Anyone know a good laywer?


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Ok I need all the help I can get and I'm hoping that any laywers out there will be able to lend some (free!) advice.

Basically, last night I got pulled over at a ride program and blew over the legal limit (more than .080). They cuff me I go to jail. I obviously know what I did was wrong...studpid drink is one drink too many. Officially I am being charged with driving over the legal limit.

But here is the thing. I didn't actually drink that much...maybe 3 or 4 drinks...but because I finished that last beer (one big gulp) and was stopped in the ride program less than 5 minutes afterwards the booze smell was right on my breath and I was driving 4 other guys who had been boozing heavily all night home, hence the car smelled like alcohol.

When they took me to the station I co-operated and was pleasant and even did the sobriety test (walked the line, touch your nose, all that jazz) and I passed with flying colours. At the station I blew a .169 (I realize this is twice the limit but before the beer I did have a shot of vodka (again, stupid)). We're looking at 3 beers and this shot and that's what I blew. A half hour later I blew a .155.

Bascially what I am asking is if I were to choose to get a laywer, any chance I would actually beat this and get off? For me its not losing my license or paying the money, it's having that kind of charge on my record and I really don't think I could handle that kind of thing on the rap sheet. I'm a straight arrow, never been in troubled with police before, this is pretty much it. I don't even go out much. Just one bad stupid night.

Any advice? Feel free to PM me to speak more about it....but please, any help would be greatly appreciated and again, I'm sorry for being so stupid.


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
Sorry I am trying to feel sympathy for you, but its just not there.

luckyseven said: drink is one drink too many


New member
Nov 11, 2008
T.O.tourist said:
Sorry I am trying to feel sympathy for you, but its just not there.
Hey I definitely don't expect sympathy. I know what I did was really really wrong and I feel absolutely horrible about this.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
luckyseven said:
Bascially what I am asking is if I were to choose to get a laywer, any chance I would actually beat this and get off? For me its not losing my license or paying the money, it's having that kind of charge on my record and I really don't think I could handle that kind of thing on the rap sheet. I'm a straight arrow, never been in troubled with police before, this is pretty much it. I don't even go out much. Just one bad stupid night.
I believe what you are saying is you haven't been caught before. :rolleyes: I don't think there are a lot of "straight arrows" here. lol

It seems you "luck" has run out. :-D
Thought a charge of over .080 had to be corroborated with a blood test, exactly since the Breathalyzer only measures concentration of alcohol at that point in time in the mouth.
Depending on bodyweight you can metabolize up to one drink per hour, 3 to 4 is not "over" if spread over a night..... over a couple of hours on the other hand...
That is dependent on the drink containing the equivalent of one ounce of hard alcohol, not a 50/50 mix.
I know when I was in an accident with a drunk driver the police took a blood sample from the loser. He was WELL over .080.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Have to assume it is not the only marks on your license

Get a lawyer


New member
Nov 11, 2008
hunter001 said:
I believe what you are saying is you haven't been caught before. :rolleyes: I don't think there are a lot of "straight arrows" here. lol

It seems you "luck" has run out. :-D
See that's the thing. It's not that I haven't been caught before. I have never ever done it before. Usually when I go out as DD I don't drink, period. Last night, I made a bad decision and did have a couple. And it wasn't my night to be foolish.

I just want to say that I realize what I did was dumb. But I'm not one of those people who are trying be be like "oooo poor me". No, I messed up big time, 100%. Did I learn my lesson? Absolutely. Am I embarassed and ashamed? Absolutely. I just have a lot that is going on and this criminal charge could really mess up my future in a big way and that is why I want to know if I even have a chance.

Again, I'm sorry guys. I know it doesn't mean much but please, any help is appreciated.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
luckyseven said:
See that's the thing. It's not that I haven't been caught before. I have never ever done it before. Usually when I go out as DD I don't drink, period. Last night, I made a bad decision and did have a couple. And it wasn't my night to be foolish.
I am not buying it. I doubt the Judge will either. Your just lucky you didn't kill anyone.

luckyseven said:
But I'm not one of those people who are trying be be like "oooo poor me".
Really. :eek:

luckyseven said:
it's having that kind of charge on my record and I really don't think I could handle that kind of thing on the rap sheet.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
luckyseven said:
Usually when I go out as DD I don't drink, period.
WTF? Do even know what at DD stands for? Usually you don't drink frack... lol

luckyseven said:
I have never ever done it before.
Before you get to court you might want to stop lying to yourself. "Usually I don't" and "never ever done it before" are contradictory statements. Face it you never got caught before and your arrow isn't all that straight.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
luckyseven said:
Bascially what I am asking is if I were to choose to get a lawyer, any chance I would actually beat this and get off? For me its not losing my license or paying the money
Get a lawyer and your best asset is your past record. If you have none, better for you. Military service, past community service, charitable donations, fund raising, and any requirements your driving could benefit the community. Your lawyer will have to negotiate with the prosecutor. You can't. The "it's a bag of oregano" defense will not work.

