anyone else lost interest in hobbying?


Active member
Jan 24, 2019
anyone else experiencing the same?
earlier I would visit SPs twice a week but now it's like once in 2 months

last year the lock-downs forced me to stop it completely at first, but now as things are opening up then also I dont find any encouragement for hobbying as regular as previously
my personal sex life has not changed so sex drive/sex availability in personal life is not issue here
but somehow it does not fit my day to day life now compared to earlier


Active member
Jan 23, 2014
Well, NRM, I feel your pain. I retired last year after I received a severance payment / early retirement payout. I expected I'd be able to see regulars on my own time and schedule. It seems retirement comes with its own demands and expectations plus I look after elderly parents. I only ever hobbied every couple of months or so and business travel gave me the ability to see my favourite.

Now, being limited for the most part to KW, I don't have much confidence in local ladies. I miss the two or three whose company I enjoyed.
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Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
I'm not there yet as I only hobby once a month - still lovin' it, but I do hope you find it back @NRMS9 - its a great outlet if I say so myself.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Same here. Went from a least once a week to 1 every 2 months.

Not sure if it's covid effect or something else. One thing for sure I miss the $ of 2013-2019 era. Fuck was it ever good!


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
I would love to know what kind of job you have for you to spend money on two SPs per week. Is your company hiring?
I learned through the years that you need to hobby according to a budget. Your budget.

When I told the amount of my budget for this to the owner of XO in Montreal he told me I shouldn't have told him. He told me you think it's a big budget but it's not. So now I know you'll never be a big shot client. The motherfucker haha ... ;)


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Since the first shutdown last March my interest in SP's and strip clubs has pretty much vanished.
I sure do like the money I am saving.
I have all kinds of time on my hands to see the ladies but just no desire.
Have found other hobbies to keep me occupied.


No patience
Oct 12, 2001
St. Catharines
Same here. There isn't any talent in the Niagara Region that attracts me, so I have saved money for sure. I keep looking, but so many scams in this area. I do occasionally go to Toronto for a weekend, but you must book ahead. Last minute bookings are difficult. Tried to book Tania from Select and she was not free at the times I requested. Same with Lilly at Mirage.

Oh well! More money for my South America trips where I go all out!


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Nope. Life's too short to dwell on the negatives. I did notice that way too many average and below average girls charge premium. The schmucks must be paying, I guess. That reminds me, I have a four handed massage scheduled for today.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2016
I took a break because of covid, only saw a few around this time last year, then took another break when cases went back up. I thought I'd be rushing back into things once vaccinated but it's been months now and I just dont have the motivation anymore.

I'm in markham and don't want to go all the way downtown or the airport to see someone. So I'm limited to just girls in markham, which aren't much these days. Even then though there's a few that I'm interested in but I'd rather just jerk off than have to shave everywhere, travel, go through the hassle of things.
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May 3, 2014


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Feb 28, 2020

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Oddly yes. I had 3 on the go. Two of them I knew for 10 years and one for 5 years. Dropped one. Lovely woman but my attraction disappeared. Another one is old but gets the job done. My favorite went back to religion. Big time. Sex is the devil. No sex. Pray. Read the bible. Fucking irritating. She was at her peak. She was my 10 out of 10. So no loss of interest. She was a keeper. Now she's gone. So I am down to the one. Apart from anything else, I see her to make sure the plumbing is still working, because at my age I really feel that if you don't use it you lose it. And sex is good for your health.
However. In spite of trying out the odd new one once a year or so, and finding them a let down, I haven't found anyone that interests me. Wish I could. The idea of pooning seems kind of weird now. I honestly don't know how women can do it.
I don't have any contact with civilians other than at work. There are 4 I want to do. None of them like me.
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
no, not yet
but I am hobbying less than before, which is actually good, budget wise

Just Looking For A Latina

Totalmente perdido
Sep 7, 2020
I have been seeing more ladies the past few months. Combination of things. Leaving a business. No longer seeing one particular lady who I cared about. Getting older and not sure what is going to happen sexually in a couple years.

The escorts today are less attractive to me, there is no doubt. My memory is that the escorts were all young, physically well put together, and attentive. Today, for me far too many are overweight. Facially for some reason I do not find many attractive.

Before I wanted to get laid, now I want to experience a much younger woman who does not look like the women I see on the streets of Toronto.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts