Club Dynasty

Being PC in the "New Canada"


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
OK, I've had enough of the BS. Why do we have to try and sweep our past under the rug. Being Politically Correct, is taking away parts of our heritage as we pander to some of the new immigrants and people bent on being PC. Lefties like Layton and company, along with some Lieberals both federally and provincially, and the "fine" and "upstanding" past Toronto City Council, are killing the mood in Canada to be Canadian. We "mustn't offend anyone" has been growing in a sinister manner, and is slowly choaking the life out of the people who have made Canada what it is, or should be. Little things like forgetting to remember and honour our fallen soldiers, removing God Save The Queen and the Lord's Prayer from the school's morning exercises, as well as council meetings, changing the Christmas Tree in Nathan Phillips Square to a "Holiday Tree", and wanting to move the statute of Winston Churchill. I'm not saying all previously mentioned people are fully responsible for the demise of what it was to be "Canadian", but all have played a part in changing Canada for the worst. Someone even made a comment about Gov't buildings should not display "Christmas" in wording or religious specific decorations.

Why not? The CBC still broadcasts "Christmas" TV programming. Why can't other Gov't offices follow suit and still portray part of what is our heritage. Why must Gov't officials at all levels try to ignore or hide our past? We were a British Colony. Great Britian played a huge roll in the birth of Canada, and what and who we are today. Most of our ideals and laws are based on our past British connection. Also, we were based on Christian roots(right or wrong), in our religious upbringing, and shouldn't that still be allowed? I'm not saying you have to go to a church to have a Faith, but if all those people who came here to make a better life for themselves don't like what Canada is, think of where you would be today, if you hadn't come to a free country, fought for by people who believed in having freedoms. I believe most if not all of the men who fought in the 1st and 2nd WWs, had a strong belief in freedom, whether it was based on religious beliefs or not. I don't disrespect any immigrants religious beliefs, but this is part of our history, and yet for some reason our beliefs as a whole are being dismantled piece by piece. Our past needs to be acknowlegded, understood and respected, and schools should still be allowed to have their Christmas concerts. We should still be able to have Chrismas decorations, and say Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays.

Where would we be today without Britian's roll in the World Wars? Where would we be without Winston Churchill's leadership? I don't think Canada and the US would have ever got involved without the British setting the bar, and most of the Western World owes Winston a debt of gratitude, so leave him be. He isn't offending anyone.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Needed to be said, just get ready for the "racist' label.

When people call me that I know I've said something good.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Good lord! The Major must be appalled!!!

Hey LL:

How about a little respect for the Queen's English? What the hell is this: "LOVE YOU TO (sic!) YOU SEXY THANG"? <shudder>



Apr 7, 2005
Good post PL. I agree with you 100%. BTW, I went to a Remembrance ceremony (as I do every year my gramps was a WW2 vet) and when they sang God Save The Queen there was a young lady maybe 19-20 years old who said rather loudly, "What the hell is this? Why don't we sing Oh Canada? This is stupid." Her words exactly I kid you not. While I applaud her going to a Remembrance ceremony (many do not!) her utter ignorance regarding Canadian history and culture was appalling. Needless to say several vets set her straight. My question is this: What the hell are they teaching in schools these days? My daughters are 10 and 13 and they had never heard of Dieppe or Ortona or Passenedaele or Ypres or Vimy Ridge. I was shocked and had to set them straight myself. I know math and english are important but come on. Schoolkids aren't taught about Dieppe anymore? Are both these instances indicative of a larger problem in our society and an erosion of historical culture. Me thinks.


Line 'Em Up Baby
Jun 3, 2002
West end GTA
Well done!

Can you imagine going to the Middle East and trying to push your own agenda? You would be hanged. Canada has gone way to far. Sure, bring your traditions but also try to adapt.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
jwmorrice said:
Hey LL:

How about a little respect for the Queen's English? What the hell is this: "LOVE YOU TO (sic!) YOU SEXY THANG"? <shudder>


Its not a general comment for everybody, its more specifically a little love offering for my" sweet thang" weber in words he might be able to understand. Until he posted that beautiful comment about me awhile back I really had no idea just how difficult it was for him to exist in this world without me. He is a really brave soul to come into this public forum and expresss his deepest feelings in such a forthright, if oddly homoerotic, fashion. I felt those words of encouragement will give him strength to carry on.:rolleyes:
Mar 19, 2006
As I understand it, the issue with the Churchill statue is that it's "unattractive". I'm sure Winston could come up with a more biting response to this acusation than I possibly could, so I will leave it at that.

