Apparently, Once Again


New member
Sep 10, 2001
It looks like the cowboys to the south have struck again. This time a wedding celebration was blown apart killing many innocent civilians.

They seem to be having much more luck killing their own men, troops of their allies and local civilians, than they have in getting the so called enemy.

I hope all this practice they are getting on their friends finally helps with stopping Al Quaeda.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
Front line guys,backroom generals. It doesn't matter. They do not have satisfactory control over their actions, especially when they are in someone else's country.

They appear frustrated because they are being so unsuccessful in their campaign. The frustration is leading to tragic results for many innocent people.

I guess our Canadian boys were inviting death by practicing at night.

What basic procedures do these yahoos have and what do they do about following them. It appears, not much.

B52's fly well beyond any celebratory rifles. Get serious. These guys are cowboys who should be concentrating on useful methods of stopping terrorism.

"Friendly Fire" or "negligent homicide."

Old GB is getting ready for Iraq and try and finish a job that his daddy didn't, or couldn't.

His sights are already lined up on the women, children, old farts,hospitals and goats. He'll miss Sadam and make a whole bunch more friends for Uncle Sam; all in the name of ignorance and U.S. industrial $$$$.

When will they wake up and look in the mirror ?
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Master of Sinanju
Nov 22, 2001
The German army had a saying back in WW2 that went like this:

"When the Luftwaffe flies the British duck. When the RAF fly the Germans duck. When the Americans fly EVERYBODY ducks!"

The US has always been known for, how shall we say "inaccuracy" when it comes to bombing runs.

Personally I think it is disgusting that more people don't realise it is likely the result of the "cowboy" attitude more often than it is the result of poor intelligence or malfunction.

Americans aren't stupid when comes to serving their own interests. They know people will try to give them the benefit of the doubt because to do otherwise is psychologically painful.

Therefore, they constantly get away with things like this and continue to use "OOPS" as an apology.


New member
Jun 7, 2002
niagara region
21 gun salute?

cowboy up, im sorry at the rsik of coming across like soem hillybilly reneck... its a few less we have to worry about and hey like buddy said above me closer to the Head cahuna ...


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Let's not jump to any conclusions here.
Preliminary indications would suggest one of the bombs dropped may have gone astray. Was it a 'smart' bomb?
Could also be an error by ground intelligence.
This may not be a case of a trigger happy cowboy looking to make a kill.

This could be a totally different circumstance than the incident that killed the 4 Canadians.
That pilot clearly screwed up.
He did not follow procedures, and he was told not to fire.
It is inconceivable how he could have felt threatened and even if he was, he could have simply gained some altitude and/or distance in a couple of seconds.
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resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Speaking of the Israelie (sp?) and Palestinian situation. Did anyone see that most amazing special on Discovery last week? THey went through the entire Peace proposal sequence of events since (damn I forget his name now! grrr) anyhow, you know what I got out of that whole mess? NO ONE wants peace there...neither the isrealies or palestinians. TO me, it looks like both sides are just itching to get at each other and will use any excuse to do it.

I recently watched "black hawk down" and while it was loaded with "hoo rah" it also pointed out the futile attempts of the US to control that mess too. BUT there was one line in that movie that struck home. One of the Somali's holding a captured pilot said "Without a Victor, there can be no peace....."

Anyhow, back to Afghan.....The report in the paper today stated that the investigation into the bombing of the wedding will begin and there are three possibilities: An anti aircraft round fired at the B52's went astray (what goes up must come down), A B52 GBU went off target, and it could have been an AC130 Gunship that was attacking the anti-aircraft battery.

One thing that we all should realize: WE are sitting here in our safe haven bitching and moaning about what the US is doing right, AND wrong. In my humble opinion the only reason we can do this is because THEY are doing what they do....Sometimes it hurts us, sometimes it helps us, but as long as there are "bad guys in the world" WE as a country, NEED our big brother to the south!


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Well said tboy

I sometimes disagree with some of the US's inconsistent selective morality and foreign policy but overall thank goodness and God bless the USA.

Unfortunately there are some trigger happy cowboys looking to make some kills.
Not to mention yahoos like the one that took out the gondola in Europe.


Well-known member
May 25, 2002

As my good friends father always said.... the solution is really quite simple - "you have to terrorize the terrorists". Make them understand that they can't run, they can't hide, they will be hunted down and killed no matter what or how long it takes.

As for Israel/Palestine.... the only way that will stop is if one or both sides are all dead. OR, someone forces them to stop. How about parking a few dozen nukes all around them and giving them the option.... "the next one that fires a shot gets you ALL killed"

It's amazing isn't it, more people have been killed in the name of religion then any other cause and yet as far as my limited knowledge goes I know of NO religion that says it is o.k. to commit murder.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
As they say "it's not weapons that kill people; it's people"

Bombs, guns and religions are just weapons.

Maybe we should get rid of them all, including the people. That seems to be where the problems stem from.

I suspect that the Earth and the Universe would be just fine without Homo Sapiens.


New member
Sep 10, 2001

I haven't said anything about being a peacenik or avoiding necessary violence.

I just abhor useless , ignorant, cowboy violence that never gets the job done, pisses people off and kills more innocent people than bad guys.

The first couple of months of the Afghan action made sense and was a success in some respects, but what the hell is going on now ? A peace keeping force with some selective service guys to hunt down the few remaining bad guys in Afghanistan should be sufficient.

Then George can turn his well honed skills on the innocents somewhere else. The goats are heading for cover. Maybe the army should issue rubber boots.

Make love not war !

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
sorely said:

I hope all this practice they are getting on their friends finally helps with stopping Al Quaeda.
Nope, we still need a little more practice. Care to volunteer? :cool:


senior member
Aug 18, 2001

If you don't do this you end of with the Israel and Palestinian situation. Peace is unobtainable because the leaders of terrorism run wild (Hamas, Jihad, ect.) with the results being Israel and Palestine not being able to negotiate for peace. Terrorism must be dealt with and the leaders destroyed before any real world peace can be achieved.
There will never be peace for Palestine or Israel till Israel gives them back their land!even then the fighting will continue out of spite.
I have a Palestinian freind who's been here 3 yrs.He owns a little shwarma place in the west end(btw he makes the best shwarma in T.o)he's in his early forties so hes been around enough of the fighting .I accuse him all the time of being a terroist ,lol he knows I'm ribbin him,anyway it's funny today we where talking about the situation over there and hearing what he said today was'nt very optomistic.He said to me"Ever look into the eyes of a Palestinian teen?" they have the look of murder !,they are getting more dangerous by the generation
ie: teenagers suicide bombing
It's hip to die for Palestine!
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