Royal Spa

Anyone familiar


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Editing on this board is really disturbing. I posted a response to
the thread today. It has been deleted. There was nothing wrong about it. Just a comment. Informative I thought. Last time I checked I thought I was living in Canada where the Rule of Law prevailed and Freedom of Speech was a valued asset. Not so, as I have discovered. You BASTARDS have daned to censor my post. I have been becoming more and more aware that you had better speak politically correct speach or keep your mouth shut in this country. The effectveness of this board is severely limited. Well done moderators and web owners. WELCOME TO RUSSIA!!!!


New member
Sep 23, 2004
JPsoHot said:
Actually I dont think they have the GST over there!!!!! :eek:
Our COMMUNISTS doooo!!!
This is waaayyy off topic, but dammit, it has to be said. Canadian voters are so ignorant about the GST and have allowed themselves to be manipulated up one side and down the other over that ignorance.

Do you think that the GST didn't exist prior to Mulroney's enstating it? Well, you'd be half right -- there was no federal tax on services, but there was on goods. AND it was a hidden tax -- the manufacturing tax, I believe it was called, and I think it was about 13% applied to goods manufactured here.

To Mulroney's credit (and let's remember, people, I'm no great fan of the current conservative government), he had the balls to make a necessary change to our tax structure. As Canada's industry moved more towards services and away from manufacturing, this tax had to be fixed. And also to his credit, he had the balls to make it VISIBLE -- so that ordinary people like you and me could see the tax we were paying. (I applaud this -- I think any time you pay a tax, you should be aware of it -- hidden taxes are creepy!)

Ever since then, the political hijinks over this tax have been outrageous.

But before you go jumping to any conclusions, you should first be aware that you were paying a hidden federal tax that eventually became the GST we now know, and that this change took place in response to an evolution in the Canadian industry base. AND you should know that perhaps other countries still have backwards hidden taxes. Just because you can see it here doesn't mean that you could always see it, or that other countries don't have something similar that is hidden.

Be a smart voter. Don't succumb to cheap manipulation.



Apr 6, 2006
GST: the tax we love to hate

JoyfulC is quite right. Prior to the GST, we had a hidden Manufacturer's Sales Tax that added 13% to the price of manufactured goods, like TV's, appliances, etc. Back then, the price differential between manufactured goods in Canada and the US was substantially more than the exchange rate difference; i.e. we paid a lot more for TV's, stereos, refridgerators and the like. (And most of the things affected were big ticket items.)

When the GST was brought in, the idea was to introduce a consumption tax similar to the VAT in Europe. It was possible to lower the rate to 7% because the tax would apply to more than just manufactured goods; i.e. the idea was to pick a rate that would bring in roughly the same revenue as the MST.

As JoyfulC said, the other big difference was to make it visible.

Now years later, many people have forgotten there was an MST and most others don't know there was one -- they just see the 7% tax we pay on most everything we buy, and they hate it.

Are we better off having a GST than we were with the MST? Almost certainly yes. Do we pay too much in taxes? Sure -- but not because we have the GST!

Now, back to your regular programming ...

JoyfulC said:
This is waaayyy off topic, but dammit, it has to be said. Canadian voters are so ignorant about the GST and have allowed themselves to be manipulated up one side and down the other over that ignorance.

Do you think that the GST didn't exist prior to Mulroney's enstating it? Well, you'd be half right -- there was no federal tax on services, but there was on goods. AND it was a hidden tax -- the manufacturing tax, I believe it was called, and I think it was about 13% applied to goods manufactured here.

To Mulroney's credit (and let's remember, people, I'm no great fan of the current conservative government), he had the balls to make a necessary change to our tax structure. As Canada's industry moved more towards services and away from manufacturing, this tax had to be fixed. And also to his credit, he had the balls to make it VISIBLE -- so that ordinary people like you and me could see the tax we were paying. (I applaud this -- I think any time you pay a tax, you should be aware of it -- hidden taxes are creepy!)

