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bank scammers can suck my cock


Aug 19, 2006
someone cloned my BMO debit card, deposited an empty envelope (claiming there was $1,500) and withdrew $500 from my account (the daily limit). money that wasn't even there.

thankfully the idiots pulled the stunt on a bunch of bmo customers and they were all red-flagged by the bank. i got the call this morning and went in to file the paperwork. they're reversing it now.

if you're with bmo, check your accounts online. they've hit more than a few people.


New member
Oct 13, 2002
How do you think they managed to get hold of your name and card number? Maybe from an ATM transaction receipt that you discarded in the garbage bin near the ATM? It's best not to use those.


Jan 31, 2005
They need the PIN too which means they had 0wn3d an ATM somewhere with a fake scanner and a camera. Cover your hand when you type your PIN and this won't happen to you.

las venganza

Senior Member
Sep 21, 2007
This happened to me as well a few months a go, at a TD bank. They caught the pig fuckers too. LMAO


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
If they have a fake scanner covering the keyboard might not help, but for the more common trick of getting your pin number via the camera, and your card number via some other way this will help.


Aug 19, 2006
I've been racking my brain trying to figure it out 'cuz I almost never use anything other than a bank ATM and am careful with the PIN, but yeah, I have a feeling I know where. The bank filled out a report and if the police or anyone wants a further statement, I'm gonna steer 'em in that direction.

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
This past summer I was at several seminars, 1 was to do with ident theft & credit card and debit card fraud... to long & involved to go into major details on here,it was a 2 1/2 hr seminar, but, bloody amzing is all I can say, everyone walked out of there afraid to use their CC or debit card.

basically , in a nutshell according to the Detective that gave the seminar, Credit card is much safer to use than debit because if CC gets scammed, the CC company is resonsible, if Debit card gets scammed, you personally are on the hook, unless there has been several people linked to the same scam, in other words, if you,re the only one tjhat gets targeted, you're S.O.L

never let your cards out of sight, Detective took a CC from someone in the group, walked away from the crowd up to the podium, came back & returned the card, then he pulled a card reader from his jacket pocket, he said ok, remember when I coughed & rasied my arm? well I swiped this ladies card, so when he connected the reader to the computer, low & behold, he had the CC info from the mag stripe..

Another thing he recomended, do not carry your birth certificate with you, only take the cards that you require, and use a photo copy of your vehichle registration, keep the original in a safe place.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Gentle Ben said:
if Debit card gets scammed, you personally are on the hook, unless there has been several people linked to the same scam, in other words, if you,re the only one tjhat gets targeted, you're S.O.L
Don't think this is correct. You'll probably have an easier time getting your money back if there are other known victims, but you are not responsible for fraudulent transactions against your card unless you did something wrong, ie had your PIN number recorded somewhere where it could be found.

The banks and the whole debit card franchise can not risk losing customer confidence by sticking innocent victims for the losses. The banks simply write these off as a cost of doing business.


Nov 14, 2005
To: LISA ... & all..........

... the one were the card didn't work was the fake clone one. Try to go into a teller & get cash once a week to use. When the banks start seeing declining revenues from their cash cow machines they might get off their fat cat asses & do something. BTW I think the banks should be nationalized.... owned by the people sooo then we can prevent shameless profiteering & vote the slugs out when there is wrong doing! OH lets see in Feb. how many billions in profits the banks report for 2008 :mad:

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I like the idea of photocopying your vehicle ownership.

I have stopped carrying all CC's except one in my wallet. The others are very well hidden in my house and you'd never find them unless you tore the house apart.

My bank cards no longer have the same pin numbers.

I still use my debit card, however, I cover the screen with my hand, or the card now. Looks goofy, you make mistakes, but I do it anyway.

All personal documentation that comes to my house now gets shredded with a cross cut shredder.

Any junk mail with my name on it - I tear off my name and shred that, bin the rest.

Gentle Ben

Senior Member
Jan 5, 2002
drstrangelove said:
Don't think this is correct. You'll probably have an easier time getting your money back if there are other known victims, but you are not responsible for fraudulent transactions against your card unless you did something wrong, ie had your PIN number recorded somewhere where it could be found.

The banks and the whole debit card franchise can not risk losing customer confidence by sticking innocent victims for the losses. The banks simply write these off as a cost of doing business.
my comment was from a Detective that heads up the ident theft/card theft division , I have no personal experience, maybe others can comment.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
In my case when they tapped my bank accounts, I had to go into RBC, fill out a pile of forms, answer a pile of questions, and swear to God that it wasn't me who took the money.

I got my money back in about 2 or 3 weeks.

I never heard from RBC again, nor do I know if I was the only one who was ripped off or if there were others.


Aug 19, 2006
i filled out the forms, got a new card and the old one was cancelled.

and yet two hours later, after all of this, they hit my account again for another $500. and because they 'faked' a deposit, my checking account is now in the negative (because of all this).

welcome to a long weekend from hell.


Mar 5, 2005
evilsgood said:
someone cloned my BMO debit card, deposited an empty envelope (claiming there was $1,500) and withdrew $500 from my account (the daily limit). money that wasn't even there.

thankfully the idiots pulled the stunt on a bunch of bmo customers and they were all red-flagged by the bank. i got the call this morning and went in to file the paperwork. they're reversing it now.

if you're with bmo, check your accounts online. they've hit more than a few people.
yeah, bank scammers can suck his cock, not mine.


Nov 5, 2005
Gentle Ben said:
my comment was from a Detective that heads up the ident theft/card theft division , I have no personal experience, maybe others can comment.
Dr. Strangelove is correct....the bank will reimburse you for someone fraudulently using your card unless you use your pin number irresponsibly - as the doctor alluded to i.e keeping it in your wallet etc.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
here are a couple of things you can do to lower the risk :

1) if you have a visa, sign up for "verified by visa", it's a free service whereby if anyone tries to use your CC number online they cannot without an aditional password only you know.

2) Never use non-bank ATM's. these are responsible for 75% of all compromised cards

3) Contact the bank and ask them to lower the max daily purchase for you.

4) Use amex, they have slightly better security practices


Buff and I got's da stuff
Aug 16, 2003
Gentle Ben said:
basically , in a nutshell according to the Detective that gave the seminar, Credit card is much safer to use than debit because if CC gets scammed, the CC company is resonsible, if Debit card gets scammed, you personally are on the hook, unless there has been several people linked to the same scam, in other words, if you,re the only one tjhat gets targeted, you're S.O.L
I use to fix ABM's so I know a little something about this. Credit cards require your signature for approval that us the very simple reason credit cards are safer than debit cards.

As for cloning cards, there are a bunch of ways to do this. First and most popular is buying a card reader on ebay and double swiping at the POS. A step up from that is modifying the POS terminal to make copies as the customers swipe. You are more likely to get your card cloned at POS terminal than a bank machine.

The ones for bank machines usually involved damaging the card reader with a thin metal strip. So the card would go in a get read but jam getting it out. If you didn't know about the metal strip you would think the machine ate your card. After you give up, someone would collect your card. Of course some one has to shoulder surf your pin from you.

Some of the private ATM machines have been modified so they can copy your card. I never trust those ones. I've never heard of it being done to a major banks unit.

I just use a credit card for all my purchases. I know my ass is covered just in case.

Watch out for the new radio frequency ones. Those ones are weak against strong antennas. It's like wearing a shirt with all your account information. With the right equipment, they can be stolen right out of the air.


Aug 19, 2006
my pin is memorized; destroyed the original copy and had changed it immediately after receiving the first card (and now the new one, with a completely different pin than before). i'm confident i know where my card got dinged, just a matter of proving it.
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