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Anyone try Oasis dtf night? (bukakke room and gang bang room on 1st Tues of month)


New member
May 2, 2012
I just read about this theme night so I missed it last night. Did anyone go? Report?

Tuesday January 7
Its official “Down to F*CK” the ultimate Gang Bang and Bukkake party will be held every first Tuesday of the month. The next DTF party will be on Tuesday January 7th all single gentlemen invited ($50) and ladies are free. Come early and meet lots of ladies who enjoy the company of multiple men. Introductions at the bar, girl on girl action and lots of Bukkake and Gang Bang all night long. Doors open at 8pm-3am.

Re-cap from the December 3 DTF Party by Bijioux:
There was the scent of SEX in the air! Down to F*ck party started with a bang as the host Bijioux started the night off with ice breaker games were the gentlemen had to work extra hard on the pole impressing the ladies.
The prize to be won? A two girl hand job! As the night progressed the crowd enjoyed an all-girl gang bang on the main floor starring Amara Zane, Ciara Day, Zepto and the Lovely Eva. After the ladies performed the crowd really got into the mood and there was a lot of action upstairs in our play rooms. Amara Zane had her famous gang bang in our central red room and Lotus had her hot Bukkake scene right next door. Lots of lovely ladies joined in and lets just say many of our guests left with smiles on their faces and some cherries were popped.
Sounds interesting - I have been to Club M4 a couple of times and let's just say the ratio of men to women is like 10:1 or more, if you are not clean, in reasonable shape and disrespectful you will not get laid or sucked. I remember one lady at the bar (a schoolteacher actually) told me very clearly that another guy who had a huge cock for one of the contests had attitude and let's just say he got no action and she said this with a lot of satisfaction - remember guys you must treat the ladies with respect and not act like you are god's gift to women, especially when there are so many options. Have a drink, buy her one, talk and behave, respect limits, ask permission if you want to join in a group or before you touch a lady. Sex is always covered.

Having said that sex does happen, there is open sex everywhere, specific rooms for couples, for bondage there was this wooden structure and couches and yes, it worked for me as far as BBBJ and BBBJCIMSW in a gangbang situation, in both visits. It was interesting for sure and I have no regrets. Ages range from 20s to 60s with the average probably 40. SPs are more attractive and obviously 100% more reliable. On the other hand, there is no time limit with the clubs and you can stay for hours.


Casual Observer
Jan 2, 2008
Since inquiring minds wanted to know, your intrepid reporter TOFTT and visited DTF on Feb. 4 to figure out WTF.

The event supposedly starts at 8:00, but that's when the doors open. I was told there was a line-up to get in and guys were pounding on the door well before 8. By the time I arrived just shy of 8:30 there was no line up. The ice-breaker events didn't start until about 9:30. I think that is later than normal, and probably due to the fact that one of the hosts was ill, leaving the other host to do twice the preparation and organizing.

There were three contests (with prizes) for the ice-breakers:
- a lame pole dance competition to find three finalists for an ejaculation race (HJ, FJ, BJ) - more proof that white men can't dance, especially when a pole is involved
- hands-free shot drinking off of body parts
- couples bursting balloons in various positions (the most entertaining event, especially when the balloons wouldn't burst)

Once the ice-breakers were over, guests were free to scatter to the four corners of the club and do whatever.

So, let's talk about the "whatever". Basically, lots of group sex. One gal and multiple guys all in a pile, with other guys lined up like they're waiting to order coffee at Tim's. There were occasional groups that involved multiple women as well as guys, and some very loud orgasms along the way. The third floor rooms were particularly busy, but the dungeon was strangely quiet, save for the occasional spanking and a few ladies swinging (I mean, just swinging on the swing, just like in the park). The hot tub seemed to be fairly popular, and several folks braved the cold and snow for a dip in the pool. BTW, I saw a sign on the Steam Room door that say it is closed permanently, and the space will be re-purposed in the future. The sauna is still nice and toasty, though.

