
King Midas

Dude, WTF?!
May 19, 2006
Toronto, ON
Planning a caribbean excursion during spring break and my friend du jour has expressed a worry about bedbugs. She's terrified of meeting up with them overseas and/or bringing them home with her/us.

What the hell am I supposed to do about this? Call the resort and ask if they have bedbugs? No idea..... :confused:


It's been good to know ya
Take along lots of baby powder and let her sprinkle the room/bed down in lots of baby powder. Negative side is that the room will be very dusty. Positive side is baby powder smells nice.

King Midas

Dude, WTF?!
May 19, 2006
Toronto, ON
Jade4u said:
Take along lots of baby powder and let her sprinkle the room/bed down in lots of baby powder. Negative side is that the room will be very dusty. Positive side is baby powder smells nice.
And -- this is supposed to do what exactly??

King Midas

Dude, WTF?!
May 19, 2006
Toronto, ON
Try to do some research on the hotel via google...Or maybe try Trip Advisor.
The resort I've booked has excellent reviews on Trip Advisor in fact. Many of them recent.

After reading about bedbug infestations everywhere, from student dorms to five-star hotels around the world, she's freaked out. :(


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
If she proves to be a total pain in the ass..........tell her she should be more concerned about what you gave her than bedbugs :eek:


Apr 8, 2004
King Midas said:
What the hell am I supposed to do about this? Call the resort and ask if they have bedbugs? No idea..... :confused:
There are a couple of websites where people (anecdotally) report bedbug infestations. Not an absolute guide but at least you might avoid locations where the bedbugs are known to be.

Google bedbug reports


Jan 31, 2005
Bed bugs are fucking evil, and they have evolved over thousands of years to be highly effective human predators.

They have evolved defenses to deal with ALL of the things we can throw at them, including our attempts to poison them. They are very, very good at eating us and getting away with it.

For example a few of them will wander off hundreds of feet from your bed and hibernate for six months just in case you decide to spray some poison around. After you think you've killed off the colony one of these fuckers will wake up, return to your bed, bite you, lay eggs, and start the whole infestation over again.

Once you have them you simply cannot get rid of them. They are nasty fucks.

They are good at hitching a ride in your suitcase and on your clothes (even the ones you are wearing) and they are resistant to most bug sprays and poisons that you could come up with. They are hard to find in your luggage, etc.

There is only one thing that kills them reliably: Heat.

If you think you have visited a place with bedbugs before returning to your own home:

(1) Throw out everything that you can afford to throw out

(2) Find a way to heat anything you wish to keep. For example, by boiling things or by putting clothes you wish to keep into a dryer and running it at high heat for an extended time so that the close come out scortching hot. Include the clothes you are wearing.

(3) Wipe down anything else with alcohol and visually inspect it for eggs. For example your wallet and credit cards.

In short do not fuck around or take chances because once these things catch a ride with you back to your home you are basically fucked.

Miss Maya Blue

New member
Aug 21, 2003
san francisco
simple precautions like not throwing your clothes on the floor, and keeping your suitcase itself off the floor are good precautions. but honestly, bed bugs are rampant in Toronto too. Lol. no thrift store shopping, or second hand furniture for this girl. you are perhaps no safer staying home then going to a 4 star resort. my thoughts are, if the resort had them, people will be complaining all over trip advisor. being bit while on vacation is something most people wouldn't put up with quietly.


Apr 24, 2005
Miss Maya Blue said:
bed bugs are rampant in Toronto too. you are perhaps no safer staying home
Are there bedbugs in SC's? I went to an SC wearing shorts and sandals and I swore I felt things creeping up my legs.


New member
Apr 1, 2007
Rockslinger said:
Are there bedbugs in SC's? I went to an SC wearing shorts and sandals and I swore I felt things creeping up my legs.
Anywhere there are people, there can be bedbugs and other nasty little critters.


