Biblical Resturant: Free food & drink for all?

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Hi guys,
Continuing with the debate on the authenticity of the bible and wheather it is good for humanity or not, and how its influenced world events today. I have to invite all to the Biblical resturant... Lets see what is in the menu

Here we go, God Invited Moses to lunch... what was the menu?

(Ezekiel 4:12) And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight.

So in this passage we see a story where all of Moses's followers were hugry and they were invited by the loving GOD of the bible to an open buffay and eat Dung that cometh out of man , and in full sight of all.

(Any one ate shit lately?)

Lets go on

God will spread dung on your face! Mal:2:1: And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you.
Mal:2:2: If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart. I will spread the dung on your faces....."

So not only will God Order Moses who is supposed to be a leader who leads the followers to God fo the Bible, He rewards them with Human feces for lunch!!! (eww)

But that is not all, lets ses this passage

2King:18:27: But Rab-shakeh said unto them, Hath my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you.

So there are references in the bible where God the one who is wise and loving and all, ordering his Religous leader Moses to eat a Cake made with Dung (for chocolate?) , and a reference to these men Drinking Piss, and eating their Dung ( McDonalds + Pepsi Bible style)

SO again i ask, Is this truely a holy book? Is it the word of God?
Would Followers of the bible eat their own Dung, and Drink their own piss for lunch as they keep up with the tradition and with making alive the orders of God(Jesus) for him to eat dung and drink a cub of piss (urination)?


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
Arabian Guy said:
(Ezekiel 4:12) And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight.

So in this passage we see a story where all of Moses's followers were hugry and they were invited by the loving GOD of the bible to an open buffay and eat Dung that cometh out of man , and in full sight of all.
But it doesn't say that at all. It says to bake the bread with human dung. So you use the dung as fuel and light it on fire and use the heat generated to bake the bread.

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
SilentLeviathan said:
But it doesn't say that at all. It says to bake the bread with human dung. So you use the dung as fuel and light it on fire and use the heat generated to bake the bread.
No open the New testiment bible, and it says to Bake It with Dung,, there is a foot note there, that says here is a reference to Mixing the cake with dung as a punnishment from god.

So The religous leaders said it Bake it with dung = Mixing it with dung, and eating it , but they said if the text said, bake it using or ontop of dung, then that explaination would be ok.

There was a whole debate held in south africa between religous leaders of christain fractions about this very thing. And they concluded that it was a punishment from god as their explaination. No one said that Human dung was used for fuel..

second in the same passage it says that they were hungery. Did not eat for days, So where are they going to get the "Dung" from if they did not eat for some long period of time? They were ordered to use their own feces to make the food plenty for all....Refer to the document by St.Peter of South African Church in 1978..


New member
Jan 14, 2005
very interesting. I never thought that the bible would have things like that.

more Enlightenments ......

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
I almost threw up, reading this..

And that is God Ordering this?

I am yet to see a Priest eating his dung and drinking his own urination!:eek:

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
So any one is feeling the pain of Hunger?

if so,
One dungBurger with UrineCola comming up,

but be sure to wash your mouth because we dont want any nasty smells here on terb :D

Rocket Man

New member
Jan 29, 2006
What about Jesus' blood and flesh? If you read Jesus' words we said to his Disciples that they were eating his flesh, but we know it was bread, Also his blood, we know it was wine.

How do we know that the "Dung" isn't something else? We don't, do we?


Nov 25, 2005
Rocket Man said:
What about Jesus' blood and flesh? If you read Jesus' words we said to his Disciples that they were eating his flesh, but we know it was bread, Also his blood, we know it was wine.

How do we know that the "Dung" isn't something else? We don't, do we?
This guy is brilliant. Who knew that some passages in the bible taken literally could be so easily mocked? Definitely a mental giant. My buddies and I used to do it in fifth grade Sunday school. We outgrew it by seventh grade. I wonder how many more of his paradigm shifting bible "revelations" we well have to suffer through?

