Anyone worried about catching something from a bbbj?


New member
Jan 27, 2019
Every once in awhile when I get one my mind is always panicking afterwards.

Most professionals will see a large rotation of dudes and it will only take one of them having something to put everyone at risk.

Now I have the sense to see verified well reviewed girls but the risk is still real.

Particularly after a bbbj I received a few days ago I am no really worried I have contracted HIV.

I know I'm gonna have to wait a month or two and get tested to put my mind at ease at this point.

I think I may just be done with bbbj for good, however cjb is just not the same.


New member
Dec 21, 2019
I'm not going to risk receiving blowjob without condom. But at the same time, I have my worries about anal (with condom), whether it is safe enough or not. :rolleyes:


New member
Jan 27, 2019
What am I planting seeds of? Having safe sex?!

What exactly are these 1000 post losers being defensive and so hostile for jesus.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
What am I planting seeds of? Having safe sex?!

What exactly are these 1000 post losers being defensive and so hostile for jesus.
It's only because this constantly comes up.

Do a google search and you will get all the STI information you need to know, Please, dear God not another thread on an easily found topic.

And thank you for calling us all losers.

Have fun trying to get ANY info in the future dick head.



Active member
Oct 27, 2002
Notice how no answer to your actual question? Because, well, read withpassion's reply.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
And seriously, what do you think: That we are all here as scientists specializing in the physiological trauma of seeing SW's and STI probabilities, risks, considerations and possible life impacts???

Fuck dude or, likely, dudette, look it up BEFORE you indulge. Don't come here seeking out rationalization for your own acts! That's what priests are for!


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
I believe that psychological not TERB help is in order in their case!

I also believe that they are attempting to spread hysteria over a very, very, very low risk activity!

What, exactly, are your motives?


New member
Jan 27, 2019
This is a discussion board for people who see escorts. They share concerns experiences and dialogue about topics relating to this.

Turns out this is just a ridiculous circle jerk where keyboard warrior veterans can circle jerk and act ridiculously aggressive and defensive towards anyone whose opinion threatens them?

Hey, I'm not asking for medical advice, I'm sure we are all aware of those. I'm just looking discuss human fears involving human activities.

Listen to your logic, the odds of catching HIV are low from single encounters so let's all not wear protection over a very very low risk activity.

Coming from someone who has had alot of bbbjs, no need to get so defensive, hostile or even downright delude yourself over someone simply trying to start a dialogue.

No wonder it's just the same few people talking about the same old shit on this forum.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
This is a discussion board for people who see escorts. They share concerns experiences and dialogue about topics relating to this.

Turns out this is just a ridiculous circle jerk where keyboard warrior veterans can circle jerk and act ridiculously aggressive and defensive towards anyone whose opinion threatens them?

Hey, I'm not asking for medical advice, I'm sure we are all aware of those. I'm just looking discuss human fears involving human activities.

Listen to your logic, the odds of catching HIV are low from single encounters so let's all not wear protection over a very very low risk activity.

Coming from someone who has had alot of bbbjs, no need to get so defensive, hostile or even downright delude yourself over someone simply trying to start a dialogue.

No wonder it's just the same few people talking about the same old shit on this forum. a search on here dudette! Have your chills and thrills reading what's already been discussed ad nauseam!

And, seriously, you really need psychological help in getting through your angst of your activities!

Or, are these simply attempted scare tactics? Or Is it Care? See what I did with that? OIC.


Been Around
Mar 15, 2014
Room 38DD
This is a discussion board for people who see escorts. They share concerns experiences and dialogue about topics relating to this.

Turns out this is just a ridiculous circle jerk where keyboard warrior veterans can circle jerk and act ridiculously aggressive and defensive towards anyone whose opinion threatens them?

Hey, I'm not asking for medical advice, I'm sure we are all aware of those. I'm just looking discuss human fears involving human activities.

Listen to your logic, the odds of catching HIV are low from single encounters so let's all not wear protection over a very very low risk activity.