As for a body count, not counting staff, I can recall about 21 women, and probably 80 guys (it's difficult to do a head count when the crowd is continually flowing around, even during the ice-breakers). Lots of ink! I almost felt naked without a tat. Age-wise (and I'm not stellar at pegging ages), I'd say most of the ladies were mid-20s to mid-30's, plus a few that were in their 50's. Gents probably about the same distribution. In terms of body shapes, there were only two ladies I would classify as petite enough to qualify as "spinner". The majority were Reubenesque. I will say that probably the tightest bod belonged to a lady well in her 50's - tight and firm everywhere and not an ounce of cellulite. Petite and tanned, and she could ride a guy without spilling her drink, as was observed during the evening. As for the gents, if you're worried about being surrounded by Adonises, don't be, they aren't there. Just average body shapes for the most part. In terms of ethnicity, I would say the largest group was Caucasian, followed by Indian. Blacks and Asians were far fewer in numbers.

Finally, the vibe. Essentially, a whole lotta guys wanting to get laid, and a few women willing to make it happen. I suspect most of the women are regulars, judging by their interactions with staff and other guests; same too for some of the guys. However, there were still many guys who didn't quite get the basic house rules - ask before doing, and "no" means "move on". I saw several instances of house security reminding guys not to just pile in to the group plays and to ask before joining in, but many did not fully heed those warnings. One gent got a polite but firm reprimand from a young lady for spanking without asking. I also overheard one young guy putting the hit on a particularly cute young girl. She was trying to politely brush him off with lines like, "actually I'm just waiting for my friends", but the guy wouldn't take the hint and move on. Poor girl had a swarm of horny guys following her all night long. If you wanted to know where she was, you just had to look for the crowd of guys with their hands in their towels all standing around. I suspect she enjoyed much, but perhaps not all, of the attention.

So, to sum it all up, should you go? If you're looking for a guaranteed lay with a smoking hot lady, this isn't your place (unless you bring your own smoking hot lady). You need to be comfortable in your own skin, and comfortable being among everyone else's (men and women). If you're a voyeur, it's probably an entertaining night. I think if you attend the club more frequently and get to know the staff and regulars, you will get more out of these evenings as time goes on.

Costs: $50 door fee, $12 overnight parking behind the club (street parking on Mutual is only good until midnight), $?? your bar tab
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New member
Sep 5, 2005
Personally, I don't recommend this place for single guys.
I haven't attended this particular event, but I have been there a few times, and don't think it's worthwhile.. not with a $50 entry fee and limited access for single guys.

YMMV, of course.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I assume in this area there are shemales? Or are they pushed to a 'special night'.

would be a little unnerving if one met the 'wrong' girl!!!!!


Active member
Jan 5, 2010
I have always noticed how many Indian dudes show up to these events, much more prevalent than Asians or blacks. If your not hung, or black, or some combination of the two, these events are best suited to voyeurs...because you probably won't be getting laid.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Nice review SoftHands813. I'd much prefer to go on a couples/single females only night with my wife. Not into standing around with a bunch of dudes stroking themselves under their towels waiting for their turn. :Eek:


New member
May 2, 2012
You are one crazy adventurous mofo and I like it! Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you. So basically a huge sausage fest and only a few women that are attractive enough to want to do.

This kind of reminds me of the vibe from a few after hours clubs in the late 90s.
If you go on gang bang night / bukkake night I assume you expect a sausage fest.

Thanks for the comprehensive review.


Casual Observer
Jan 2, 2008
As I was suffering from a bout of idle curiosity, I decided to re-venture back to DTF to see if anything had changed since my visit earlier this year.

The overall numbers were down by probably half. Nowhere near the number of guys wandering around, but fewer women as well. Demographics haven't really changed for men or women. Didn't see many familiar faces, although the 50+ hard-bodied lady I mentioned before was back and drawing a crowd of spectators, both in the Shaggin' Wagon and in the common areas while demonstrating some strap-on technique.

There were a few ladies who caught my attention. I struck up a great convo with a lady from Kitchener. We ended up occupying the Red Room for a couple of hours, and while i won't go into much detail, let me just say that she gave "Aqualounge" a whole new meaning that night. Merciful heavens!! Good job there are towels everywhere...

Had I not needed to go home for a few hours of sleep before work the next day, I probably would have soaked in the hot tub for a while with the hostess. Perhaps next time (and I think there will be a next time, in case "Miss Kitchener" returns).


New member
Mar 7, 2004
softhands: Thanks for your reporting. I was wondering what this club was like.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I just read about this theme night so I missed it last night. Did anyone go? Report?

