Interesting thing I noticed this past week. With virus going around Ive been pretty much staying in with the exception of groceries. I usually go
for a drive couple of times a week to get out. Ive noticed that alot of the Asian places are not only closed but have been gutted. My guess cleaned out
at night so not to pay rent. Of the ones in Stoney creek the only one is Seawater doesnt seem to be emptied. Which works for me since its become one of
my favorites. Another one I use to check out on Main West is gutted also. Will be suprised to see where and if some of the places relocate. Thinking it
might be a rough year for some of these girls with no one working. All I know I hope this damn thing ends soon because I could use a massage lol.
Stay safe
for a drive couple of times a week to get out. Ive noticed that alot of the Asian places are not only closed but have been gutted. My guess cleaned out
at night so not to pay rent. Of the ones in Stoney creek the only one is Seawater doesnt seem to be emptied. Which works for me since its become one of
my favorites. Another one I use to check out on Main West is gutted also. Will be suprised to see where and if some of the places relocate. Thinking it
might be a rough year for some of these girls with no one working. All I know I hope this damn thing ends soon because I could use a massage lol.
Stay safe