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Are SC really worth it?


Jun 12, 2007
I know its a nice place to relax and just look at girls after a long day of work or some other personal problems. But in terms of money, is it really worth it?

1 dance = $20 = 3 minutes tops

If you had a stripper for 1hr that comes to $400 which is roughly the price that a high end escort in Ottawa charges but you get to pretty much do anything with the escort rather than the stripper.


No right answer

This has been debated before and there's no good answer. That said, I'll give you a crappy answer.

It depends what you want. Some guys like to look at pretty girls but don't want to cross the line into proper debauchery. So SC would be wonderful for them. But for the majority of hobbyists on a board like this it is a waste of money, unless you go to get warmed up a bit before seeing an SP. All you have to do is see how many posts are about SC compared to other more "rewarding" activities.

So my answer is no, not worth it to me. :p
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Active member
Sep 13, 2005
SC are only worth it if you are with a bunch of guys and you want the eye candy while having a beer. You can easily spend $100 in the CR in 20 min. For the same price you can go to an MA, get a rub, feel up some titties and get a realease on top of that. For me it's the best deal going. Haven't been to a SC in years.


Mar 25, 2007
S.C.s and escorts are of course, two separate things. Both are great in their own right. Sometimes you don`t really feel like going the whole `nine yards`. I`ve always liked the atmosphere of a club. Just sit back, down a few brewskies, watch the game on the tv between dances, etc. It`s also nice to just share some conversation with the girls. Besides being some great eye candy, I`ve had some of my most fasinating, intellegent converstations with girls I`ve met in clubs.

Having said that, I haven`t actually been to a club in over a year. Too busy hobbing!! LOL


New member
Nov 24, 2004
It really depends on what you want. Sometimes you want to sit back, relax and watch an object of beauty, sometimes you want to be in the action and not in your chair. Looking at it from a $ perspective, I can say that entertaining with a lady in private has always been more satisfactory for me. Then again, to each his own...


Jul 31, 2008
It's best if you go to an SC with a bunch of friends for a beer and some food maybe. Otherwise, the boredom of just watching the girls go by might make it too expensive for you in the end. The boredom makes you want to get interactive, I mean.


Active member
Jul 28, 2004
Here's my take on this question from another thread:

this is an age-old debate as to why some guys prefer stripclubs over mp's or escorts..for me, it's not just the simple value for money equation (i.e. how much mileage can I get for my money), but the overall experience you get in the club that you can't get elsewhere..that is, you get to choose right then and there the girl you want (don't have to book for hours later when you might not be horny anymore), you know what you're getting (no bait and switch crap), get to chat and socialize with the girls for awhile if you're into that, negotiate for takeout (there is a thrill of the hunt aspect to this), etc.....the mp and sp experience is too mechanical for me..


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
If a dancer has any business sense at all, she will take a refusal gracefully. I have changed my mind based on the response I get from an initial refusal and the results can be quite positive. Often I just enjoy having my beer and watching the action and then making a decision about going further. Getting bad mouthed is a definite mood killer. I appreciate a lady that just smiles and says something like "OK honey, if you change your mind, you know where to find me".


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Secret_Admirer said:
Yes most of them are just like that. What happened to me (and I have been going to SCs for years) was an exception rather than a rule. Having said that there are quite a few who insist more than they should (but don't swear though), like why you took her and not me!!!!!!. The problem is that if you want to use the excuse that you are out of cash (so that you don't hurt dancer's feeling) then you won't be able to take any more dances in that bar for that night even if you see the girl that you really like (unless you can come up with an excuse as how you suddenly came up with the new money that you didn't have a while ago).
I've used the no cash excuse sometimes but its normally true. I usually just tell them I'd like to just spend some time with my beer and enjoy the scenery for now. Maybe I've been lucky and haven't been sworn at yet, got some dirty looks though.


New member
Feb 22, 2003
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

NO, SC are NOT worth it. At least here in Ottawa.

