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Bait and switch Kingston


New member
Apr 4, 2005
So guys figured I would help save someone else from this in the area called up asked for the little tiny one in the black tights.i asked to make sure it was that one and described the tats to the lady and was assured she was Bella .I should have known something was up when they are driving a hour to come see me but my little head was thinking for me and is now mad at me hahaha I got the two bigger girls show up telling me the one in leopard was what I wanted.So I didnt want to make a big argument on the porch lol so I thought what to hell take a Bj play with some big tits but I regret it totally what a nightmare hope this don't happen to you .


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I looked at the add over and over and I do not see a tiny one in black tights , they all look BBW to me . I am also not sure what your beef is .


New member
Apr 4, 2005
They took down her pic and put a different one up, she has the playboy bunny tat on the back shoulder .The pic they took down must have been from years ago .i asked for the 5 ft girl weighing around 100 lbs told them what she was wearing and described the tats .She told me the girls name and confirmed it was her so I agreed for a visit.When the both showed up here wanting the money saying this was the girl I wanted ,one of her legs weighed 100 lbs.Later I showed the girl the pics and she told me she did not know who that was at all and I told her they shouldn't trick people like that never know who you will meet.
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