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Animal abuse


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
About a year ago my brother bought my folks a cat (Russian Blue). They completely feel in love with it. After having him for about seven months, someone abused him to the point that they had to put him down. According to the vet, someone must have yanked on his tail extremly hard because he lost all feeling in his hind legs. As a result he couldn't pee on his own and shortly after stopped eating.
Shortly after my bro bought another cat for them. A couple weeks ago he went missing. Happily for all that were concerned, my old man found his pics on the humane society website. While at the humane soc. he picked up a sinus infectioin (he's okay) so they kept him in for a week or so. Tonight I went over for dinner, and their neighbour came to the door to see if everything was aright with the cat, because she hasn't seen him for awhile. we inform her that all is well and thanks for asking. Then she tells us that she was concerned because she saw another neighbour (just moved in a year ago) chasing him around and trying to hit him with a stick. (before he went missing)

My father is convinced that the neighbour is resposible for their previous cats injuries, and is hell bent on taking matters into his own hands. He suggested something about the guys car, I told him to relax and that we would come up with something better. His response was "ya think we should burn the house down instead?" I can't say I blame him, I wanted to nail a dead chicken to his door after hearing this. Have you ever seen a 77yr old Sicilian man cry...me neither.

Please advise

Thanks baci


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Unless you catch him doing it
all you have is hear say.

Best advice is not letting your cat out without watching it. A video camera would also be a good idea.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
This is incredible. You're willing to do whatever to someone, based on what your neighbour saw and told you? And you want advise? How old are you?


Jun 17, 2004
There is no conclusive evidence that the neighbors were the one who abused the cat, or if the cat was abused at all. It could have been due to a disease or accident.

As someone who loves animals, I can certainly understand your father's anger and need for justice. However, without any other evidence, he should just wait. Maybe more evidence will come out, either implicating or exonerating your neighbor.


New member
Feb 16, 2004
my friend found her cat lying dead a few streets over. someone had shot it with an arrow. it was so sad. there was a rumour that it was this one kid, but again no proof, so not too much could be done.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
True, but the thing is now he's affraid to let him out.

We aren't going to do anything violent, just a rant on both our parts.

I just wondered if you would normally inform the cops about something like this.


New member
Feb 16, 2004
maybe tell the kid's parents what your neighbours saw and ask them to speak with their child about it.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
kat19 said:
maybe tell the kid's parents what your neighbours saw and ask them to speak with their child about it.
It wasn't a kid, it was a 40 yr old man. Can you believe it?
Aug 1, 2002
Cats are harmless and they obviously don't deserve to be abused. I am more of a dog person since I'm allergic to certain types of the long-haired cats but I like all animals. I can understand if your dog was a vicious pit-bull, which seems to be getting a lot of bad raps lately but if it's a little cat the person(s) responsible are twisted and sick for hurting it.

I'd keep a close eye on your pets dude.




New member
Nov 19, 2004
I am sorry for your father's loss...

We have four cats...they are all indoor cats...they never go outside...they are healthy and happy...this is something you should consider.


a muddy reclining Buddha
If that neighbour is resposible for their previous cats injuries then take some advice from no other then the man himself...

~Samuel L. Jackson~

"AK-47...... When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room..... Accept no substitutes."

~Samuel L. Jackson~


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
zzap said:
If that neighbour is resposible for their previous cats injuries then take some advice from no other then the man himself...

~Samuel L. Jackson~

"AK-47...... When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room..... Accept no substitutes."

~Samuel L. Jackson~
Yeah, mothafucka!!!
Or just rely on my kittykat


It's been good to know ya
Well, in my younger years we had a dog part husky and part wolf. So in fact it was more wolf than it was husky. But the fact of the matter was it was almost 100% a wolf. Non the less it was a very tame dog to begin with.

We had gotten it as a guard dog to guard the house in our absence and so it did stay in the back yard when we were away. We had found stones sticks etc.. in our back yard. Near the middle the dog was still tame with us, but we had witnessed changes in the dog. We honestly knew it was our next door neighbor that was guilty of throwing the stones as we had heard them through my mothers bedroom window discussing how much Timber looked like a wolf and was not a dog etc.. So in fact it was the neighbors who turned the dog to be so wild. In the end my mother could not trust the dog even around me and was thinking of having it put down as I was still a child at the time and myself I became nervous of the dog when going to feed it as it did leap at me once when I went to take it food.

In the end that did not happen as we awoke one morning and found the dog dead, somebody had fed it laced meat. The sad part is is that it was meant to only be a guard dog and it was not hamful of anyone if they were to stay off of our property. We know that the dog never even bothered the neighbors to begin with they just did not like how it looked like a wolf and they turned it to be the way it did become.

Without much evidence there is not much you can do though. :(

Gord's Bro

Winston said:
Cats have a much shorter life if let out. Cars, neighbours, other cats, and coyotes all lead to an early death. Apparently, cat is one of the favorite dishes of the urban coyote . . . .

Keep a cat as an indoor pet.
Agreed, Winston. We're a cat family and, once the animals settle in, they get pretty comfortable (and darn lazy!!!) indoors.

Mind you, the younger of the two is from a long line of barn cats and, while he's got no trees to climb, you should see him jump from the couch halfway up the stairs!! A bit of a shock, at first, to visistors!

Jennifer: Not sure if reptiles and amphibians provide the same type of cuddly closeness and bonding you can get from cats, and too a lesser degree, dogs.

If you've got your own place now, think about adopting from (or even volunteering as a foster parent for) your local animal sheter. You'll have a friend for live. And, maybe most important of all, their love is unconditional.

What a great way to make up for the so many animals that have been abused and neglected!

G's B.


New member
I am always amazed at how cruel people can be ....

I would suggest contacting the police and humane society to see if this person has any "prior bad acts" reported. If he has, they may be able to act or at least alert him to the fact that he's going to have major problems if he bothers any animal and that the neighborhood is watching him.
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