Garden of Eden Escorts

bad poem day This is horrible


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
"The Forest of Sex Work"

In the forest of sex work, where the trees sway
some see a path of shame, while others see a way

to make a living, to earn their keep
society's judgment makes it hard to sleep

The forest is dense, with many paths to take
Some are escorts, while others are dancers to make

but no matter the path, they're all just trees
All trying to survive in this forest, with different degrees

Critics say it's a "red light district," with "prostitutes" on the street
But it's not as simple as that, it's not that neat

Society's judgment is like a storm that brews
It's hard for them to see the forest for the trees, their views

They say it's morally wrong, but who are they to decide
Just like strip mining, it's legal, and it's their right to provide

they say it's exploitative, with "they" taking advantage
not all clients are the same, there are "respectful" and "disrespectful" in this advantage

They say it leads to crime, but that's not always true
Countries that have legalized it, have seen a decrease in crime too

let's work towards a society where they're not stigmatized
Where sex work is seen as work, and not criticized.
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