Atlanta SC


Jan 19, 2002
I will be travellng to Atlanta for business over the next several weeks. I was hoping to visit one or two of their fine establishments. Any recommendations? I will be located in the Buckhead area (NW) of Atlanta.

Thanks folks

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Ontario is not bad for US strip club reviews. The famous Gold Club is out of business now, I got stung for $400US a few years ago. There are a group of clubs together that I enjoyed, the only name I recall is Cheetah. There is also a club with a pool where you can interact with the girls outside, it was closed due to rain when I was there, but I intend to check it out next time. Dancing in Atlanta is odd, at least when I was there. The dancers sit and talk to you, ask you if you want a dance, you say yes. They then do a single $5 air dance right there, and move on to the next customer. It was not just me, it was everyone, its not like I was offending them or anything. YMMV. Good luck.

Connie Lingus

New member
Feb 3, 2002
Well C Dick, glad to see I wasn't the only one to get stung at the Gold Club. Well, not actually stung. After an hour in the champagne room ($$$$), got 2 hotties to go back to the hotel with me but fees for this and that kept adding up. Being young, horny and naive, I spent a bundle for a lousy f*ck.

I second the motion on The Cheetah. Directions are on their web site,

Been a while since I've been to Atlanta. Another one, if still open was the Pink Pony. If it's still there, the Mardi Gras, across from the Holiday Inn at the northwest beltway.

Oh, look what I just found (maps/direction):

Lol, just found a "Roosters Barnyard" on the list. Wonder what crowd they cater to? LMAO!!

Tuscl's a good resource too.

Is that what there dances degraded to? Used to be US$10 where the girl danced naked next to you or literally on top of the table. Word of warning ... don't touch unless in a private area.

Yellow Fever

Senior Member
Oct 19, 2001
Over the Border
Was down there a couple weeks ago, there is this one strip in Buckhead where there are string of SC. My buddies & I went in.
(sorry forgot the name) Big classy place, a couple of bars and 1 main stage, immediately I approached by a bunch of shooter girls,
They asked us if where we are from, we said upstate NY. Then they asked us if we ever go to the SC in NF? We said we practcally live there!! They went on to say that we'll be disappointed in the SC in Atlanta b/c the mileage is low. The girls were pretty, I've seen better at Sundowners, no tipping on stage... Bouncers everywhere. crowd is very quiet, too quiet. My advice go have a couple of drinks, then head to the many Asian MP in the area, the girls are gorgeous down there.
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