Although Churchill was no Brad Pitt, I peronally find his features more attractive than any multi-coloured moose I've seen.

To quote Eisenhower........" I may not know art, but I know what I like."


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Studying history isn't seen as fattening the bottom line so it's not going to be a priority in our present society. As John Ibbitson of the Globe & Mail commented, concerning the educational priorities of the then Harris government, "Rather than expanding the mind, education will now train it." (Feb. 28, 2000)


dj1470 said:
Good post PL. I agree with you 100%. BTW, I went to a Remembrance ceremony (as I do every year my gramps was a WW2 vet) and when they sang God Save The Queen there was a young lady maybe 19-20 years old who said rather loudly, "What the hell is this? Why don't we sing Oh Canada? This is stupid." Her words exactly I kid you not. While I applaud her going to a Remembrance ceremony (many do not!) her utter ignorance regarding Canadian history and culture was appalling. Needless to say several vets set her straight. My question is this: What the hell are they teaching in schools these days? My daughters are 10 and 13 and they had never heard of Dieppe or Ortona or Passenedaele or Ypres or Vimy Ridge. I was shocked and had to set them straight myself. I know math and english are important but come on. Schoolkids aren't taught about Dieppe anymore? Are both these instances indicative of a larger problem in our society and an erosion of historical culture. Me thinks.
Last edited:


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
lookingforitallthetime said:
As I understand it, the issue with the Churchill statue is that it's "unattractive". I'm sure Winston could come up with a more biting response to this acusation than I possibly could, so I will leave it at that.

Although Churchill was no Brad Pitt, I peronally find his features more attractive than any multi-coloured moose I've seen.

To quote Eisenhower........" I may not know art, but I know what I like."

Churchill in his later years revelled in the similarities between his appearance facially and that of the stout bulldog.

Luckily Churchill was no Brad Pitt or we would all be under the boot of a very gutteral sounding ruler.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
Canada is made up of immigrants, most of which came here to contribute to a better country, and compare the percentage to 3rd, 4th, 5th generation Canadians is rather high. Lots of them came with nothing, and struggled to make their way. I believe the shift with PET's policies, was the turning point that sold us out as a country. I have no problems with rights and freedoms, but when it becomes the only thing some people think about, then something is wrong. When the Left says you must allow this or that, and yet in the same notion are taking away what is already status quo, then we are headed down the wrong path.

You don't have to agree with everything the Gov't does. That is your right. But this is a relatively young country, and as we've forged our way, we do have a history. For certain Gov't officials to ignore, hide or try to manipulate that history is dead wrong. As posted, you could never get away with what goes on in Canada, in most countries.

The original thought for Nathan Phillips Square was to spend $16M, and now it's up to $40M, with $33M guaranteed to be spent wisely, while the rest is wasted. I've heard a few comments, and read editorials, and I don't want to see a symbol of our freedom removed from where it's stood for 30 years. It was placed there on an agreement. Maybe it's just the bird sh!t, I don't know. With what Toronto City Council has planned, how long before the cenotaphs are considered unattractive?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
jwmorrice said:
Studying history isn't seem as fattening the bottom line so it's not going to be a priority in our present society. As John Ibbitson of the Globe & Mail commented, concerning the educational priorities of the then Harris government, "Rather than expanding the mind, education will now train it." (Feb. 28, 2000)


So what do you figure.....maybe you can still blame everything on Harris for another 10 years ? Hell people would believe that if you say it often enough wouldn't they ? I mean they remember him more than Bill Davis don't they ?

Because that was so off topic I will also add my support to the basic opinion expressed by Pussylicker.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
train said:
So what do you figure.....maybe you can still blame everything on Harris for another 10 years ? Hell people would believe that if you say it often enough wouldn't they ? I mean they remember him more than Bill Davis don't they ?
Poor Mike Harris! He's only been out of power for 4 years. How soon they forget.

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