Backpage Censored in the US


Prima Ballerina
Feb 17, 2011

The government has too much pressure on them right now so to minimize the complications they chose to shut it down. Nothing has been won in court but they are coming up with more evidence.

Many law enforcement agencies are upset with this decision because Backpage is an investigative tool. 73% of trafficked minors were found using Backpage.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Our laws are different in Canada. If anything C36 helped BP out here. Since sex workers are allow to advertise, we are allowed to have advertising avenues.

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
I have CNN on just now and I'm half-watching the Senate hearings for AG nominee Jeff Sessions. There is some discussion around sex trafficking. Sen Feinstein just commented that that industry is now the scond largest (by dollar) crime in the US (second to drugs, I presume?).

I have no idea if that's true, but if it is, and if her idea of "trafficking" is the same as ours (as opposed to the sexwork industry in total) then that's a really disturbing fact. Supposedly, BP is a main instrument of feeding that industry, and of so, then I can understand the pressure to take it down.

Personally, I am having a little trouble believing it, but I could be wrong~

Just looking

May 24, 2010
Our laws are different in Canada. If anything C36 helped BP out here. Since sex workers are allow to advertise, we are allowed to have advertising avenues.
This is so true, but even if it does happen another site will pop up. There is Terb here, and even Craigs list, Redzone. etc. But maybe Canada will not get hit. Time will tell.


The government has too much pressure on them right now so to minimize the complications they chose to shut it down. Nothing has been won in court but they are coming up with more evidence.

Many law enforcement agencies are upset with this decision because Backpage is an investigative tool. 73% of trafficked minors were found using Backpage.
That's a crazy statistic, wow. So now they're in a Catch 22, help law enforcement in sex trafficking or try to stop it by shutting down BP?


help law enforcement with their investigations into sex trafficking*

Raging Light

New member
Aug 15, 2015
Our laws are different in Canada. If anything C36 helped BP out here. Since sex workers are allow to advertise, we are allowed to have advertising avenues.
I was under the impression C36 protects Escorts rights to advertise on their own websites but makes it illeagal for 3rd parties to provide advertising for Escorts in exchange for revenue.


Camel Toad
Nov 19, 2007
Gettin' Licked
From the National Post:

Backpage said in a statement that scrutiny of the site by government officials has made it too costly to keep operating the adult section. The company rejected the subcommittee’s findings, saying the decision was the result of “unconstitutional government censorship.”

“For years, the legal system protecting freedom of speech prevailed,” Backpage said, “but new government tactics, including pressuring credit card companies to cease doing business with Backpage, have left the company with no other choice but to remove the content in the United States.”

The ads for escorts, body-rubs and adult entertainment, many of them including revealing photos as part of the come-on, were a lucrative source of revenue for Backpage, which operates like Craigslist, with users paying to advertise a range of goods and services. Advocates say such advertisements have improved safety for sex workers by allowing them to negotiate services online rather than in the streets. But the National Association of Attorneys General has argued that Backpage and sites like it provide an outlet for people who seek to sexually exploit minors.

Backpage launched in 2004 and expanded significantly six years later when Craigslist shut down its adult advertising section under pressure from law enforcement and Congress. On Monday night, disclaimers appeared on Backpage’s adult section reading “CENSORED” in red letters and “the government has unconstitutionally censored this content.”
Jun 11, 2007
From a blog that I follow:

As sex sellers & sex buyers wake up this morning to find Backpage shuttered, many are upset, some are relieved & most are confused. One thing is for certain however, all have been placed in danger. Is Backpage used to promote prostitution & human trafficking? Yes, absolutely. Does Backpage knowingly profit from illegal activities? Yes, absolutely. Is that wrong? Maybe. It is necessary? Yes.

Why does demand for human trafficking & sex work exist? Because a utopian society where gender/race equality are the norm & diverse expression of healthy sexuality is seen as moral does not exist. This is a world where genders are not equal, where the color of one’s skin still defines one’s worth, where healthy sexuality is repressed for being immoral & where sexual norms vary from region to region. A topic for another day, but the higher the occurrence of normal sexual behaviors being made to seem taboo, the easier it is for truly taboo acts to become acceptable within those psyches. When even masturbation is stigmatized, the slippery slope to pedophilia or rape is surprisingly short.

