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Arrest made in Barbados following death of Ottawa woman


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Mar 23, 2009 05:40 PM

OTTAWA – Police in Barbados have reportedly made an arrest in the mugging and assault of two Canadian women last month that led to the death of one of the victims.

Sixty-year-old Terry Schwarzfeld of Ottawa died in a city hospital last week from injuries she sustained in the Feb. 28 attack.

She and her daughter-in-law Luana Cotsman were walking along a secluded beach when they were robbed and beaten by a man wielding a piece of wood.

Reports say police in Barbados arrested a 24-year-old man on the weekend, and he was allegedly found with items that belonged to the two women as well as a fake firearm.

A Barbadian investigator plans to travel to Canada to complete the investigation.

Police in Barbados had offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.


I always thought Barbados was the "safe" island for tourists.


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
alexmst said:
Mar 23, 2009 05:40 PM

OTTAWA – Police in Barbados have reportedly made an arrest in the mugging and assault of two Canadian women last month that led to the death of one of the victims.

Sixty-year-old Terry Schwarzfeld of Ottawa died in a city hospital last week from injuries she sustained in the Feb. 28 attack.

She and her daughter-in-law Luana Cotsman were walking along a secluded beach when they were robbed and beaten by a man wielding a piece of wood.

Reports say police in Barbados arrested a 24-year-old man on the weekend, and he was allegedly found with items that belonged to the two women as well as a fake firearm.

A Barbadian investigator plans to travel to Canada to complete the investigation.

Police in Barbados had offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.


I always thought Barbados was the "safe" island for tourists.
It is...and unlike some islands I suspect they will have no problem getting a conviction. Beating up tourists usually is BAD for business and Barbados wont want this publicity getting worse....


Apr 24, 2005
Sure, just like the two guys in Bahamas arrested and charged with raping and murdering Becky Middleton. Just like that guy in Aruba arrested for murdering Natalie Holoway. Island justice is a joke.


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
Rockslinger said:
Sure, just like the two guys in Bahamas arrested and charged with raping and murdering Becky Middleton. Just like that guy in Aruba arrested for murdering Natalie Holoway. Island justice is a joke.
Wrong.... Island LAW is a joke..... Just like it is everywhere else LAW & Justice have next to no relation.

It's not like these scumbags can't be located. Hiring OTHER scumbags to do what the law over there SHOULD have done wouldn't be hard or expensive.

Justice can be had if you want it badly enough.... especially in the 3rd world.


Apr 24, 2005
themexi said:
Hiring OTHER scumbags to do what the law over there SHOULD have done wouldn't be hard or expensive.
I heard this is what happened in Thailand. Apparently, this woman lent a rather large sum of money to a Canadian guy who refused to repay her. She didn't call the police. Canadian guy is dead.

My boss the "Big Guy" grew up on the mean streets of Parkdale. He said that down there your word is your bond. If you ever broke your word, "street justice" would be swift and painful.


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
Rockslinger said:
I heard this is what happened in Thailand. Apparently, this woman lent a rather large sum of money to a Canadian guy who refused to repay her. She didn't call the police. Canadian guy is dead.

My boss the "Big Guy" grew up on the mean streets of Parkdale. He said that down there your word is your bond. If you ever broke your word, "street justice" would be swift and painful.

Goddamn right. As I said... the families of these victims could have proper justice tomorrow if they cared about it more than being lawful.

I'd like to think my family cares about me more than some abstract concepts put to paper by people who don't give a shit about anything other than maintaining control........ Actually.... I'm %100 confident of it.

If there weren't laws to protect them how long do you suppose peolpe like Madoff & the other swindlers would last? Would they have even TRIED to pull that bullshit if instead of a few years in jail they were looking at a public kicking to death along with their families? At the very LEAST, they would have less of their ill gotten gains to spend on yachts & so on because they would have to spend so much on security to remain alive & in hiding.

Neighborhoods could actually hire peacekeepers that would actually ANSWER to them & work along with them to keep themselves SAFE instead of just showing up after the fact & charging a home defender with excessive force.

All Laws do is keep the meek in line. Decent people don't need them & crooks couldn't function as well as they do Without them.

We'd ave fewer criminals, welfare cases & otherwise unfit people if the productive could only drive them off or permanently remove them.

I'll take me, my family & my friends armed & free of the fear of prosecution to keep us safe from harm & theft over an ARMY of cops & their laws any day.


Apr 24, 2005
themexi said:
If there weren't laws to protect them how long do you suppose peolpe like Madoff & the other swindlers would last?
Apparently, one of Madoff's victims is the Russian mob and they have a contract on him. Apparently, one of Stanford's victims is the Mexican drug cartel.


Apr 24, 2005
alexmst said:
I always thought Barbados was the "safe" island for tourists.
Becky Middleton was raped and murdered in Bahamas. Natalie Holloway disappeared in Aruba. Now Barbados. I'm thinking that maybe Cuba and/or Jamaica are safer.


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
Rockslinger said:
Apparently, one of Madoff's victims is the Russian mob and they have a contract on him. Apparently, one of Stanford's victims is the Mexican drug cartel.

Good to see some people take Justice more seriously than mere law. When they happen I hope there's lots of pictures to show the rest of the bankers.
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