Be Very Carefull.......


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Note the National Post on June 7, 2006. On page 8 they provide the story of a Calgary bussinessman who lost his job because he exercised poor judgement regarding bringing a hooker to his office. While I agree with the premise, that is , lack of good judgement, I still have a problem. Notwithstanding the poor bastard was streswsed and drunk he should not have brought her to his office. But we all make mistakes.

Many women in this hobby insist on you providing real telephone numbers and other personal data ( I had one ask me yesterday to phone from an unblocked number). My point is that you have to be crazy to give any real identity information to these girls. You do not know them and they maybe as crazy as the girl in the paper -- she showed up at his work the following day and exposed him.

I have been excoriated for taking the position that I will not reveal any personil ID to the ladies. I have even been called a criminal for taking precautions to protect myself. Well how would you like it if some nutcase ( there are many in this hobby) got your personal ID and destroyed your life?

My heart goes out to this poor bastard. He made a mistake and is going to pay for it dearly.

Just a word of caution -- be very careful out there and do not be intimidated by aggressive sp's.


It's been good to know ya
I tend to disagree I had one today I insisted call me from an unblocked number. I think you must consider how long a woman has been in business and what you know about her as well. It is a safety feature for some women and if a man can not trust me till now why do I need to see him? I can however understand concerns on both ends of the table, but I also think if a man cannot trust me from now when will I get that trust, so regardless I will let men walk and hopefully one day he will wake up and know "hey this woman is not going no where."

I would think this man must not have gathered enough info on the woman he seen. :(


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Is this the same guy that was talked about on here a few weeks ago? If it is there is a little more to it. The guy was fired not for bringing SP to his office but because he left her alone in an office area that may have compromised security. Was this guy a stockbroker?


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
FalconHawk said:
Many women in this hobby insist on you providing real telephone numbers and other personal data ( I had one ask me yesterday to phone from an unblocked number). My point is that you have to be crazy to give any real identity information to these girls. You do not know them and they maybe as crazy as the girl in the paper -- she showed up at his work the following day and exposed him.

I have been excoriated for taking the position that I will not reveal any personil ID to the ladies. I have even been called a criminal for taking precautions to protect myself. Well how would you like it if some nutcase ( there are many in this hobby) got your personal ID and destroyed your life?
Stacey is right on. Do you have any idea how many nutcases these ladies have to deal with on a daily basis??? Like she said, do your homework on the ladies, if they're established your risk is minimized and if you can't handle the minimal risk I suggest you do not hobby in this business. The ladies have to have a number for their safety in the event something happens. I tend to side with the ladies on this issue after the hundreds of horror stories I've heard from very reputable ladies. :eek:


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Fabulous said:

all I can say is, should've got a room - and ripping off a crackhoe is never a good idea -lol cheapskate

Ah yes same guy. He picked up a crack addict off the street and brought her to his office! HELLO! I mean what did the guy expect? He deserves to have the little backlash that he did... he made a real stupid move. Maybe he was smoking crack too.. That’s why he did it. I say what little backlash because I'm sure he will get another job somewhere. Some firms won't care if he made an error and brought a little entertainment to his office after hours. Not when he is going to book them $MILLONS$ worth of business.

Having said... this particular case IMO has no bearing on the safety of giving some personal info to professional SPs. Whole different situation altogether. Of course there are exceptions to every rule... but for the most part I think it is relatively safe when dealing with SPs who are advertising on Internet or other sources. Not the same as picking up a drug addict off the street at all. Can't compare apples to oranges.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Just goes to show you: one can be intelligent, but not very smart......

There was an interesting thread about privacy in the KW thread a few weeks ago. It caused most of us to re-examine our habits. In KW, we are a little inbred, and we see the same great group of ladies. Even though I know many of these girls by their real names, and see them in their homes, I am still carefull not to divuldge any more info than I "must". That thread is here:

Toronto is an entirely different animal of course. As Stacy pointed out, it`s one thing to give up some info to a well-known SP, who perhaps even spends time here on Terb. I would never give up my last name or telephone number to an agency or an unknown SP. While I appreciate their concerns and respect their right to demand this information, I would simply choose to see someone who does not have the same requirement.

I suppose that this is perhaps another advantage of Terb. I often see women from this Board and the initial contact is by PM. This allows them to confirm that I am in fact "Stoo" and they can learn a bit about me by looking at reviews and other posts. In spite of this, so far, they have all agreed to see me! :p


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Ok. Some good comments even though some of you disagree with me.

I am sticking to my guns!!! Even though I do my research very carefully and extensively I will not let unknown sps have my personal data, even the ones I know very well. I had a recent experience where one started to stalk me. NO not a crack whore from the street but one who advertises on EC. And yes, I slipped and did not follow my own advice regarding security. And, I got caught. I took care of business in the end, let's leave it at that. But, I am single and live alone which made things a little easier. Unfortunately, I am also a relatively high prtofile professional who does not want ANY publicity. Yes I also understand the saftey issue from the sps point of view and I surley do not want anything bad happening to them. BUT, what to do???

Yes the guy from the paper did a REALLY STUPID thing. But don't we all at times?? I breached my own rules because of Mr. Happy going on a rampage and had to sweat it out. The purpose of the post was just to alert you guys to stay awake as we all think with the head between our legs far to much and it can cost you your life!!
TheNiteHwk said:
Ah yes same guy. He picked up a crack addict off the street and brought her to his office! HELLO! I mean what did the guy expect? He deserves to have the little backlash that he did... he made a real stupid move. Maybe he was smoking crack too.. That’s why he did it. I say what little backlash because I'm sure he will get another job somewhere. Some firms won't care if he made an error and brought a little entertainment to his office after hours. Not when he is going to book them $MILLONS$ worth of business.

Having said... this particular case IMO has no bearing on the safety of giving some personal info to professional SPs. Whole different situation altogether. Of course there are exceptions to every rule... but for the most part I think it is relatively safe when dealing with SPs who are advertising on Internet or other sources. Not the same as picking up a drug addict off the street at all. Can't compare apples to oranges.
He blamed it on going thru messy divorce. He sued for wrongful dismissal & won millions.
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