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Bar/Restaurant Recommendations in Toronto To Socialize and Build Connections


Active member
Jun 16, 2018
To provide some context.

I'm looking for a restaurant/bar where people are willing to sit at the bar and chat with others, rather than just hanging out with the people they came with.

I'm in my mid 30s and socially, I don't have a lot of friends I can randomly call to check out a bar with (many are in committed relationships or financially strapped).

I'm looking to break the repetitiveness of my week (9 to 5, working on my side business, going to the gym) by finding a bar where I can start building rapport and meet new people.

I've been out of the Toronto nightclub/bar scene for so long that I’m unsure of any good spots worth frequenting regularly. Pre-COVID, I used to go to Liberty Village, Sherway Gardens (Joey's, Cactus Club), and occasionally splurge at the rooftop bar at Bisha Hotel. However, I’m not sure how much the scene has changed in these locations since then.

For instance, I visited a new bar on Queen Street a couple of weeks ago on a Thursday night, and while it was packed, it was mostly couples and groups. I ended up just talking to my server throughout my stay.

Can anyone recommend a bar in Toronto where the atmosphere is friendly and conducive to striking up conversations with new people?

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