Another Tax Coming Our Way

HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
Notice Of Increase In Tax Payments To All Male Taxpayers.


The only thing the government has not yet taxed is your "PECKER." Mainly because 98% of the time you pecker is out of work and the other 2% it is in the hole. Moreover, it has two dependents who are both nuts.

Accordingly, beginning on April 1 of this year, your pecker will be taxed according to its size. Use the Pecker-Checker scale listed below to determine you tax.

Please insert the information on page 6, section P, subsection z, line 69 of your State Income Tax Form.

Very truly yours,




10 to 12 inches Luxury Tax $50.00

8 to 10 inches Pole Tax $25.00

6 to 8 inches Privilege Tax $15.00

4 to 6 inches Nuisance Tax $ 5.00

Note: Anyone under 4 inches is eligible for a refund.

Please do not request an extension.
Toronto Escorts