The Porn Dude

aw, the heck with it...i'll just make it public...for all those medical professionals


Apr 6, 2003
meh ...who really cares...Its a really long ass letter destined for all the professionals in the medical field. So I'll make it public. We're all already embarrassing ourselves in admitting we like to meddle in the sex industry, so I'm not afraid of embarassing myself here to all you insensitive jerks..

here goes...for everyone's interest, curiosity and viewing pleasure.

Who knows what I'll find out by making it available to the public and not keeping it secretive and classified..


I know there's a market for people who want to grow taller. A huge market. Like the industry for weight loss, which is HUGE, considering there's millions of people, no...make that that infinite numbers of people who want to lose fact, pretty much almost every girl wants to lose weight...a pound or two..

The industry for weight loss is enormous. WeightWatchers, weight loss products, weight loss gyms, magazines, weight loss food promising lower calories, no fat...milkshakes that serve as a complete dinner.. There's also an industry for people who want to gain muscle. There's thousands of products out there. Whey Protein, human growth hormone, steroids, magazines.

And the same goes for height. There's a huge potential industry for it. How do i know this? Well, when Human Growth Hormones came out and was announced. People all over, thousands of ADULT men asked if Human Growth Hormone can make them grow. Which the unfortunate answer they got was that the growth plates fuse together and become bone material after 18 years of age. (I asked my doctor the same thing and he gave me the same answer...)

Ha Ha! Don't forget. The response to the desire to gain a few inches by women, have given birth to High heeled shoes. Now, literally almost every woman wears high heeled shoes. Even the tall women wear them. If a woman is 5'10, chances are very likely that she'll still wear high heels on an occasional basis, because the additional height will make her look even better. Now, almost every shoe store sells high heeled shoes and they are sold very very well. A huge business for high heel.

Well, there are some scam sites and hoax formulas and products out there that are trying to tap into people's desire to grow taller. So, already there is a market for it, as small and tiny as it is. Even if the market is totally incapable and false and can not deliver its promises. There is already a market, people making websites promising legitimate products that can make people grow.
( )


"Most people stop growing taller sooon after puberty, but more continue to grow. Researchers are starting to understand the mechanism behind this difference"

Don't know if they're saying that you can continue to grow after puberty and after 18 years of age. Some claim you stop growing at 25. Don't know which is right.

Another example is, in China, alot of people are currently having a height craze. Where they're undergoing surgery on their legs to extend their length. How can normal average citizens afford this? I have no clue. But obviously, there's a huge market that already exists in China for the desire to increase height. And this is how China have pursued the industry to satisfy the mass desire of the populace to increase a person's height

But, my question is, as huge the potential for the market for people who want to lose weight, there's a huge potential market for people who want to gain height, for men and women alike.

And Bovine Growth Hormone came so close, to achieving that. For the entire skeletal structure, every bone grows in syncrony, so that the person, having gained height, doesn't look abnormal, but like any regular tall dude or dudette. So, he passes as if he just continued to grow, no abnormally long legs like surgery would give him the appearance of.

If not for the bone cancer and the extra space in the head, failed growth of the brain to compensate for the additional space, to go along with the bone growth.

My question is, after this long ass essay, are researchers, scientists trying to figure out a way to achieve the ability to make people grow, AFTER they've reached their adult height? And AFTER their growth plates have turned to bone and fused together?

Or have researchers and scientists feel they've already accomplished/achieved this, with the creation/release of Human Growth Hormone made available by doctors to teenagers and children only NOT adults.


Are scientists and researchers trying to accomplish to be able to make it possible for ADULTS to grow? Have you heard of any research or any groups/companies pursuing this at all, in the grapevine? At all? It would be nice to hear of someone, some group, some company whom have ambitions to achieve this. It would make my day a little brighter.

Also, my other question is, do

if a teenager, adolescent or child is given human growth hormones, does that mean the artificially induced, unnatural stimulation of additional height that she isn't genetically designed to have, upon reaching her full artificial height, make her skull too big for her brain, as well? Like you described? Because genetically her brain is only supposed to grow so big, upon full adult size?

