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Bachelor Party Hostesses & Lady Luck


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Damn it, I was at a stag last night (3 so far in the last month or so).

This one was hosted by Staacked. I attended mostly because I fondly remembered one of the female owners, but she wasn't there. However, the other girls were, and they were pretty enticing when it came to buying raffle tickets.

There was one gal though who reminded me of Candice Cane (it wasn't Candice) but with brunette hair. Her make up gave her a 1940s kind of look, twinky Kate Beckinsdale. Damn she had nice legs and a fantastic ass. Single hugs were $40 (I might have paid $60 for an extra tight one). Towards the end, I bought another bunch of raffle tickets from the aforementioned babe (got tickets from two other hostesses, but not from said brunette up to that time). I did a 'what the fuck' when she announced last call for raffle tickets, cuz I probably wasn't going to win anything or get laid, but I found her too irresistible. She insisted on a motorboard, but I really don't like to do that in public, although she ultimately twisted my arm. So after the motorboard, she gave me a nice hug. I whispered some sweet nothings in her ear but did say, I had my eyes on her the whole night.

Sorry guys, there is no sex story here (I tried to convert a hostess into a sugar-baby once but her pricing was ridiculous), but what followed was a string of good luck towards the end of the raffle announcements: 2 soccer jerseys and a pair of shorts, one mini-bike motorcycle and a 50" Smart TV.

Feeling like I was on a roll, I earnestly checked my lottery tickets today, but only won a few free plays, a few $2 prizes and one $20 payout. No grand prizes. Back to work I guess. But it was a good feeling last night. Seems like putting a bunch of tickets into those little raffle boxes in front of the prizes paid off in the end.

P.S. This isn't a shill for the Staacked company, but they have some hot pics on their website . I'm in love with a new girl there now. Damn she was fine. Damn.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
She's the last gal in their website gallery (sitting on a mini-bike). She wore even shorter shorts last night, if not a panty/g-string. She's so sexy. My lady luck.
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