Ever since then, the political hijinks over this tax have been outrageous.

But before you go jumping to any conclusions, you should first be aware that you were paying a hidden federal tax that eventually became the GST we now know, and that this change took place in response to an evolution in the Canadian industry base. AND you should know that perhaps other countries still have backwards hidden taxes. Just because you can see it here doesn't mean that you could always see it, or that other countries don't have something similar that is hidden.

Be a smart voter. Don't succumb to cheap manipulation.



odd things lately

FalconHawk said:
Editing on this board is really disturbing. I posted a response to
the thread today. It has been deleted. There was nothing wrong about it. Just a comment. Informative I thought. Last time I checked I thought I was living in Canada where the Rule of Law prevailed and Freedom of Speech was a valued asset. Not so, as I have discovered. You BASTARDS have daned to censor my post. I have been becoming more and more aware that you had better speak politically correct speach or keep your mouth shut in this country. The effectveness of this board is severely limited. Well done moderators and web owners. WELCOME TO RUSSIA!!!!
A few days ago I had posted a response in a different thread and the next morning it was gone. Then a day later it reappeared unedited as there was nothing wrong with what I posted. I found that very odd and was about to ask the mods when it was put back. No idea what's going on here .... :confused:


FalconHawk said:
Editing on this board is really disturbing. I posted a response to
the thread today. It has been deleted. There was nothing wrong about it. Just a comment. Informative I thought. Last time I checked I thought I was living in Canada where the Rule of Law prevailed and Freedom of Speech was a valued asset. Not so, as I have discovered. You BASTARDS have daned to censor my post. I have been becoming more and more aware that you had better speak politically correct speach or keep your mouth shut in this country. The effectveness of this board is severely limited. Well done moderators and web owners. WELCOME TO RUSSIA!!!!
None of your posts have been deleted by the Moderators for at least 2 weeks (that`s as far back as I searched).Is it possible that you were replying to a thread that was started by someone else?, if they deleted their post the entire thread is deleted, I did a quick search and didnt find any recent threads deleted, could this be the post you are refering to ?

Your comments about living in Canada/Free speech!
Perhaps you are living in Canada, but free speech does not prevail on a discussion board where you are invited to participate by the owner of said board. He has some simple rules that he asks us all to abide by, and if you can`t , or don`t wish to abide by them, he can ,and will edit/delete your posts as he sees fit, Remember, no one is forcing you to post on this forum.

It`s like writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, do you have the right to have anything you send them printed in the newspaper?


slurp said:
A few days ago I had posted a response in a different thread and the next morning it was gone. Then a day later it reappeared unedited as there was nothing wrong with what I posted. I found that very odd and was about to ask the mods when it was put back. No idea what's going on here .... :confused:
could be different reasons, and I'm not aware of this particular situation, but sometimes posts are removed by a moderator for the purpose of getting other Mods opinions on something, often we will err on the side of caution if unsure about something, sometimes we even make mistakes, pull a post in error, then return it , untouched . the perception is always that The Mods do this & do that, but in reality, very very few posts or threads are edited or deleted


Moderator said:
could be different reasons, and I'm not aware of this particular situation, but sometimes posts are removed by a moderator for the purpose of getting other Mods opinions on something, often we will err on the side of caution if unsure about something, sometimes we even make mistakes, pull a post in error, then return it , untouched . the perception is always that The Mods do this & do that, but in reality, very very few posts or threads are edited or deleted
Ok, I'll forgive you THIS time ....... *lol*

I post so much 1 post ain't makin much diff ........ :p


About two weeks ago, there was a post in the advertisers section from Ottawaguy1972, it was his first post. In it, he was trying to recruit SP's for a new upscale agency in Ottawa. It was posted at about 11:30 PM & was removed by the mods B4 the next morning. I agree with Falconhawk, no pics on the site is a major red flag.
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