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
There is a proven treatment that is widely used, primarily on "little people" to make them average height. But it is pretty drastic. They saw through your leg bones and put them in a rack which has the bone ends very close together, but not touching. In that situation, bone will grow to fill the gap. As the bone grows, they crank the rack to keep the ends slightly apart, so the bones keep growing. In the documentary I saw, they took a teenage girl from about 4'4" to 5'4". It is obviously most appropriate when you have short legs, as opposed to a short torso.

The disadvantages are:
- It is time consuming, involving months confined to a bed.
- It is extremely painful.
- It is expensive.
- They might not allow you to do it in Canada, for cosmetic purposes, you might have to go to China or India to be able to afford it.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
Bovine Growth Hormone (Bovine somatotropin) causes female cows to produce more milk. It doesn't actually have any (proven) effect on the cow's overall size (length, height, weight etc).

Having said that there's no scientific reason a human growth hormone couldn't eventually be isolated. What's more likely though is some form of gene therapy that turns your "growth gene" back on so you start to sprout again. To my knowledge though, there is no current treatment regimen other than the rather extreme method outlined by C Dick above that would make a person grow. Even the method above isn't really making someone grow so much as it is stretching a person out in the legs.

On the marketing front, I see nothing silly nor necessarily embarrassing about this. In general humans have been growing taller with time - just visit a pioneer village from the 1700s / 1800s and you'll see what I mean. But while (western) society doesn't hold out the same sort of vanity for height as they do weight, there are unquestionaly a lot of people who would want to be a bit taller than they are now.


Apr 6, 2003
C Dick said:
In the documentary I saw, they took a teenage girl from about 4'4" to 5'4". It is obviously most appropriate when you have short legs, as opposed to a short torso.
Yeah. I don't know if it was you. But someone told me this. And this is what I find extremely interesting. So in my position. I'm 5' if i did the same thing...I would be 6'

C Dick said:
The disadvantages are:
- It is time consuming, involving months confined to a bed.
- It is extremely painful.
- It is expensive.
- They might not allow you to do it in Canada, for cosmetic purposes, you might have to go to China or India to be able to afford it.
If you look at how hair loss was treated, before Rogaine, Minoxidal came out. You'll see many similarities. Hair loss, before Rogaine, was treated with surgery also. Hair transplantation. Which can be considered a surgical procedure.

Let's look at the procedure, before the easiest, simplest task of applying Rogaine liquid topical solution upon your head came along.

Hair transplantation was time consuming, involving numerous visits which the professional applied individual strands of hair into your head, sometimes requiring scary, messy stitches procedure.

The tedious Hair transplantation procedure could be considered extremely painful.

Also, lastly and not the least importantly, the hair transplantation procedure was not only very inconvenient and a very difficult task to undergo, for any individual, but it most especially, it was extremely expensive.Many professional hair transplantation procedures ranged about 1000 or more?

Now there's word of a new version of Rogaine that is 1000 times more effective, more powerful and 1000 times more promising,better results? When is it scheduled/dated to come out, btw? Anyone know?

But yeah. It is time consuming. With the idea of months confined to a bed not being very ideal, attractive, appealing or convenient. You're pretty much giving up a year of your life. But then again, there's the rest of your life, which is if you're 30, one year lost won't be so bad when you're going to live till who knows how long, till your 100? They say that we're going to be able to live alot longer, perhaps past the age of 100....120? 50 years ago, we couldn't imagine living to our 100's. Yet, people are now living past that. So, in another 20 years, we might be living past 100 mostly.

And many people get sentenced to 1 year imprisonment or months serving jail, if they could use that time appropriately, they could be inches taller.

But, they allow breast enhancement, nose jobs in Canada. Why not this?

If you have to go to india or china to afford it, how much does it cost in China? Cause I heard that ALOT of people in China are doing it. So, if its 400,000 in Canada. What is the price in China? 10000? Cause apparently alot of people can afford it.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Short mans syndrome is a real condition that causes men who believe they are too short to try to be taler or compensate for their height by excessive body buildin. Face it not everyone s going to be 6'3". If you can accept this you can accept more of what life has to offer.


Apr 6, 2003
papasmerf said:
Short mans syndrome is a real condition that causes men who believe they are too short to try to be taler or compensate for their height by excessive body buildin. Face it not everyone s going to be 6'3". If you can accept this you can accept more of what life has to offer.