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Rocket Man said:
What about Jesus' blood and flesh? If you read Jesus' words we said to his Disciples that they were eating his flesh, but we know it was bread, Also his blood, we know it was wine.

How do we know that the "Dung" isn't something else? We don't, do we?

Actually God Ordered you to be cannibal in the bible. The Priests later made up meaning to it that is quite different.

Jesus said to them to drink wine and eat a bread as a symbol of his Flesh and blood. He was reminding them of this passage in the old testiment

(Deuteronomy 28:53) "And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the LORD thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee."
[Deut. 25:11] When men fight with one another, and the wife of the one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of him who is beating him, and puts out her hand seizes him by the private parts, then you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall have not pity

Here God Orders his followers to be Cannibals and eat the fleesh of fellow human beings...

In this passage Dung is not a reference or a symobl of anything. Religous athorities agreed that this was a punishment from god to Moses and his people.

I fail to see how Jesus Flesh/Blood and the bread link, is paralleled to Moses Eating Human Feces. Or to the men next to the wall who Drank their own Urination and ate their Dung?

So there is agreement that this is not symbolism of anything but of itself. Dung is Dung and Shit is Shit..

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
arclighter said:
This guy is brilliant. Who knew that some passages in the bible taken literally could be so easily mocked? Definitely a mental giant. My buddies and I used to do it in fifth grade Sunday school. We outgrew it by seventh grade. I wonder how many more of his paradigm shifting bible "revelations" we well have to suffer through?
you remind me of those Priests who, when they dont know how to explain the bible, or are ashamed of what it contains, they tell "You dont have the holy Spirit in you".

I asked them where can i Buy the Holy Spirit, the dollarama?

So i fail to see the brilliance in here, there simply is not link. In that case Jesus drew clear symbolism and "TOLD THEM" that this symbolizes my flesh and my blood. Even here, this is like asking them to be cannibals and blood thirsty animals, who drink the blood of a human !

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
arclighter said:
This guy is brilliant. Who knew that some passages in the bible taken literally could be so easily mocked? Definitely a mental giant. My buddies and I used to do it in fifth grade Sunday school. We outgrew it by seventh grade. I wonder how many more of his paradigm shifting bible "revelations" we well have to suffer through?
you remind me of those Priests who, when they dont know how to explain the bible, or are ashamed of what it contains, they tell "You dont have the holy Spirit in you".

I asked them where can i Buy the Holy Spirit, the dollarama?

So i fail to see the brilliance in here, there simply is not link. In that case Jesus drew clear symbolism and "TOLD THEM" that this symbolizes my flesh and my blood. Even here, this is like asking them to be cannibals and blood thirsty animals, who drink the blood of a human !

So dont try to generalize , Jesus in that particualr example "TOLD" that i am doing symbolism in here. In the Old testiment, God did not say Dung is a symbol of anything but itself. Infact it was used as punishment by God to moses :)

Rocket Man

New member
Jan 29, 2006
Arabian Guy said:
In this passage Dung is not a reference or a symobl of anything. Religous athorities agreed that this was a punishment from god to Moses and his people.
Were these religous athorities present at the time Moses ate "Dung"? I doubt they were.

We don't really know if Moses ate "Dung" do we?

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Rocket Man said:
Were these religous athorities present at the time Moses ate "Dung"? I doubt they were.

We don't really know if Moses ate "Dung" do we?
They bible says he did.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Arabian Guy said:
They bible says he did.
Sorry if on the one hand you are disputing the bible with all the mythical references etc. Then you can't also use it as evidence. Who are you to judge which parts are "real" or not. But you probably can't see the irony in all of this.

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
frankcastle said:
Sorry if on the one hand you are disputing the bible with all the mythical references etc. Then you can't also use it as evidence. Who are you to judge which parts are "real" or not. But you probably can't see the irony in all of this.
Well help me out, where can i buy the holy spirit, to help me decipher all the codes in the bible? I already tried the Dollarama
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