Steeles Royal

Best Part of Life


New member
Aug 30, 2006
What's the best part of life?

To best answer that question, you have to think about all the things that you would want to do if you only had 1 year to live. If you do that, you quickly see what's really important to you, and what you really want out of life.

The best part of life really can be summed up in 3 categories (in my opinion):

1) Hot women/sex with hot women.
2) Eating good food
3) Travelling and seeing as much of the world, and as many cultures as possible.

And that's it. Everything else really is not that important when you think about it. I'm a HUGE sports fan, huge. But could I live without the leafs and raptors? If I had to , yes, in the grand scheme of things it's really not that important.

Now it's your turn, according to you, what's the best part of life? This should be interesting. :)
VinnyBuff said:
The best part of life really can be summed up in 3 categories (in my opinion):

1) Hot women/sex with hot women.
2) Eating good food
3) Travelling and seeing as much of the world, and as many cultures as possible.
Same here.


Turgid Member
Sep 10, 2005
1) Hot Women
2) Hot Sex with Hot Women
3) Hot Sex with Hot Women having Hot Sex with other Hot Women


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I disagree....

VinnyBuff said:
What's the best part of life?

To best answer that question, you have to think about all the things that you would want to do if you only had 1 year to live. If you do that, you quickly see what's really important to you, and what you really want out of life.

The best part of life really can be summed up in 3 categories (in my opinion):

1) Hot women/sex with hot women.
2) Eating good food
3) Travelling and seeing as much of the world, and as many cultures as possible.

And that's it. Everything else really is not that important when you think about it. I'm a HUGE sports fan, huge. But could I live without the leafs and raptors? If I had to , yes, in the grand scheme of things it's really not that important.

Now it's your turn, according to you, what's the best part of life? This should be interesting. :)
..completely - not knowing if you are serious or not.

Picking the things I would want to do if I had only one year to live is not even REMOTELY the same as prioritizing what is really important to me.

By placing the time constraint you've immediately rules out those things which either by definition will take longer than a year (for example, completing an education) or those things which are a journey versus a destination (spending time with my kid watching them grow up a tiny bit day by day into the person they will ultimately be).

Additionally, since you've placed that one year time constraint on my life, I am naturally going to be more self indulgent. In the real world we often (well, we being those of us with responsibilities and mature enough to look after and manage them) delay gratification for ourselves for something "more important"...because it is more important.

What is the best part of life? In no particular order...

1) Relationships...romantic and otherwise...sexual and otherwise. The relationships I have with the people I care about are important. You ever hear of the emptiness the wealthy sometimes feel that comes from knowing they have no real friends? Even when you can afford anything you still can't buy relationships with people you care for who truly care for you. There is nothing in the world like knowing the love of a woman who loves you for YOU....not for what you have, or what you can do for her (beyond perhaps bring a smile to her face). A very close second to that is to know the true loyalty of a friend who would do anything save bring harm to his wife and kids for you - who would literally drop whatever he was doing where ever he was doing it and board an airplane....just because you asked him to (I have done this, and have had it done for me).

2) The satisfaction of a "job well done". I don't necessarily mean in the work sense of the word...plenty of people do not work but know what it is like to be good at something and to do it well. I cannot imagine how empty life is for people who have nothing that they "do"...again not necessarily for a living, but something that they enjoy, practice, and are (relatively) good at. It just so happens my thing is what I do for a living. It often frustrates me, and frequently is difficult...and sometimes very difficult. But I am good at it...really good at it. And that brings me satisfaction.

3) Guiding the life of another. There is no greater job - nothing more important, and as a result, nothing more satisfying - than being a parent. Nothing. And you do not come to truly realize this until you become one. This is the most important thing...and cannot be distilled within a year.

All that said....your list isn't a bad one at all for how you set it for that I rather trade the love of one damn attractive woman to enjoy line items 2) & 3) with versus sex with many perhaps more attractive women (and that doesn't mean I don't like to fuck around with hot women - just that if I had only a year to go, I rather know the satisfaction of sharing life with a single one that I loved and who loved me). But yeah, I hear you, and it is a good list.

But it doesn't define what is really important.

I'm guessing you haven't yet turned 40, have never married, and have no kids, right?
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New member
May 25, 2005
I'm at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, I've just had a mirror put over my kitchen table so I can watch myself eat.

-Rodney Dangerfield

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I am shocked to find that I agree with MLAM on this one, my immediate number one was the enjoyment that I get from my children. Pussy would be a solid second, and the satisfaction of creating things at work would be third, for me.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
The best part of life is family and friends..........both make it what it is.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
not being sick..

optimal's a transient condition, enjoy it while it lasts. Everything else is gravy
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