Oh good. No wait lemme guess. It'll have dodgy batteries and a proprietary charging cord that is designed to fail. They'll flash in new firmware when the car is 3 years old to slow it down so you have to buy a new one. 100% there will be consumers that have no idea what it is or even why they need it but there will be lineups to pay for it.
It'd be nice if these companies didn't make announcements about what's coming years from now and instead dropped it on us when it's completed and ready to go. "We've been working on this car for 3 years in secret and voila, here it is! It's going to save the world!"
let's see the factory they are going to build it in, any startup is ten years out to compete in the automotive market, by then? that market will be ten years ahead of them.
Joke all you want ya bunch of Einsteins. I'll keep buying more of their shares, watch them split in a few years and reminisce about this thread while lying on a beach with a cold drink in my hand.
You go right ahead Kastoric and have a Singapore Sling for me. Apple stopped being an innovative company when Steve Jobs died, under Tim Cook, it's a mooch machine.
No company can stay King of the mountain forever, in 1970 GE was No.1. Apple TV + has fewer subscribers than CBS All Access. I could have told them not to put their faith in Jennifer Aniston, she's not Kevin Spacey ( House of Cards).