Any intel on Alexia from Montreal (Visiting Kingston) XXX-0144

Frank Gravey

Active member
May 29, 2010
The never ending question - is the girl as good as the pictures? Guess there'll forever be only one way to find out, but I'm not inclined to research this one in person.

My standard for avoiding disappointment in the picture department says that if it looks like it's photoshopped, and walks like its photoshopped, then it probably is - particularly with no face to go w the pix.

Even if there not as hot a prospect, face pics seal the deal. Or if theres something in the description about 100% real pictures. If I'm in doubt I tell 'em, "if I show up and you aren't your pix, then it's 'ciao now' time". I'm nice about it and I don't get a lot of static, and haven't been screwed on a B&S for years.
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