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Are you better off as a country since Trudeau and liberals won the last minority government


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2023
The recent polls are as follows: Many are dissatisfied with the way specific federal competencies have been managed. At least three in five say the Canadian economy (67 per cent, up 19 points), taxation (61 per cent, up 28 points) and health care (60 per cent, up 31 points) are worse now than before Trudeau took office. Almost half also think national unity (49 per cent, up 19 points), public safety (48 per cent, up 25 points) and Canada’s reputation in the world (46 per cent, up 24 points) have decayed since 2015.

what has your experience been?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
what has your experience been?
One experience that has brought me mini comfort is the climate
refund deposited in my bank account. I understand that wouldn't
improve the climate a bit but extra money is always welcomed.

Damage inflicted by Trudeau and his Liberals on our nation is not
for me to repair. If he wins again in 2025 I will feel sorry for the younger
generation. They are the ones who will have to pay off our debt. As
far as my interest is concerned business will carry on as usual.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Inflation is still a major issue, but that's largely now rising oil$gas prices and climate change induced grocery hikes.

Housing is screwed, but that's also global. To fix it you either burst the bubble and destroy home owner asset values or try to lower interest rates so people can buy again, but that risks another bubble.

Health care is provincial, where ER's are closing or have massive lines, family doctors are closing because they can't afford to practice and nurses are leaving to work elsewhere or for private contractors, leaving hospitals staffed with temporary foreign workers.

Taxes are up but need more capital gains taxes or taxes on the wealthy as the divide between rich and poor keeps getting worse.

Public safety is a media created issue, its not really any worse than it has been. The only difference is that there are more homeless people, since housing and social safety nets are being cut.
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Well-known member
May 21, 2002


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Is this a joke question? Take a look around.
Take a look at all occidental countries...

The rich are eating us.

And us keep adulating them thinking the bad guy is our government... When our government is at the mercy of the rich.

As regular people we are fucked in the ass without looking who's fucking us.
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
I'll put it like this. I make more money but I'm no better off.

Before 2015, you could be somewhat ok in the lower-middle. But now, it's rough.

Even when I go to the walk-in clinic or hospitals, I can see the frustrations in the face of doctors.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I'll put it like this. I make more money but I'm no better off.

Before 2015, you could be somewhat ok in the lower-middle. But now, it's rough.

Even when I go to the walk-in clinic or hospitals, I can see the frustrations in the face of doctors.
And the only people doing better are the rich.
So why would you target the poor?
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