Humans live in a culture of binary absolutes. If the simplest thing is wrong, then even the most wrong thing is no more wrong. Wrong is wrong, right is right, therefore anything not right is equally wrong. There is a plethora of anecdotal evidence on the increase of more extreme fetishes in cultures where basic healthy sexuality is repressed. See Victorian England, modern Japan, the American South, the Middle East, etc.

To stop adults from buying & fucking children, teach them, from birth, about healthy sexual expression, teach them that homosexuality or submission to a woman is acceptable; teach them that all human beings are deserving of choice & respect. To stop grown men from raping & torturing women, each them, from birth, that all human beings, despite race, creed, gender or color are equal & deserving of equal respect; teach them, from birth, that the size of their penis is completely irrelevant.

To end demand for trafficking & sex work, every single human being on the planet must be mentally, physically & emotionally healthy. Then each of those people must be capable of maintaining a network of personal relationships so as to fulfill any possible personal sexual needs. All people involved must be capable of withholding jealousy & insecurity. Completely unrealistic and therein lies the fallacy & misguided idealism of the “End Demand” movement. Demand will never be ended, so let us instead examine how to manage supply & demand safely.

Backpage is not moral or righteous, they knowingly profit from the misery of others. So do McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, Wells Fargo, Kaiser Permanente & most large-scale for-profit companies. They don’t care about who is buying as long as someone is enabling their Learjet lifestyles. Why is Backpage being punished for demonstrating the same ideals previously lauded in other companies? Because they facilitate the sale of sex, but it has to be more complex than that. Lots of companies make their primary income from sex. Pedophiles & rapist wear Trojan condoms, where is the backlash for that? Gang bangs for the poor trafficked women are being held in Motel 6 rooms, why aren’t they receiving death threats? AT&T allows johns to use their network to call prostitutes, why aren’t they being picketed?

Because as always, there is a double standard. This time it’s the kids. Of course, think of the poor, helpless, child sex slaves that the evil overlords at Backpage are essentially selling via live auction from their living rooms to bespectacled, pot-bellied predators salivating at the tender virginal flesh. What is wrong with adult SWs that they would possibly value their own ability to make a buck over the poor children? (Here’s where I could use a hand, would love to see actual statistics on percentage of ads being placed by adult SW vs underage.) From what I’m gathering, the ad percentage is heavily in adult SW favor. So it is not that the adult SW community is uncaring to the plight of the children, it is that they are rarely, if ever, personally exposed to it. Therefore the need for a safe space to consensually buy & sell sex takes precedence. As for the actual trafficking & underage ads, by taking them away, the predators who run them will get smarter & better at hiding. Vilify & demonize Backpage, but they are doing nothing that cannot be done at the bulletin board of a college campus.

“Better the devil you know, then the devil you don’t.” Backpage is a known quantity. Adult SW use it as a primarily safe space to conduct business. It isn’t a perfect system, bad things happen. That cannot be blamed on the system, but the variables within, i.e. human behaviors. Law Enforcement uses it to track pedophiles & traffickers. There are established patterns which have been allowed to exist to further larger agendas. The awareness of these criminal networks has been fundamental in understanding how they operate, eventually to end them. Until another pops up anyway. The antis do have one thing right, until demand is gone, it’s basically Whac-a-Mole on the traffickers. So knowing where the traffickers & pedophiles are at all times would seem a far more advantageous strategy than scattering them to the wind. Truthfully I’m wondering if this isn’t all just a bit of political theater so that the US government may secure any number of backdoors into Backpage for long term surveillance.

When a known quantity is removed, by default, people eventually move towards unknown quantities, in which there is always larger inherent risk. But not all people will move, only the risk takers. The safe clients, having lost their safe space, will retreat until those quantities are no longer unknown. It will be the unsafe buyers forging new trails & new protocols. It will be them bragging about it on new boards, then finally the safe guys will come back. By shuttering Backpage, anyone advertising there will be forced to entertain those they previously would not have considered. Some can ride out the storm, some can be sanctimonious, but most just need to pay the bills.

