govt would have made the same stupid (foolish) mistake as your idols did.
That is not at all logical & you have zero basis to support such a claim
A similar claim would be that Justin will also make the same decisions as PM Harper which so enrage you.

Be somewhat objective or be gone


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
You posted it with approving comments. . . . It's yours.
I stand by my Oink oink comment because Harpo is a wasteful politician just like the rest of them but you made a claim which wasn't true and that is an assumption, ASS-U-ME!

You brought it up & implied the PM was wasting $

That is yours to wear for along time

You can not make the assumption that a provincial PC govt would have made the same stupid (foolish) mistake as your idols did.
That is not at all logical & you have zero basis to support such a claim
A similar claim would be that Justin will also make the same decisions as PM Harper which so enrage you.

Be somewhat objective or be gone
Hey, Johnny look over here.

Back peddle Johnny!! Based on this it would seem only the NDP had common sense not your boy Hudak!

Oct. 2011

Hudak vows to scrap Mississauga power plant

Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak pledged Wednesday to get rid of a gas-fired power plant west of Toronto, just one day before Ontario voters head to the polls.

The Tory leader has repeatedly derided Premier Dalton McGuinty for promising to pull the plug on the 280-megawatt facility midway through the campaign, calling it a crass attempt to grab votes.

Asked if he'd scrap the Mississauga plant if he formed the next government, Hudak replied: "That's right. Done. Done, done, done."

The plant's site is also located in a key battleground in the provincial election — the so-called 905 area outside Toronto that was painted Tory blue in May's federal election.

And with recent polls indicating that the Liberals have a healthy lead going into Thursday's vote, the Tories are pulling out all the stops to convince voters to support them.

On Wednesday, Hudak took reporters and supporters to a parking lot near the plant site to show that construction is still going on despite the Liberal leader's pledge.

"Look behind me. I mean, this is a living, breathing example of a broken Dalton McGuinty promise," he said. "How much money are taxpayers going to have to shovel into the ground? And he said the project was cancelled, well then why is work still continuing to this day?"

Community didn't want plant, Hudak says

The Tories never supported the plant, which the Liberals tried to foist on a community that didn't want it, he said.

"To make matters worse, for six years he says it's the right thing, and then 11 days before election day, he does a flip-flop?"

Hudak said. "We need a change in our province."

A PC government would go to willing communities like Nanticoke and Lambton, which already have transmission lines and a workforce at power production facilities, he said.

Some local residents who oppose the plant say they're not impressed with Hudak's last-minute pledge, and aren't thrilled with McGuinty's either.

Lori Anastacio, who opposes the plant, said seeing construction at the site is "very frustrating" given that the Liberals promised to stop the plant.

"Yes, it's very odd that they brought it up at the last minute before elections, when they could have cancelled it before," she said.

"It's clearly obvious they're using it. But also the PCs are using it as a card right now. The problem is, it's at the expense of the people."

Residents have long opposed the Greenfield South plant, which straddles the Toronto-Mississauga border, saying it was too close to homes, schools, a hospital, a hospice and a large mall.

McGuinty said the community had changed significantly since the plant was proposed in 2005, which was why his party had changed tack.

Four local Liberal candidates made the promise to stop construction of the plant in a barely publicized announcement Sept. 24.

The New Democrats haven't said what they'd do with the plant. But both Hudak and McGuinty need to be clear about how much their promises will cost, said leader Andrea Horwath.

"Last-minute promises like that, people have to decide whether they're credible or they're not," she said in Niagara Falls. "Now Mr. Hudak's making the same claim, we don't know what that's going to cost. I think what both these guys need to do is be really upfront with the public about what the cost of cancelling these deals is going to be."


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The bill for the corrupt Liberals gas plants topped $1billion
Would have cost the same if Hudak had won the election and kept his promise. McG just beat him to it. Utterly irrelevant to the topic. Obsessively repeating this non-point just solidifies the evidence that your sort of con hasn't a clue how to do better.

Harper's Arctic junkets are similar; there's no evidence any other PM would or could do the trips any cheaper. What is amazing is how brazenly and unashamed Our Dear Leader parades around a thawing northland threatened by unpoliced international marine traffic having broken his promises of armed patrol icebreakers, and without even delivering the few thousand up-to-date carbines he promised the Arctic Rangers, so they could retire their WWII Enfields.

