Toronto Escorts

Avoid with passion


Active member
Mar 13, 2016
you get what you pay for....160hr is below the standard...


I did a review on this "operation" last year or maybe 2 years ago. The girl I saw was not as old but the older one was there when I arrived and left. My girl claimed she was her "sister" and owned the biz. Sister to these girls could mean cousin or simply friend, they always say sister due to the appeal some guys have about nailing siblings. Those pics are the girl I saw, or a very good representation.

I actually had a decent time but she rushed me out early. When I called her on it she said "45 minutes is an hour to a Chinese girl" or something to that effect. I laughed at her which made her very mad and she was screaming at me as I walked out. Pissed me off but was funny as hell at the same time. Could have been worse, I got the pretty one and got my rocks off. I've only heard about the not so pretty Tina recently so be warned.... again! Every so often a post comes up about this place, guys need to search on "Somerset" or "Tina".
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