Coming from someone who has had alot of bbbjs, no need to get so defensive, hostile or even downright delude yourself over someone simply trying to start a dialogue.

No wonder it's just the same few people talking about the same old shit on this forum.
It's true this same topic has emerged and been discussed on Terb previously. Personally I feel there's no single answer since there are many men who engage regularly in BBBJ and yet they experience no negative health problems as a result. On the other hand, other men seem to have contracted undesirable results in such activity. As well, there is a number of men who constantly suffer in fear due to some perceived risk associated with it.

I've picked out one thread as an example on this subject for reference:


Jun 11, 2019
18 a search on here dudette! Have your chills and thrills reading what's already been discussed ad nauseam!

And, seriously, you really need psychological help in getting through your angst of your activities!

Or, are these simply attempted scare tactics? Or Is it Care? See what I did with that? OIC.
What does any beef you have with oic have to do with this? Lol


New member
Jan 27, 2019
I just posted a question and I'm getting pretty hostile passive aggressive responses.

I'm not even taking a stance, literally pointing out a plausible concern I'm sure many people have involve bare back blowjobs.

I guess that was my mistake to assume I could discuss hobby concerns on a hobby board. Keep acting like a five year old though?

Seems like youv'e been doing it for 100s of posts so it working for you.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
literally pointing out a plausible concern I'm sure many people have involve bare back blowjobs.
And people unintentionally get pregnant and people unintentionally cut off their fingers and people unintentionally drink too much and people unintentionally total their car and people unintentionally get into a relationship they regret and people unintentionally get hang-overs and so on and so on!

I think we should create a calendar and sell it with the proceeds to help those who can no longer make a living due to no one wanting to get a BBBJ any longer!

If you are worried, just stop doing it! Period.

Don't whine about it!

Just don't try to influence others, although they are 1,000+ post losers, who just don't know as much as you do (see the point about the calendar).

Also, these comments are not passive-aggressive, these are simply aggressive and nothing passive about them!


Active member
Aug 8, 2019
This is getting interesting. Keep it going boys (and girl) !:popcorn:

Back to the topic, I've gotten hundreds of bbbj so far in the hobby and have yet to catch anything. I get tested every three months as well.

Perhaps I'm lucky ? Or perhaps the risk of catching anything orally are that low ? Who knows. I understand the risk. But for me, the added pleasure of a bbbj vs a cbj well outweigh the added risk.

As the saying goes, different strokes for different folks.


Tamil and proud
May 12, 2014

There are always risks.
If you think the risk is not acceptable then don't do it.

If you feel the risk is acceptable then you do what you do when it's consensual.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
The only way to be safe is not to indulge. Otherwise, you have to do your research and decide what you're comfortable with. It has been brought up many times here before, thus the response. There are more detailed discussions in the general Terb forum.

BTW, the OIC conspiracy theories are getting increasingly bizarre. Why is a provider collective so threatening to some people?


Dec 5, 2010
I believe that psychological not TERB help is in order in their case!

I also believe that they are attempting to spread hysteria over a very, very, very low risk activity!

What, exactly, are your motives?

why do you care so much
why do you have to invest time answering/arguing
why cant you ignore it
if it comes up so much - you gonna get angry every time??
in less time than it took to write out those answers you could have referred to a previous answer

maybe you are the one who needs the help for the anger issues

Risk of HIV Is very rare - definitely do not shave the the boys of -- the same day
risk of certain others -- especially HERPES is significant you can have intra - oral lesions that wont show unless you look in the mouth
it can also be spread without active lesions


New member
Apr 14, 2019
I've gotten hundreds of bbbj so far in the hobby and have yet to catch anything. I get tested every three months as well.
Hopefully I just did the quote thing correctly but THANK YOU! I was reading the replies and you're the first to actually HELP with the question. I'm clearly not the only one who has this question and as for someone's 'go check the internet', not particularly helpful since there is noting definitive so places like THIS FORUM and your positive response to a pretty common and straight forward question is actually helpful.

For myself, I've had 3 bbbj's and nothing caught.

Thanks for sharing RnRM!
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