Anyone Ever Tried Penis Enlargement?


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
Only the surgery!

buckwheat said:
I am curious to know if any of that junk works? I see lots of advertising and emails for enhancement. Anyone ever tried anything with results?
There's all kinds of pills, potions, and enhancement procedures ect..
Just get in the habit of doing your Kegel's, even if you dont need em now.


PI: Privates Investigator
Feb 1, 2004
Living large on the harbour.
Papi reaches down and scratches at the calf of his pants.... "Sometimes the head gets itchy....." :D


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
buckwheat said:
Whats Jelquing Macator2003 ?
Hey Buckwheat,

Here's the "Long" and the short of it:

JELQING (also known as "Milking") is an "ancient" technique that has been performed for centuries by many tribes and cultures. It is considered THE most effective method of penis enlargement.

These milking exercises force blood into the penis. Over the course of several months, the blood spaces in the penis became larger, which means that they can hold more blood. This in return makes your penis larger.

I've found that there are SEVERAL different variations of Jelqing that are practiced by men. The general notion of "milking the penis" is always the same, but the techniques seem to vary a bit. My personal preference is TECHNIQUE ONE. I've had more success growth-wise with this particular technique. Read through all the different variations on Jelqing and decide which technique you think would work for you.

You will want to use a lubricant for these exercises.

The results from Jelqing are PERMANENT. The penis will become enlarged in both the flaccid and erect states, but especially in its erect state. The exercises are beneficial, not harmful. They will actually improve the health and strength of the male organ as well as increase its size.

IMPORTANT: Care must be taken that the exercise is NOT PERFORMED DURING HARD ERECTION. Vascular (vein) damage could result if the penis is forcibly milked in its fully erect state. You want your penis between half to 3/4 erect. Results cannot be obtained until a partial erection is present. After this exercise has been performed, it will be noticed that the penis (even in its flaccid state) appears both longer and thicker. This is a fact. And from within one to several months of exercise, the penis will appear rather enormous; this is due to the impaction of blood in the penile tissues. Choose ONE of these jelqing exercise techniques to include in your workout.


This simple exercise, if practiced five days a week, will enable a man who possesses, for example, a six-inch erect penis, to add from between one to three inches to the length of his penis (measured at the top, from tip to pelvis) and it will grow in circumference proportionately. Little or no growth may be apparent for approximately one month. During the second or third month an increase of two or more inches will not be uncommon.


1 - When your penis becomes SEMI-ERECT, make the American "A-OK" sign with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. With this hand, grip tightly around the base of your penis.

2 - Now starting from the base, pull the penis gently but firmly. Stretch downward and outward. You should still be in a semi-erect state. Make sure to touch the penis all the way from the base to the head. Note that the head of your penis expands with blood.

3 - Switch to the right hand and do the same thing, starting from the base and stretching downward to the head. Alternate both hands in a smooth rhythmic ("milking") motion, touching upon every part of the penis except the very top part of the penis head.

Do 200-300 strokes/day at medium strength for the first week. (10 minutes)

Do 300-500 strokes/day at medium-full strength for the next week. (15 minutes)

Do 500 or more strokes/day from then on, and as strong as you can make them. (20 minutes)

If you find yourself getting an erection during this exercise, squeeze harder to discourage it or simply wait until it subsides. You can encourage circulation afterward by slapping your penis up and down 25 - 50 times. Perform this exercise 5 days a week. Remember to keep your penis only partially erect. If you feel ejaculation coming on, pause milking until the urge subsides. This is itself an exercise... one of self-control.



1 - Apply lubrication to the flaccid penis from the hilt to the head.

2 - Using only the thumb and forefinger, stretch the penis downward and slightly outward. Be gentle, but firm.

3 - Alternate hands, one then the other, in a "milking action".

4 - Keep performing gently until a certain amount of swelling develops, then perform the action a bit more firmly and forcibly.

5 - Repeat this action 100 times.

For the first ten days, take it relatively easy. Gradually though, you should be performing 200 repetitions. These exercises are the same for both circumcised and uncircumcised men. It will be noticed that the head (or glans) becomes extremely red and that it will swell considerably. This is normal and good, and is due to the forcing of blood to that area.



This is the "Dry" version of Jelqing. Similar to Techniques 1 and 2, but without the lubrication.

In "dry" milking, you squeeze and pull the skin, but you don't slide your fingers over the skin. As the penis becomes too large to cover in one stroke, work on the base and middle of the shaft separately.

Some guys like to milk "dry" in the morning before getting out of bed (when testosterone levels are the highest.) If you find your penis is getting sore, take a day off.



Apply lubrication to your penis, rubbing all over. With your penis in a 1/2 state of erection, rub a little more Vaseline into your palms. Take your left hand and make an "ok" symbol with your thumb and forefinger. Then take your thumb and forefinger and grip tightly around the base of your penis. Keeping a tight grip, slide your hand down to the head of your penis, pulling as you go (the head of your penis expands as you do this). Repeat with your right hand, and continue over and over, one hand then the other. Keep this movement going at a medium to fast pace.

For the first week or so, only jelq 100-200 repetitions (about 10 minutes). After the first week, try to work up to 20 minutes each day. Remember to keep your penis only partially erect. If you feel ejaculation coming on, pause until the urge subsides.



This is also know an the Tao technique. This works for men who want a bigger "mushroom" head on their penis. It's essentially the same as Technique One, except performed slower and more gently.

Use your fingers to push the blood up to your penis head and create some sustained pressure. Hold that position momentarily (approximately 10 seconds.). This will expand the capacity of your head to take in more blood, in the end creating a bell or mushroom shape. You can also squeeze the shaft to make the blood engorge in the head. Once it's hard, you can release the squeeze. Repeat as many times as you wish (but don't exceed 10 minutes).


New member
Jan 31, 2005
buckwheat said:
I am curious to know if any of that junk works? I see lots of advertising and emails for enhancement. Anyone ever tried anything with results?
There's all kinds of pills, potions, and enhancement procedures ect..
I find that if I rub and pull a bit, it gets a lot bigger than it normally is.......
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