Yeah. Its called the Napoleon Complex.

Dustin Hoffman went into therapy. I don't know how long. but it sounded like months or maybe years of therapy for being significantly short.

But the question of this entire thread is not if there is a procedure, operation, treatment, cure for short height.

The question of this entire thread is, are they pursuing a medical solution for short height? That is more effective and more convenient than the surgery to extend your legs, the one that keeps you confined to a bed for months. Are any companies, scientists trying to achieve a genuine medical height-gaining product, like rogaine or minoxidal that can either be injected into the body or ingested?

The question is, does any companies, scientist have any amibitions to pursue that kind of thing, considering there is a potentially HUGE market for it?

Like these guys, claimed to have done?

( )

But for adults, after the growth plates have fused to bone. After you have past the age of maximum growth?

Any research being done in pursuit of this product?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Dash said:
But the question of this entire thread is not if there is a procedure, operation, treatment, cure for short height.

being short is not a disease. It is genetics. Now if you are ashamed of your family and heritage I guess the problem is in your head not your genes.


PI: Privates Investigator
Feb 1, 2004
Living large on the harbour.
great bear said:
Scientists believe this is a growing problem.
The Bear is back!!!!! (But not bare-back! :eek: )


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
great bear said:
Scientists believe this is a growing problem.

Medically speaking finding the cure for "shortness" would be a tall order. A bit of a stretch perhaps.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
This thread is turning into one of the frequent Terb breast implant threads, where someone posts that she wants implants, and a bunch of guys have to jump and and say "no, I love small tits, you are insecure". To me, if Dash wants to be taller, I accept that at face value, I am not his Dad to be saying he shouldn't.

That being said, I would think that a height pill is some way off, adults are meant to grow hair, so reactivating hair growth should be relatively simple. But adults are not designed to grow taller. There are syndromes that cause excess hair growth, but none that cause adults to start getting taller. So I think it will be a while before generic engineering gets to that stage. There is probably a decent size market for it, though nothing like weight loss, which should also be way easier.

So my guess would be that by the time there are pills to make men taller, Dash's dating days will be over. So I would go for the stretching rack. I don't know how much it might be, it is basically one relatively simple surgery, months of hospital care and doctor monitoring, and then probably months of physio. So it could be affordable in India, some Googling should be able to find something. Now that my curiosity is piqued, I may take a look for it, I will report back if I find anything.


Jan 4, 2005
I'm very short (5'4"), and know how bad it is. But, you know what? There are a million worse things that you can have than shortness.

Everything is relative. If it weren't for us shorties, the taller people wouldn't be tall, they'd be short!

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Good article about the surgery. They say you can grow 1mm per day = 1 inch per month. And you do not need to be in hospital, you can be at home / Indian flophouse.

Apparantly is was common in China, but they banned it. I also found this gem:

Where a guy seems to be seriously considering chemical castration in order to cure his .... hair loss. Someone needs to examine his priorities, I would say.


Apr 6, 2003
stinkynuts said:
Everything is relative. If it weren't for us shorties, the taller people wouldn't be tall, they'd be short!
Yeah. I'll remember to try using that argument on the next really tall, really beautiful blonde, brunette, or redhead I encounter in a club, or bar...

Who knows, it might just win her over..and make her overlook my significantly shorter height compared to hers..


Apr 6, 2003
Strongbeau said:
I've always maintained that any perceived disadvantage with respect to height, weight, age, sex, race, IQ, mammarian or penile dimension - or any number of similar discriminatory factors - is amply mitigated by a fat wallet.
This. Is a pretty powerful argument. I don't know. I'm sure money does make for a strong attractive trait/quality in a man, that can make up/overlook his other qualities that might lack. But I don't know if its strong enough to be achieve the desired effect. To make a woman blind to other lacking qualities.Whatever they might be.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Strongbeau said:
I've always maintained that any perceived disadvantage with respect to height, weight, age, sex, race, IQ, mammarian or penile dimension - or any number of similar discriminatory factors - is amply mitigated by a fat wallet.
If you look at Dash's history almost all of his threads he has started it is about his height or lack there of. It seems he gets the same advise every time. Accept what you can not change and don't let it stop you from going after the hotties that you want.
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