Discreet Dolls

Bareback it's still findable!!!!


Prairie Princess
Dec 23, 2002
So my night last night wrapped up early and I found my self in a bar a few streets away from mine.

Seeing I will only be living in my house a few more days, I guess I was feeling spunky. I had a party at my house, yes coffee tables went flying etc. But you need to do that once in your life, not just always party at others houses.

Point is, girl comes with a few guys, she will only come to my house with me as I took a taxi home and she was dead set about her beliefs of not taking a risk of getting into a car with a drunkdriver. Good on her I thought.

So she picks her mate and the others are fine about it. They shag in my bathroom, then they went to the spare bedroom. in the morning I notice I still have two full boxes of condoms on my bathroom counter, not one was opened. So I asked her, where's the wrappers or the deposables from the condoms they used so I can get rid of them properly. ANd she says "OMG we used nothing, both times, nothing"

So here's a girl, mighty stuck on her beliefs that drinking and driving is not safe, yet a total stranger, I mean stranger in the sense she kept asking me what his name was, would feel totally comfortable with Bareback sex. Remember the boxes of condoms on the shelf in the bathroom which would be a two foot arm reach of effort.

So you might have to pay for a taxi, but in the end, woman are still feeling invinsable. (oh and might ad she is a single mom of FOUR kids) Guess pregnancy isn't a risk ???
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