New member
May 29, 2005
fuji said:
There is only one thing that kills them reliably: Heat.
Or cold. Apparently the only sure fire way to kill them is temperature and one way this is done is by putting the affected clothes in a meat freezer. In Canada we have the advantage of winter, so take your clothes and put them outside in freezing temperatures for a couple of days.

The first thing you're supposed to do when you get to a hotel is to lift the mattress; if the bed is infested, you're supposed to be able to see them on the boxspring. As mentioned, don't leave any clothes or bags on the floor; hang everything and put your bags high up on shelves or table tops. I do this in every hotel I stay in nowadays.

I've never had them but a couple of people at work had them so I'm very aware of them now. One of the reasons bed bugs are becoming such an epidemic is they are exploding in countries like India and people bring them back to North America. In India it's so bad, you can apparently get them sitting in a movie theatre.


It's been good to know ya


Not such a newbie
Nov 17, 2008
I wouldn't worry about bedbugs personally. You have JUST as much chance of picking them up in Toronto as in any city in the world right now. I personally know of several of the biggest and most "famous" Toronto hotels throwing out furniture due to bedbug outbreaks. Bedbugs don't concern themselves with hotel ratings or cleanliness...they just follow people from hotel to hotel, to apartments and homes in luggage, clothes etc.

If you DO get bedbugs, as soon as you get home empty your luggage into a washing machine and wash and dry your clothes. This should kill all bedbugs that are on your clothing (the heat while drying your clothes kills most bedbugs). I would leave your bags outside for 24 hours (in your garden or on a balcony if you have one) and I would spray them down with a bug spray (if you look at cans of Raid you will see that some say "bedbugs" on them...but that stuff).

Number one tip though, is if you do get bedbugs in a hotel room, do not panic at all! Don't go to the front desk demanding a new room, as you will merely take them with you to the new room and this will solve nothing. Most hotels don't ever realise that they even have bedbugs as they are VERY difficult to see, especially during the day when housekeeping are at work in the rooms. Most hotels will try and solve the problem for you and help you clean and dry your clothes before they move you to a new room.


Not such a newbie
Nov 17, 2008
tarkovsky said:
Or cold. Apparently the only sure fire way to kill them is temperature and one way this is done is by putting the affected clothes in a meat freezer. In Canada we have the advantage of winter, so take your clothes and put them outside in freezing temperatures for a couple of days.
Actually bedbugs are very hardy creatures and they are much less effected by the cold than to heat. Putting bedbugs in the freezer probably would do much more than ruin your clothes!


Jan 31, 2005
Dr. Know said:
I always carry bug spray and disinfectant spray.
That may help but it is no guarantee unless you have access to some of the sprays that aren't generally available to consumers.

I regularly spray the outside of my luggage with the strongest stuff you can buy in the hopes that they just won't like the taste of it and therefore not crawl on my luggage--but I don't hold out much hope it actually kills them.

The spray approach likely works versus roaches on the other hand.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
Jade4u said:

13. DUSTS - Road dust, talcum powder, Comet® cleanser and many other fine dusts kill insects by desiccation and/or suffocation. Dusts clog the spiracles or breathing holes of insects.
Check out also:




New member
Sep 1, 2006
Here is a great site on bed bug infestations reports across Canada and the US. There is also a section on hotel reports.

It is a big problem in downtown Toronto apartment buildings and it can be very expensive to eradicate an infestation. These little critters have been spreading quite rapidly across North America as they are quite hardy (can live up to a year without a meal) and they can only be killed with certain pesticides (not the common ones you pick up at Home Depot but rather the ones that the local pest control companies have access to).

I had a buddy that experienced an infestion last year and cost him about $3,000 for pesticide fumigation (3x), cleaning supplies and replacement clothes. He also had to toss his bed/mattress and sofa too. He still doesn't have a clue where they came from (he is in a half decent building) but the pesticide company said that they can take root in one apartment and spread from there.

I travel a fair bit on business so I now check my hotel mattress for bed bugs signs before settling in after I arrive. I also take the other precautions as was described by a few other folks.
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