
New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
My ideas/thoughts and tips.

WE NEED private escort board, place where we can talk freely and SHARE possibly LIFESAVING INFORMATION with one another, in a private, comfortable, safe setting.
KNOWLEDGE is POWER!!!!!!!!!!!
Something that is owned and operated like a cooperative...not by one person.
For us by us!
Inclusive (incall, outcall, agency, independants, shemales, street ladies, etc)
Maybe we can select/vote board members.
Report ALL assualts.

We can ALL pay for the set up and running and maintenance of the board by a yearly memebership fee.

I encourage ALL escorts to have check in /out person at the very minimum. This person must have your clients FULL contact information. THIS IS A MUST! Writing the info on a piece of paper or computer is not enough.

Take a self defense course

NEVER, EVER let you guard down....

VERIFY, VERIFY, VERIFY and verify again.
Have a panic button .

Only work in buildings with a 'working' well maintained videosecurity system.

Take care of yourselves and each other ladies!
Last edited:

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Perhaps Fred Zed would give us a ladies only section........

I however agree....hysteria will solve nothing.

Twinkle relax hunny.


Sr Member
May 9, 2003

have we figured out a way yet to distinguish the sexes on a chat board?????

........if the "animal" happens to be a male that is.

all the other suggestions about verifiying i.d., working with partners, sticking with agencies etc are obviously solid ideas.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
I think on terb most of the ladies are known.
It seems to me that, if I were in the business, I would prefer a ladies-only board to be run by someone out of the business. Not Fred, not a colleague, due simply to conflict-of-interest and continuity concerns. No offense intended, Fred! "Maggies" comes to mind, for instance. The board moderator could ensure that things were kept on-topic and assign passwords after verifying identities. This would be a logical extension of the "outreach" programmes mentioned in laurelg@maggies` profile. I would suggest that such a board be part of a website providing general information to girls in the industry, but that`s a more ambitious project.

I rather think you could get City funding for this, especially if it was done as an "add-on" by an established group. Boards and bandwidth are relatively cheap - the major expense would be the time of the moderator - say 1 hr/day?

Incidentally, I suggest that passwords be renewed monthly (just via computer, no need to get the moderator involved) in order to make things a little more difficult for the boyfriends/pimps/psychotics who will inevitably get access every now and then.


New member
Jun 6, 2003
planet earth
midLifeCrisis said:
Incidentally, I suggest that passwords be renewed monthly (just via computer, no need to get the moderator involved) in order to make things a little more difficult for the boyfriends/pimps/psychotics who will inevitably get access every now and then.
Excellent idea, Midlifecrisis!

If I a seem a overly paranoid that is only because I am privy to 'some' information about the case(s) that the general public is not aware of!


New member
Mar 25, 2003
I read this thread with some interest, thinking it might provide me with additional information/tips on how best to protect myself. However, I found that the advice given concerns, for the most part, practices that most of us already have in place . I also considered it to be somewhat panicky and I'm sorry to say this Twinkle, there seems to be some "scaremongering".

I have come to the conclusion that, apart from limiting my incall clientele to previously seen gentlemen, it's best to carry on business as normal, which includes passing on the details of my "assignations" to a trusted third party and calling them after all appointments to inform them that I am safe. Kudos to Allison's Angels who taught me well and for whom the safety of their Angels was definitely more important than the mighty dollar.



New member
Sep 14, 2003
i am sorry for not responding to these threads sooner, for you people have so many great ideas!
this message board for sex workers only i think is necessary for we need a forum for us to feel safe to talk freely. as far as Maggie's being mod and hosting it, that is very much possible.
we are going to be rebuilding our website, so i will take this idea (and any others people wish to share with me) to my colleagues.
now to acknowledge other things in this post...
i understand that this is an extremely stressful time but please don't be at each others' throats! i can see both sides of the coin; we do need to be clear headed and aware, but it is also to easy to get frightened. that said, we all need to try and stay grounded.
now, if there are sp's out there who feel they should share info about a client they are suspicious of, chances are their gut is right. i am not promoting taking away clients' rights to privacy, but i am promoting safety for us.
if any of you ladies have someone you are wary of but are not sure if you should report it, or don't feel safe dealing with the police, call us at Maggie's. we are here for you and we will do anything in our power to help you make an informed decision or with anything else.
there are many excellent people who see sp's that would never hurt a fly, but there are a few assholes out there who will. and since people who work in the sex industry are shunned by society at large, it is our place to stand up for our rights and protect ourselves.
i would also like to state that people who see sp's or just concerned people who are for the rights of sex workers, we need you too! we appreciate your help in the struggle for equality and dignity!

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
twinkle said:
My ideas/thoughts and tips.

WE NEED private escort board, place where we can talk freely and SHARE possibly LIFESAVING INFORMATION with one another, in a private, comfortable, safe setting.
KNOWLEDGE is POWER!!!!!!!!!!!
Good idea in theory but it didn't turn out to be so good once established.

We had a board like this once already, the only thing most girls found out was that there are quite a few girls in the industry that can't keep their mouths shut and were letting clients actually read the board with their login and passwords.
There were girls telling clients or non clients that their names were on the bad client list and in some cases telling the "gentleman" who put thier name there.

Some girls were found out and banned from the board, but realisticly if you ban one for being a big mouthed b*tch there will be another one to take her place.

It is really too bad some girls feel they need to do crap like this just to get attention from men, or backstab the competition.
Otherwise it would be a wonderful idea.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
The immediate problem is that there are one or more killers out there . Is the psych profile of such a person one of a series of incidents of physical abuse that escalates into killing or of a "Ted Bundy " type that you never hear anything about until he kills ?

The defense mechanisms would be different I think .
Re: Re: ATTENTION ESCORTS: WAYS of PROTECTING Ourselves and One Another

Sasha Jones said:
there are quite a few girls in the industry that can't keep their mouths shut and were letting clients actually read the board with their login and passwords.
There were girls telling clients or non clients that their names were on the bad client list and in some cases telling the "gentleman" who put thier name there.
This is bad, but is it really a deal-breaker? Does it really outweigh the advantages of having such a board? In some cases, someone knowing that his behaviour had (or could!) put him on the bad-client list might actually work as a deterrent. The worst possibility I can see would be someone putting Joe-Gentle-Generous-Millionaire on the list in order to enhance her chances of having him repeat.

If I were moderator of the board (and no, I'm not campaigning for the job!) I would counsel all new registrants to use handles other than their real or work names.
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