Ashley Madison

Any info on Vicky in Oshawa from RZ


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Not a real sexy, original pic. lifting up her shirt, wearing granny panties and sandals. YIKES!!!
To each thier own though


New member
Jul 13, 2005
I like adventure and this has an authentic asian feel to it... sometimes the ones with the best photos are the worst experiences... this could be the worst photo, so it might be the best experience ;)

Stay tuned for an update!

the spectator

New member
Nov 28, 2006
vmax1500 said:
I like adventure and this has an authentic asian feel to it... sometimes the ones with the best photos are the worst experiences... this could be the worst photo, so it might be the best experience ;)

Stay tuned for an update!
so whats the update!


New member
Feb 24, 2006

Since I have a thing for middle aged asians, I figured I'd give it a try. Here's what happened:
I called from a payphone; she directed me to an apartment bldg. on Nonquon and gave me the buzzer code. She said she would meet me in the hallway on the 6th floor.
When I pulled up in the visitors parking, I noticed an asian woman standing outside the front entrance. She looked suspiciously like the picture on the Redzone.
I went inside and buzzed. While I was waiting for an answer, I looked out the front door, and there she was standing, fiddling with her cellphone. The door buzzed and she motioned me to go in. I went to the 6th floor and looked around, but nobody was in sight anywhere.
As I was already somewhat spooked by the weird arrangement, I decided to leave after a minute or so. When I exited the building, she was nowhere to be seen.
I don't know what the [beep] all this was about, maybe she figured I was the police or just didn't like my face.

Same old story: stay out of Durham!


New member
Jan 16, 2007
Just checked out her site. Yikes!! That one looks a little scary.


Early riser
Nov 20, 2004
East GTA

Well, It seems I'm the first to do a review of her ... could this be true (honestly I didn't do a search). I saw her ad in OTW - (Busty Asian) so I gave her a call.

I saw this ad on TRZ before and thought to myself, I would not do this. (but I did). I was looking for a massage and tried to call the girl at park and wentworth who also advertises in OTW but there was only a voicemail. I do prefer asians so I called "busty" and asked her for her address and how much. She said $40 and 155 Nonquon. I told her 20 minutes and called her from downstairs (I used the 925 5056#) She gave me the code and then buzzed me in. When I got out of the elevator (on6) I saw someone looking out of one of the doors down at the far left end of the hall so I tried to walk as naturally as possible in that direction. She ushereed me in quietly and off we went to the room; mattress on floor, dark curtain, dim light, soft music, you know the drill.

I asked what was on the menu and she said "what do you want? Massage, nude reverse, BJ, FS?" She was slightly less discrete. I figured I'd ask for FS and she said $120. She went off to freshen up. When she returned and undressed, I have to say, I was not too impressed but at this stage, I was of the "what the hell" attitude. We had quite a discussion about her breasts. She claimed that the left one was larger than the right one because her baby refused to feed from the right one. I'd guess she's a C cup and a B cup. I thought it was pretty funny at the time. I thought her breasts were somewhat lumpy as if there were implants but there were no scars and she swore she was all natural.

I think facially, she's a bit pretty but there's no way she's 28. I even doubt that she's 38. I'd guess 48 was a lot closer but then you know what they say about asian women and how white guys can't tell their real age. I've been fooled before but usually I guess on the low side. She says she's been in the business for 10 years and in Canada for 5 since Nov 2001.

It was not GFE, but she was clean enough to DATY. She was enthusiastic and although it was intense and fast, either she was cumming for a good minute after or she's good at faking it with vaginal contractions. In my limited experience - to get an orgasm out of my partner takes a lot more work than that.

Face: 6
Body: 4
Attitude: 7 (slightly rushed - note to self: discuss a duration next time)
Repeat: Likely
Damage: $120


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2004
I think that all hobbyists should collect $2 each and forward the pot to FIP for TOFTT. Thanks for the write up. I even saved the $1 for the OTW. There's gotta be some more talent out there....S.O.S...!!!!


Jan 18, 2004
Her RZ add says she has a young friend visiting. Was she around anywhere.

Was the $120 for an hr or 1/2 hr. Just curious, not really interested.


Early riser
Nov 20, 2004
East GTA
Young Friend

gramps said:
Her RZ add says she has a young friend visiting. Was she around anywhere.

Was the $120 for an hr or 1/2 hr. Just curious, not really interested.
She had a small dog - no young friend. The amount was for the act, not the time. I think they don't realize that we're paying for the time, not the act. That's one of the things that makes this different from going into tog2 or tag in TO and spending an extra $20-$50. The other thing is the GFE level of service - which Vicky didn't quite deliver.

She's spending some time on the phone - trying to entice customers who call with questions into coming. I'd think that if it takes you longer than some to finish she'd stick with it to the end. She has her phone turned WAY down and she didn't excuse herself when she was with me to answer it. I appreciate that.



Jun 29, 2005
MojoRisin' said:
Not a real sexy, original pic. lifting up her shirt, wearing granny panties and sandals. YIKES!!!
To each thier own though
you guys crack me up:D
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