Here is the aforementioned danger, when a specific amount of money becomes the primary objective of sex work (surprise, it isn’t for lot of SW!) then it’s any means necessary to achieve that financial goal. If one has to make rent, it’s the 28th, & she’s not even close, is she more likely to take a risky appointment? Sadly yes, maybe she’ll consider working that street corner she heard about but has never actually had to step foot on. Or maybe she’ll just let a man come over who she knows isn’t going to be nice to her. That is human nature, to compromise morals for the sake of personal & familial survival. Again, unknown quantities with unforeseen risks are at play. When accurate risk assessments are impossible due to to a change in variables, (like the shuttering of Backpage,) then more risk are taken and more harm is received.

Aside from the long term goals of human equality, the solution is a return to our previous system. Backpage needs to stand up and fight for free speech, they are legally in the right here. Free speech forums cannot be censored because humanity has deep & pervasive malignancies that it refuses to overcome as a species. The average human being needs to understand the difference between intent & inaction. Backpage doesn’t promote trafficking & prostitution, they simply don’t care enough to stop making money off of it. You can no more malign Backpage for promoting human trafficking than you can your local community bulletin board for suggesting you see that terrible local theatre performance of “Grease.”

Shuttering Backpage will harm the victims that the antis are claiming to protect. Shuttering Backpage will drive previously safe SW & their clients into unknown & riskier territories. These not are solely my opinions, these are the deep-seated beliefs of generations of SW’s. Open acceptance, legally & culturally, of consensual adult sex work will not only not increase the occurrences of pedophilia & trafficking, it will decrease them. Acceptance & promotion of healthy sexual expression will lead to a decline in unhealthy sexual expression.

Just looking

May 24, 2010
help law enforcement with their investigations into sex trafficking*
Its sad that there have been these pimps on their with young girls, but I have found gems on Back Page for years.

Also if they shut it down, some ladies have to pay their bills. The government should take their blinders off, By taking advertising away form SP's how can they make money.

Now the welfare line up will be busy. More strain on the country. The C-36 Bill was a bad idea right from the start. I wonder why our new Government has not changed or revised the bill. ???


Its sad that there have been these pimps on their with young girls, but I have found gems on Back Page for years.

Also if they shut it down, some ladies have to pay their bills. The government should take their blinders off, By taking advertising away form SP's how can they make money.

Now the welfare line up will be busy. More strain on the country. The C-36 Bill was a bad idea right from the start. I wonder why our new Government has not changed or revised the bill. ???
They haven't done anything about because if they revised or reversed any and all of it, it would look morally reprehensible. Just a guess as to why, but who really knows.


Active member
May 10, 2004
Canadian cities still not affected but remember backpage is based in San Francisco so they could apply U.S. laws to Canada too, there is another board called duttslist, not sure if that is operated by craigslist, maybe duttslist will start getting busy? But so few people know about duttslist. There was also an angieslist.

The Massage section under Services is still running and that's where the ads have migrated to. That is sure to be censored next ha ha. Suddenly hundreds of ads under Massage


New member
Dec 16, 2009
Yes this is right. GUYS please know that all the girls I have spoke with will be going to DUTTLIST.COM should backpage in Canada shutdown.
Please spread the word so everybody knows where to go just in case


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
It's just moved to woman/men


Active member
Aug 17, 2014
Yes this is right. GUYS please know that all the girls I have spoke with will be going to DUTTLIST.COM should backpage in Canada shutdown.
Please spread the word so everybody knows where to go just in case
Good to know there are some good alternatives and Duttlist doesn't seem to be proliferated with all the Asian B&S places like backpage (so far at least)


Active member
May 10, 2004
Only problem with duttslist is it's free so it's going to get flooded with ads, so anyone's particular ad will just be "lost".

Some girls are now posting under Massage under Services. Others are posting under Personals but that category is for those seeking relationships so I'm not sure what the reaction will be there.

As for a shutdown in Canada, backpage covers several other countries, if you go to backpage and look at all the other countries it covers like Britain, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, nothing has been touched there, look at Amsterdam, the escorts are gorgeous and there's hundreds of ads.

Backpage might as well shutdown Massage under Services and also Personals, then there will be a complete shutdown. That will get people's attention


New member
Dec 10, 2011
craigslist went through the same thing several years ago. People still post in the "personal" section but they are quickly flagged by people looking for an actual relationship.
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