Toronto Escorts

Associate of trump campaign, Peter Smith gave interview to WSJ re COLLUSION!

Baller Time

I can't remembe..Romnesla
Dec 13, 2011
Days after Peter Smith gave this interview to the WSJ's Shane Harris.................He killed the suicide note he said that there was no foul play in his death? Ummmm hmmmmmm

Peter W. Smith, GOP operative who sought Clinton's emails from Russian hackers, committed suicide, records show

In late June 2017, the Wall Street Journal published a story about a longtime Republican political operative from the Chicago area. His name was Peter Smith and the story focused on Smith’s possible connections to the Trump campaign and Russian hackers. Here’s how it unfolded. (Jonathon Berlin / Tribune)
Katherine Skiba, David Heinzmann and Todd LightyContact ReportersChicago Tribune
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A Republican donor and operative from Chicago's North Shore who said he had tried to obtain Hillary Clinton's missing emails from Russian hackers killed himself in a Minnesota hotel room days after talking to the Wall Street Journal about his efforts, public records show.

In a room at a Rochester hotel used almost exclusively by Mayo Clinic patients and relatives, Peter W. Smith, 81, left a carefully prepared file of documents, which includes a statement police called a suicide note in which he said he was in ill health and a life insurance policy was expiring.

Days earlier, the financier from suburban Lake Forest gave an interview to the Journal about his quest, and it published stories about his efforts beginning in late June. The Journal also reported it had seen emails written by Smith showing his team considered retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, then a top adviser to Republican Donald Trump's campaign, as an ally. Flynn briefly was President Trump's national security adviser and resigned after it was determined he had failed to disclose contacts with Russia.

At the time, the newspaper reported Smith's May 14 death came about 10 days after he granted the interview. Mystery shrouded how and where he had died, but the lead reporter on the stories said on a podcast he had no reason to believe the death was the result of foul play and that Smith likely had died of natural causes

Baller Time

I can't remembe..Romnesla
Dec 13, 2011
Days after Peter Smith gave this interview to the WSJ's Shane Harris.................He killed the suicide note he said that there was no foul play in his death? Ummmm hmmmmmm

Peter W. Smith, GOP operative who sought Clinton's emails from Russian hackers, committed suicide, records show

In late June 2017, the Wall Street Journal published a story about a longtime Republican political operative from the Chicago area. His name was Peter Smith and the story focused on Smith’s possible connections to the Trump campaign and Russian hackers. Here’s how it unfolded. (Jonathon Berlin / Tribune)
Katherine Skiba, David Heinzmann and Todd LightyContact ReportersChicago Tribune
Privacy Policy

A Republican donor and operative from Chicago's North Shore who said he had tried to obtain Hillary Clinton's missing emails from Russian hackers killed himself in a Minnesota hotel room days after talking to the Wall Street Journal about his efforts, public records show.

In a room at a Rochester hotel used almost exclusively by Mayo Clinic patients and relatives, Peter W. Smith, 81, left a carefully prepared file of documents, which includes a statement police called a suicide note in which he said he was in ill health and a life insurance policy was expiring.

Days earlier, the financier from suburban Lake Forest gave an interview to the Journal about his quest, and it published stories about his efforts beginning in late June. The Journal also reported it had seen emails written by Smith showing his team considered retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, then a top adviser to Republican Donald Trump's campaign, as an ally. Flynn briefly was President Trump's national security adviser and resigned after it was determined he had failed to disclose contacts with Russia.

At the time, the newspaper reported Smith's May 14 death came about 10 days after he granted the interview. Mystery shrouded how and where he had died, but the lead reporter on the stories said on a podcast he had no reason to believe the death was the result of foul play and that Smith likely had died of natural causes
Any insurance salepeople here? Don't life insurance policies have a "suicide clause"?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So he was after emails related to Clinton....and mysteriously died?

Heard that one before. Lots of people die whenever they try to uncover the dirty Clinton dealings.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
So he was after emails related to Clinton....and mysteriously died?

Heard that one before. Lots of people die whenever they try to uncover the dirty Clinton dealings.
I hope Clintons go to jail both husband and wife and daughter too!

Baller Time

I can't remembe..Romnesla
Dec 13, 2011
So he was after emails related to Clinton....and mysteriously died?

Heard that one before. Lots of people die whenever they try to uncover the dirty Clinton dealings.
So the Clintons are killing people 7 months after she lost the election?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So the Clintons are killing people 7 months after she lost the election?
Who else would NOT want the emails to come to light? Who knows what else they implicate them in.
Toronto Escorts