any advice


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
I received an email from a past client this a.m. In the past he has always e-mailed me with funny cards from yahoo. He seemed to receive as much pleasure from sending these cards as he did from the session itself and they were always cute and innocent. I felt our last session was less favorable no matter what I was just flat.
I haven't heard from him in several months and received an e-mail attachment from him today with other recipients named tog so and so. I don't know what tog means.
It was a vile movie, showing 8 oriental women( I am caucasion), being forced to strip and then being forced into a pool of water where dozens of eels were poured all over them, they were screaming and crying and could not get out. They were very young but I don't think teenagers. The next vignette showed them beiing ankle and arm bound with three pigs in each encasement sucking their pussy and breasts. That was the end of the movie. This movie was very real, the girls were not acting, they were terrified, screaming and crying. It was an insult to humanity and to women's rights and has shaken me up. I don't know whether to innterpret it as a future threat. I don't know if he has gone off his rocker, if Ireport it to whom should I and will that get me into trouble because of what Ido. Also this client is a very powerful man in town possibly with mob connections. Your thoughts would be appreciated.


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
I saw that video clip as well. The girls were the participant in the show(game show?). The girls seems horrified, but that's just their normal facial expression when they are naked.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Reply to the email, be courteous and make it clear that you do not appreciate receiving these types of emails. The truth is you are not entirely sure why he did it, but it seems like you don't want to receive it again. Just be firm and clear with the email. Voice your disgust.

His reaction will be your answer.

FYI - TOG may be Toronto Oriental Girls


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Thousand said:
I saw that video clip as well. The girls were the participant in the show(game show?). The girls seems horrified, but that's just their normal facial expression when they are naked.
sorry , I dont think think there was anything normal about their expressions.


Who me?
Mar 25, 2003
Agree with backburner

Politely and firmy express your dismay to the sender. Request that no future emails of this sort be sent as it is not welcome. But also ask if there was a specific reason he sent this to you. Did something in your previous realtionship make him think this was a personal joke? Peopel seem to rmember things in different ways.

After that, just ignore it. There really is nobody to report it to, it was not explicitly a personal threat. Better not to make a huge issue out of it, unless it repeats itself.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I also agree with back burner, register your disgust with him firmly but politely - his reaction may indicate if you should take things further.
Some people have a warped sense of humour they hope to share, this might not be a threat of any kind.


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
thanks everyone

I took your advise and registered my disgust and asked him not to contact me any more. He has written back his apologies. Thanks again.


New member
Sep 10, 2002
Some people forward things to everyone in their address book without really paying much attention to who it is going out to or what the content is. I replied back to an email I received from such a person and the person said they agreed with me it was inappropriate but usually just forwarded things without actually reading them. :rolleyes: Not saying in this case they didn't know what it was but perhaps didn't check who it was being sent to.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I don't know if the one you saw was the same as the others I've seen but in japan, there are all kinds of effed up game shows like this....I've seen the eel one myself. I equate this to something like our fear factor. Just remember: eels are a food fish in lots of parts in the world...I'd get into a tank of trout, no problem lol.

Anyhow, he could have sent it to you thinking you'd find the humour in it as he did. I'd say he just didn't know that it would offend you so strongly. Just remember: when it comes to what will offend a woman, some of us guys are dumber than a bag of hammers!

As stated, write him back politely with something like this:

Dear X:

While I appreciated your previous emails with all the ecards etc and found them quite enjoyable, your latest email with the attached video wasn't my cup of tea and I found it kind of distasteful. If you wouldn't mind, please refrain from sending me anything like that.

Like I said, I do appreciate your emails and your ecards and look forward to your next..

If it was an honest mistake, something like the above won't offend him. If he did send it to you knowing that it would offend you, then his response will be indicative of that mindset.

As for sending it to the authorities, I'd take a good look at the video to see if it wasn't staged. Taking a small snippet of a video could put it totally out of context.....


Sep 16, 2002
The clip that he sent is on many short video sites. While it is a bit weird, it is not what I would call dangerous to anyone. As someone else mentioned, it comes from one of those strange Japanese TV shows where contestants do all sorts of strange stuff for money & prizes. It would be seen on regular television in Japan.

The Japanese have a very twisted sense of humor, by our standards.

Also, pornography is much more accepted there. It is not uncommon in Japan to see a man reading, quite openly, a hardcore porn magazine in a public place such as the subway or bus.

Also witness some of the animation that comes from Japan. I have seen stuff that I can not quite believe makes it past our censors involving (remember-this is animated) prepubescent school girls being raped by hideous monsters, and shown to be enjoying it. And it is available in almost any video store.

I think that the Japanese have a much clearer view of what is fact and what is fiction than we do. We believe that showing such acts will then cause someone to go out and perform the same acts. On the other hand, the Japanese see it as living out fantasies in a safe controlled way. Considering crime statistics, I am not sure that they are wrong.

As a few others have said, I would just let him know that you did not enjoy it and then let it go.


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
Marlene said:
sorry , I dont think think there was anything normal about their expressions.
It's normal in Japan. The clip is just from a game show. It's no big deal. Don't over analyze the situation. He probably found it fascinating and just wanted to act out the scenes with you. :eek:


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Thank you to all

who responded and assured me it was a Japanese sense of humor kind of thing and I have received numerous apologies from the client who sent the all is well. You are real gentlemen and jumped to the cause right away. Thank you so much.
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