Steeles Royal

Best of...


New member
Jul 6, 2006
Ok this board is WAY too quiet. Ok I started some new ones, best music, best bed... how about most humourous sessio?, or best missed appointment excuse? or...whatever. Be nice not mean, its just for fun and life is short. But WAKE up and be creative...


Bedroom Vixen
Not at all safe to list cancellation excuses as some of you gentlemen may be able to identify yourselves
in these comments however I can share what I consider to be my best learning and quickest session ever.

I'd been talking with this guy and he seemed nice and normal. I do outcalls only so my screening invloves
a bit of communication and conversation to create a rapport and to make sure I feel comfortable and safe
with the situation I may soon place myself into. So we'd agreed on a date and time that I was to go to his place.

When I arrive he takes me straight back to the bedroom and nods at the envelope on the night table. I am a
lady and I trust that the gentlemen I spend time with have the agreed upon donation in the envelope and I don't
make a bit production of taking it and verrifying the value - I was happy to wait till a more appropriate time.

After a bit of small talk he sits back on the bed and I begin to unbutton my blouse while he watches. He
asks me to stop and says "I can't go through with this, I am so sorry Jane, I hope you didn't have to drive too far
out of your way."

I button up my shirt and go leaving the envelope behind because it wasn't worth the hassle.

In truth it took me about 30 minutes to get there and would take that long to get back home. Add to that the time
it takes us girls to prepare for our dates and you can bet that over 2.5 hours of my time was wasted.

Two weeks later he sends me an email saying how sorry he is and wants to try again. I ask all sorts of questions
to make sure this won't happen again as I really am not interested in having my time wasted a second time but
thought he was kind of sweet and wanted to give him another chance.

I arrive at his place and like last time we head right to his bedroom. The envelope is in plain sight. As we talk a
bit I start to rub his thighs through his jeans and and he's playing with my chest through my sweater. I step back
and take my sweater off and unhook my bra. He wastes no time resuming playing with me and I playfully start to
remove his pants.

About 5 minutes later he's got his pants off and I put my lips around his cock for the first time and he says "I'm cumming".

I mean WTF? I barely touched him, imagine what would have happened the first time I ..... (nevermind that is bragging ;)).

He gets up and rushes to the bathroom saying "I can't do this".

I'm thinking to myself, "You did it already".

Needless to say the date was over within 10 minutes and not because I was trying to rush things. I am a no rush kind of girl
and spend the agreed upon time and then some so it is never my intention to have my date finish before things even get started.

Like last time I really could not be bothered about the donation again as it wasn't worth the trouble but I couldn't help but
remember George W's gafaw, I thought "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me."

My learnings -
Figure out a respectful way of putting the envelope in my purse early on if my date won't leave the room.
No longer making the mistake of seeing him as he's got some issues around SPs and morality which isn't a great mix.
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