I used to blow $200 per paycheque at SCs. Very much enjoyed myself. Used to rotate around to the different clubs for variety's sake, but mostly went to Playmates. I loved trying out new girls, seeing how far each would go, chatting with a dozen beautiful scantily clad women in one evening.... And then the $20 dances came in.

It really ruined things for me. Even one single dance was ruined because I'd be thinking "this ain't worth $20 bucks" the whole time. I have taken road trips to Montreal to go to Cleos, but I'll never go to an Ottawa SC again. Except for the obligatory bachelor parties.

Money is much better spent on SPs. Sometimes I'll ask them give me a lapdance. Much better use of my money.


Mar 25, 2007
Taz_devil said:
I don't like SC's as much as I use too. The girls are becoming very aggressive and almost annoying at times, trying to scare up some business. One time, a dancer threw my leather jacket on the floor so she could sit beside me ( uninvited and unsolicited ). I guess times are tough for them and they have to earn a buck but at least let a guy sit down and finish his first beer.
What I don't like is when you agree to go with them and them they rhyme off all "the don'ts" before they even start dancing. It definitely kills the mood.
Yeah, saddly, I know what you mean about girls getting alot more aggressive now. I remember once in Belleville at the Go-Go, a gal sits down at my table (uninvited), then when I try to politly refuse her offer of lapdance, starts cursing at me, accusing me of being some kind of gay freak, etc. Geesh! I remember gulping down the rest of my beer and getting the hell out of there, thinking this nut case was going tell the bouncer God-knows-what! LOL


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Sc, MP, SP all have their place.

SC- for when u are in the mood to hang out, "window shop" and enjoy the scenery. Also appeals to the "hunter instinct" for lack of a better term.
MP- for when you need all of the attention focused on you and totally relax and be taken care of
SP- for the times whenNOTHING else will satisfy! Full contact interactive, when you need to be made to feel attractive and a good lover.

Each for of entertainmen has it's place.


QC for me

IF I decide to go to a SC I usually go to Frontierre or Grenville in QC as I feel get more for my money at those kind of SC. If I'm gonna drop 140 bucks or so in a SC I want to feel special when I walk out .......


New member
Sep 23, 2005
Whenever a dancer is rude when I refuse to take her for a dance. I politely ask for a waitress to come over and ask her if she can get the manager to come to my table and quietly explain what happend. Quite often after this I either get an apology from the manager or girl, or the girl is asked to leave for the night. I have also gotten quite a few free drinks this way as well.

Getting back to the original topic the main thing I like about SC is of course the hunt but also the risk of getting caught should the hunt be a good one.


New member
May 6, 2006
When I go to a SC by myself, I like to go and sit at the bar. Then I can look around and approach the girl I like for dances. (One dancer, who I have known for a long time told me that, in a SC, shyness is not a strategy that pays off.) It saves the parade of girls to your table who want to sit down with you.


New member
Oct 12, 2005
I know that SCs are about separating customers from their money (in an enticing way), but I stopped by Barb's the other day, ordered a Coke (had to pick up a friend shortly, so wasn't staying long) and was gobsmacked when the waitress told me that a Coke was $7.25... :eek:

Now, I haven't been involved in the bar/restaurant biz for a while, but that must be one heck of a profit margin. Not a great one for the SC value proposition, since when is pop more expensive than beer? Not really a great way to encourage 'responsible drinking', I think.



woot10 said:
I know that SCs are about separating customers from their money (in an enticing way), but I stopped by Barb's the other day, ordered a Coke (had to pick up a friend shortly, so wasn't staying long) and was gobsmacked when the waitress told me that a Coke was $7.25... :eek:

Now, I haven't been involved in the bar/restaurant biz for a while, but that must be one heck of a profit margin. Not a great one for the SC value proposition, since when is pop more expensive than beer? Not really a great way to encourage 'responsible drinking', I think.

That reminds me of something that always puzzled me at Pigales when I used to go there for lunch. Beer was 2 for 1 and Coke was the same price but for just 1. In effect, Coke cost twice as much as beer there. Some way to treat the DD. Not sure if it's still that way but it always bugged me since everyone knows Coke costs less than beer.
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