It gets the Liar in Chief outta Ottawa at least, but what other value do we get for our million-plus a year? Still I'd rather see the PM touring the north than ignoring it like most before him. But just imagine if he actually did something there instead of giving it away to oil companies us taxpayers inevitably have to clean up after. 'Course he'll be raking in director's fees when those bills come due.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I stand by my Oink oink comment because Harpo is a wasteful politician just like the rest of them but you made a claim which wasn't true and that is an assumption, ASS-U-ME!

Hey, Johnny look over here.

Back peddle Johnny!! Based on this it would seem only the NDP had common sense not your boy Hudak!

Oct. 2011

Hudak vows to scrap Mississauga power plant

Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak pledged Wednesday to get rid of a gas-fired power plant west of Toronto, just one day before Ontario voters head to the polls.

The Tory leader has repeatedly derided Premier Dalton McGuinty for promising to pull the plug on the 280-megawatt facility midway through the campaign, calling it a crass attempt to grab votes.

Asked if he'd scrap the Mississauga plant if he formed the next government, Hudak replied: "That's right. Done. Done, done, done."
Too bad Hudak will never form a PC Provincial government (please carefully read what I post next time. It is far too easy to show you up as a dummy)
Again you assume too much & your endless propaganda shows you to be a fool who lacks objectivity


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Hey Homer, I mean Johnny, let's dial it back a bit so we can see who the real dumbass is.

If this had been Trudeau the right winger's would be up in arms.

My opinion is that world leaders need to travel abroad and within Canada but again, right wingers employ a double standard on expenses.

FACT....if a conservative party had been in charge provincially, they ALSO would have moved the gas plants resulting in $$$$$$$!!!!

I reiterate, HYPOCRITES!!
you responded to my statement that the conservatives under Hudak if elected would have done exactly what the Liberals did with the gas plants as quoted!

You can not make the assumption that a provincial PC govt would have made the same stupid (foolish) mistake as your idols did.
That is not at all logical & you have zero basis to support such a claim
A similar claim would be that Justin will also make the same decisions as PM Harper which so enrage you.

Be somewhat objective or be gone
You blab how my assumption is far fetched

Hey, Johnny look over here.

Back peddle Johnny!! Based on this it would seem only the NDP had common sense not your boy Hudak!

Oct. 2011

Hudak vows to scrap Mississauga power plant
I prove Hudak had exactly the same intentions if he were able to reach his ambition of being Premier, which of course we know now it was never going to happen thank God.

Too bad Hudak will never form a PC Provincial government (please carefully read what I post next time. It is far too easy to show you up as a dummy)
Again you assume too much & your endless propaganda shows you to be a fool who lacks objectivity
Yet you continue to blah blah blah without making any sense whatsoever. The preponderance of the evidence shows Larue has dumbass written clearly across his forehead.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Hey Homer, I mean Johnny, let's dial it back a bit so we can see who the real dumbass is.
you responded to my statement that the conservatives under Hudak if elected would have done exactly what the Liberals did with the gas plants as quoted!
Please point out the exact place where I said anything about what Hudack would do. I said a PC Provincial Govt & never mentioned Hudack specifically
Do not misquote me asshole!

You blab how my assumption is far fetched
I said you assume too much. "Far-fetched' ? Nope did not say that, but if the shoe fits

I prove Hudak had exactly the same intentions if he were able to reach his ambition of being Premier, which of course we know now it was never going to happen thank God.
So you proved something that will never become reality?
Way to go Einstein

Yet you continue to blah blah blah without making any sense whatsoever. The preponderance of the evidence shows Larue has dumbass written clearly across his forehead.
Perhaps if you had an ounce of common sense or any sense of objectivity you would not have to troll the news wire to fabricate bad propaganda against the PM.
Get a life !

You have your head so far up Justin's ass, you need to hope he farts so you can catch a breath
You may one day come to the realization that Justin is skating by on his old mans name & is an intellectual lightweight & certainly not equipped to be the next PM
The fact that he is not Harper is not a rational to support him as 30 million other Canadians have the qualifications.

What would be funny is if your boy Justin gets in and then does nothing to address bill c-36, proving you the fool you are


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
You have your head so far up Justin's ass, you need to hope he farts so you can catch a breath
Good one Johnny, I like it. I hope you don't mind I borrow it.

The rest of your post is nonsense as usual. It's verbal right wing fanatical diarrhea.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Good one Johnny, I like it. I hope you don't mind I borrow it.

The rest of your post is nonsense as usual. It's verbal right wing fanatical diarrhea.
Yes I mind if you borrow it
I do not like you and I think you are idiot
Get your own #$%^%$# material, you liberal pantywaste POS
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