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Are friends a reflection of your personality ?


New member
Mar 15, 2011
When I was growing up as a kid I was constantly scolded by my parents teachers etc. We've all heard "you are who you hang out with", "birds of a feather flock together". I have a very odd collection of friends. Cops,firefighters,a priest,a drug dealer,strippers,massage girls,escorts,lawyers,doctors,vets,a crown attorney, a politician,a few club owners,bikers,rappers etc etc. Neither of any of these friends influence what I do nor do I judge them for what they do. I treat people the way they treat me.

My house parties are definitely interesting.
Not sure how my friends reflect my personality if at all.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
i'd say i'm like you in a way... open minded and accepting of all. i tend to mix with all types of people as long as they aren't out to harm anyone.

its boring hanging out with the same type of people


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
There is the classic quote from Euripides, that a man is known by the company he keeps.

So maybe they're not a reflection of your personality, but it's certainly something people will consider when taking stock of your character.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
You are what you eat, that is not to say that if you like carrots you will become one. If you eat healthy, you become healthy. If some other factor like environment or disease has not effected you. In the movie Trading Places, the two Duke brothers wanted to determine if it was breeding or environment that effects a persons character. I say it is both, but more environment than breeding by far.

I was told by a person that works with alcoholics that very few orientals and blacks are addicted to alcohol, The vast majority are of white Northern and Eastern European background. This is anecdotal evidence of genetic tenancies. There are many natives that are also alcoholics, but is this genetic or from the lack of opportunity and education? This is an example of genetic and environmental influences, without a clear indication of what influencing factor has cause the alcoholism.

I say that the people that a person hangs around with does effect their personalities, judgment, and character. The cop that lives most of his life in a cop environment will think differently on the job. The drug dealer that deals death is thinking of profit even when he sells that crack and meth that he sees slowly destroying his client physically, mentally and morally. The lawyer will represent killers, drug dealers and crooked businessmen that run Ponzi schemes will ease his conscience by rationalizing that he is part of the prosecution/defense mechanism of the justice system. The Crown attorney is under pressure to produce convictions and may do so with unjust methods. These people live and work in a different environment and think differently on the job, it may not effect you when you are socializing with them. The biker that you know might impose on you for a favor that is illegal or border line illegal, if you do this favor for him against you better judgment then your individuality and personality has been altered.

Metaphorically we all live in a bubble. As others press their bubbles against your bubble, you get a glimpse of what they are like and what they do. That is not to say that you know the whole truth. There often is some osmosis of personalities, ideas, sympathies, desires and anger between people as they associate and communicate ideas to each other.

Hitler is a prime example of how one person can effect another person. To answer the OPs question. Are friends a reflection of your personality? They can be a strong influence on your personality.


Aug 6, 2006

Hitler is a prime example of how one person can effect another person. To answer the OPs question. Are friends a reflection of your personality? They can be a strong influence on your personality.

Godwin's law in 4 posts!

:D joking!


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
I think we all have friends from all colours of the spectrum and associate with them depending on the mood or time of life we are in. I have friends that are sensitive and nice and have friends that are assholes but hilarious and fun as hell to go out with. I have friends that are married with kids and single ect ect. It all depends on my mood and theirs. I have friends from public school and high school and university I see but i also have two best friends no matter what we are always the best of friends no matter how often we talk or see each other its like we have never seperated. They ALL reflect my personality but i have so many moods and "personalities" haha that i think they all reflect and compliment and make me an asshole at different times
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