Are most dates from dating apps?


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2023
I don't date for various reasons, the most being I'm dull as a drop outs pencil. I simply can't do small talk necessary to be interesting. Do guys still ask women out in person?

This Isn't meant to be a women bashing thread about their standards being too high etc. Just wondering how it all goes down now? It used to be the girl would say she didn't know you or would prefer to be introduced through a mutual friend or something?


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
I recently started dating through a dating website (first time I have used one) after a longer term relationship. Mostly dating older women over 45.

Being able to small talk is a big help as you are meeting people for the first time so you should be able to share some back and forth banter (work, kids, pets, hobbies, movies/tv, sports, news, etc.). If you are on a dating website you should put that as part of your profile that you are not much of a small talker (chances are someone may prefer that).

So far I have been out on a few dates and two of them I have seen more than once (one a few times as we go out somewhat regularly and we are becoming more engaged romantically/sexually).

I do see some differences between women with kids vs. those without, women who are retired vs. those who are not, women who are widows vs those divorced, etc. Mainly it has to do with flexibility in schedules, perceptions at this age, and how often "life" gets in the way (for them as well as myself).

Before I signed up for a dating site (and asking women directly), I made a few rules for myself - Be prepared to have a very low batting average date and/or sex wise; Be prepared for a lot of people who stop or never respond; Do not bring any expectations into the equation; Be yourself; Be honest; and the most important rule - Just go out and have fun.

If there is a connection, it will become evident. If not, just be honest and let them know that you do not feel the connection and wish them the best.

One stat that will always be accurate - You will never get a date if you do not ask.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2019
@Ref you hit the ball out of the park with this write up. Every word you wrote is very true because I have experienced it myself. Thanks for sharing.
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