The "I lit a firecracker and threw it at a dog" so he would not eat the poison in the garbage while raising money for The Morris Animal Foundation would have been a better situation to get into, not driving drunk AND getting caught.

Gyaos Baltar.


New member
Dec 1, 2005
Uulucky seven, sorry to hear about this.
I was charged a few years back and unless the ticket was written up wrong or the police made an error somewhere chances of beating it are slim.
Hunter, I'm not condoning what he did but give the guy a break.
I know many people who can drink what he did and be in full care and control of there vehicle. As for lucky he didnt kill anyone,
drive the 401 and watch people pass you at 150 swerving in and out of traffic, cutting people off and then needing to slam on there brakes. These people are just as likely to cause and accident and possibly kill someone, and thats without a drink in them.


New member
Apr 28, 2005
.169? I hope they tear up your license and cast it into the winds....the rest of us don't need you on the road...


New member
Nov 16, 2001
The ridiculous Carter defence was recently deemed to be just that, ridiculous.
People used to lie and claim they only had 2 drinks and then get someone to claim this wasn't enough to cause them to fail the breathalyzer so they must be innocent.

The last drink defence is still a valid argument.
A breath test done within 15 minutes of the last drink is considered an improper procedure as residual alcohol on the breath can easily give a misreading.
The fact that you subsequently failed the tests later at the station is irrelevant as you would not have even been there but for this improper procedure.

There are other potential technicalities that can work in your favour such as the reading and explanation of your rights and getting you in touch with duty counsel within 2 hours.

The key to getting off is finding a good lawyer who has a lot of experience and one who is local and familiar with the judges, prosecutors, and perhaps the cops too.
Don't bother fighting it unless you are ready to pay around $10k.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
samcan said:
Hunter, I'm not condoning what he did but give the guy a break.
I know many people who can drink what he did and be in full care and control of there vehicle.
So you are condoning. Why the hell does he need a break? He was the designated driver and he failed miserably.

samcan said:
As for lucky he didnt kill anyone,
drive the 401 and watch people pass you at 150 swerving in and out of traffic, cutting people off and then needing to slam on there brakes. These people are just as likely to cause and accident and possibly kill someone, and thats without a drink in them.
Just because there are other bad drivers on the roads doesn't mean it is okay for dude to do what he did.



Aug 20, 2001
luckyseven said:
I'm hoping that any laywers out there will be able to lend some (free!) advice.
free advice from a lawyer??? lmao.

there are discussion boards on line that you can search for. others who stupidly drink and drive may help you out, if they're sober.

sorry. no sympathy here. my high school sweetheart was killed by a drunk driver.


New member
Dec 1, 2005
hunter001 said:
So you are condoning. Why the hell does he need a break? He was the designated driver and he failed miserably.

Just because there are other bad drivers on the roads doesn't mean it is okay for dude to do what he did.

I understand what your saying, and didnt mean a break on the charge. I meant him personally, I'm only guessing that if he feels and thing like I did he doesnt need people shitting on him.
He asked a question and yes he did fail horribly at his responsiblity. We all fuck up sometime in our lives.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
hunter001 said:
I am not buying it. I doubt the Judge will either. Your just lucky you didn't kill anyone.


Come on, give the poor guy a break. He was stupid, and he admits it, and he is not asking
for sympathy. No reason to doubt his word.

PS: He should change his handle.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2002
The only advice I can offer is to get a lawyer. You can get one of those "ex-copper" guys to represent you even though they aren't technically lawyers. I work with someone who hired one for his impaired. In his own words, the guy did a "horrible" job and said it took the judge "2 seconds to convict". In other words, he didn't need a whole lot of time to think about it. The upside is that because he lost, his ex copper guy was free.

And he got what he paid for. He lost his licence for a year.

My advice: get an actual lawyer and not one of those ex-copper guys. But YMMV.
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