Ben Carson Says His Home Was Recently Vandalized With Anti-Trump Rhetoric


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who heads the Department of Housing and Urban Development, revealed on Wednesday that his home in Virginia was recently vandalized with anti-Trump rhetoric.

Carson told the story in a Facebook post calling for more unity in the aftermath of the events in Charlottesville, Va., where a white supremacist rally ended with a 20-year-old Nazi sympathizer mowing down and killing a counter-protester with his car.

“Regarding all of the racial and political strife emanating from the events in Charlottesville last weekend, let me relate a story,” Carson began.

He says that after he and his wife bought a farm in rural Maryland several years ago, a neighbor immediately put up a Confederate flag.

Carson said that his other neighbors immediately banded together and put up American flags to shame the pro-Confederacy neighbor. The effort worked, and the neighbor took down the Confederate flag.

More recently, Carson’s home in Virginia was vandalized with “hateful rhetoric about President Trump,” he says.

“We were out of town, but other kind, embarrassed neighbors cleaned up most of the mess before we returned,” Carson writes.

Carson looked on the positive side of both incidents.

“In both instances, less than kind behavior was met by people taking the high road,” he wrote.

“We could all learn from these examples. Hatred and bigotry unfortunately still exists in our country and we must all continue to fight it, but let’s use the right tools,” he continued.

Carson concluded by noting that the Maryland neighbor who flew the Confederate flag eventually “became friendly.”

“That is the likely outcome if we just learn to be neighborly and to get to know each other.”


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Just read about this myself.

Unfortunate he was a victim of such hate and intolerance.
Yes, vandalism and trespassing should be dealt with by the law but trying to compare racism to criticizing Dr. Ben for his political alliances is a poor comparison.

If the perp had simply put a big sign on the edge of his property saying the same thing there would be no issue.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I'm not bring race into this. I get why Dr Carson was a target and it wasn't for being black.

I used the two words 'hate and intolerance' because that's exactly what fits here. Whoever did this, hates Trump, and hates Carson for being associated to him.
Its absolute intolerance to now allow someone to have a difference of view. To vandalize a mans property for no other reason than Carson's political view.
Sorry but Carson is a political figure and is therefore fair game for criticism of his views and choices (not through vandalism of course).

Basically you are saying that any criticism of politicians in hate and intolerance.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The point Carson makes, and we should all reflect on is that good people don't meet hate with hate; they meet it with positive action. They clean the grafitti, they put up a crowd of flags that say 'all are free and equal here', so the flag of hate and intolerance quietly comes down.

To point fingers, call names, blame and punish may be necessary when there's crime, damage or harm, but they leave the underlying hate to fester. The irony is how many folks who do the finger-pointing and blaming are to be found in church pews on Sundays, smugly ignoring the simple fix for hate that Jesus prescribed.

I have to thank c-m for finally posting a cut and paste that wasn't about showing up how nasty the people he doesn't agree with can be. Carson's fortunate to have such neighbours.
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