Tuesday January 7
Its official “Down to F*CK” the ultimate Gang Bang and Bukkake party will be held every first Tuesday of the month. The next DTF party will be on Tuesday January 7th all single gentlemen invited ($50) and ladies are free. Come early and meet lots of ladies who enjoy the company of multiple men. Introductions at the bar, girl on girl action and lots of Bukkake and Gang Bang all night long. Doors open at 8pm-3am.

Re-cap from the December 3 DTF Party by Bijioux:
There was the scent of SEX in the air! Down to F*ck party started with a bang as the host Bijioux started the night off with ice breaker games were the gentlemen had to work extra hard on the pole impressing the ladies.
The prize to be won? A two girl hand job! As the night progressed the crowd enjoyed an all-girl gang bang on the main floor starring Amara Zane, Ciara Day, Zepto and the Lovely Eva. After the ladies performed the crowd really got into the mood and there was a lot of action upstairs in our play rooms. Amara Zane had her famous gang bang in our central red room and Lotus had her hot Bukkake scene right next door. Lots of lovely ladies joined in and lets just say many of our guests left with smiles on their faces and some cherries were popped.
Amara Zane



Jan 7, 2006
Both Ladies looking hot!!! I wonder who the milf in the orange dress is? Kinda reminds me of Ava Addams :)


May 2, 2014
It is body shape friendly there. I love it. Had more than a few great nights and met a few really wonderful people there. Granted, I prefer the Genesis night over DTF.


Casual Observer
Jan 2, 2008
Once more your intrepid reporter set forth for another episode of DTF.

January's event was not hugely attended - maybe 40-50 people - and had the usual sausage:clam ratio of about 6:1 . I noticed the radiantly pregnant Alannah Johnson in attendance, getting some exercice pointers in the new "ballroom" (presumably on how to induce labour). A few of the ladies in attendance came with their own companions and stayed with them for the evening. That left relatively few "open participants".

The dungeon was actually a happening place, as one man brought a duffle bag of assorted equipment (riding crop, fur, whips, dull knife, bug zapper, spatula, etc.) for use on a few willing ladies. I also noticed a new play space - the ballroom - across from the dungeon on the 2nd floor. Not sure when that opened, but sometime since early November. It's a spacious room with a couple of L-shaped sofas and even a king-sized sofa on a stage. Very nice! I should note that they haven't yet repurposed the old Steam Room.

Having attended a few of these events, now, I notice two constants:
1. There are a significant number of guys who just don't get the basic rules (1. ask first before touching, 2. 'no' mean NO, 3. closed curtains/doors mean keep out).
2. An attractive woman will draw a herd of horny guys following her every move, much like moths to a flame.

Both were evident again the other night. One man (definitely not a gentleman) was removed from the club for continued infractions of rule 1. Sadly he was not the only shmuck in attendance. Also, a charming young lady in her mid-20s who arrived around midnight found herself continually swarmed by guys for the duration of her visit. This being her first visit to DTF, she was not aware of, nor prepared for, the onslaught. However, I warned her when she arrived what would happen, and as we were leaving at the end of the event, she completely concurred with my "I told you so". Fortunately she landed herself a true gentleman who acted as wingman / bodyguard for the night and kept the impolite hands (and other body parts) at bay.

The aforementioned young lady was one of the "open participants". She ultimately culled her herd of moths down to a select six who got to enjoy her *ahem* company in the Red Room until closing time. Let's just say a good time was had by all, more than once.

In summary, DTF can still be a hit-or-miss kind of event. I've had both, and the other night was close to being a "miss", save for the late arrival of the young miss who turned it into a hit.


P.S. The two ladies pictured above are Miss Oasis (on the left) and Jana, the club's owner. Both really charming folks. I haven't seen either at DTF.


Active member
Feb 12, 2008
I really appreciate your reviews, Softhands. I once hazarded in to M4 as a single guy and didn't find my experience to be amazing. Once the sex club portion opened at midnight, I went to go join the fun but there was a line up of naked dudes ahead of me waiting to do the same. I chickened out and left. Not going to lie, I felt a little pathetic and, to be even more shallow, the selection of women was not terribly impressive.

I like the sounds of Oasis since it sounds like the average woman's age is probably 15 years younger than M4's was, but I think I might end up feeling pathetic again if I'm in that squabble of dudes going after the one girl who's under 30.

Interestingly, at M4 the environment was extremely respectful, but the one instance of disrespect was a woman trying to force a male observer to suck her strap on. Made me pretty uncomfortable.
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