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And you thought Jerry Sandusky was bad.....


New member
Aug 30, 2001
The question must be, why is this incredibly primitive behavior allowed? Where is the most basic enlightenment?

In this story, an 8 day old boy died after being infected Herpes by a Mohel who was circumcising him using the practice known as metzitzah b’peh. This practice involves the Mohel putting his mouth on the little guy's penis and sucking the blood. Yes, you heard it. Putting his mouth on this penis at 8 days.

"What, you ask, is metzitzah b’peh? According to the CDC, it refers to the ritual when a mohel “places his mouth directly on the newly circumcised penis and sucks blood away from the circumcision wound (direct orogenital suction).”

The transmission of herpes is thought to occur when the mohel, without or without a visible oral herpes sore (herpes is well-known to be transmissible even in the absence of a visible sore), touches his lips to the infant’s newly cut skin—a golden and tragic opportunity for herpes or any infection to enter the bloodstream. The immune system of the infant is far too immature to handle much of anything and some babies are quickly overwhelmed. In the CDC series, infants in two of 11 cases gathered over the last decade died and others were left with long-term neurologic disabilities."

And, for the CDC report:


New member
Oct 12, 2010
The question must be, why is this incredibly primitive behavior allowed? Where is the most basic enlightenment?

In this story, an 8 day old boy died after being infected Herpes by a Mohel who was circumcising him using the practice known as metzitzah b’peh. This practice involves the Mohel putting his mouth on the little guy's penis and sucking the blood. Yes, you heard it. Putting his mouth on this penis at 8 days.

"What, you ask, is metzitzah b’peh? According to the CDC, it refers to the ritual when a mohel “places his mouth directly on the newly circumcised penis and sucks blood away from the circumcision wound (direct orogenital suction).”

The transmission of herpes is thought to occur when the mohel, without or without a visible oral herpes sore (herpes is well-known to be transmissible even in the absence of a visible sore), touches his lips to the infant’s newly cut skin—a golden and tragic opportunity for herpes or any infection to enter the bloodstream. The immune system of the infant is far too immature to handle much of anything and some babies are quickly overwhelmed. In the CDC series, infants in two of 11 cases gathered over the last decade died and others were left with long-term neurologic disabilities."

And, for the CDC report:
While this issue has been discussed at length around here, do you really think that negligent acts are worse than multiple intentional sexual assualts?

Or is it just because the people involved are jewish that you want to make such a statement?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
In the past, Gryf has claimed he is just against Israel's policies. What does this post say about him?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I think the practice is sick and disgusting.

That said, it's up to the Jews who offer up their children to such nonsense to say NO to it. It really is that simple in my eyes.


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
it an ancient tradition. people that do it are 1000s of years behind the times. it shouldn't be allowed in canada. if done, the man should be charged. these tribal traditions need to be abandoned.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
it an ancient tradition. people that do it are 1000s of years behind the times. it shouldn't be allowed in canada. if done, the man should be charged. these tribal traditions need to be abandoned.
So it is the state's role to decide which traditions can and should be abandoned?

And yes, the chap in the article should be charged.

If you are suggesting that everyone who performs a circumcision should be charged, you are going to be very busy.


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
So it is the state's role to decide which traditions can and should be abandoned?

And yes, the chap in the article should be charged.

If you are suggesting that everyone who performs a circumcision should be charged, you are going to be very busy.
no. the putting of a mouth on a young boys you-know. illegal. should be charged. you can have your religion however goofy it is, but you can't touch little boys. how simple can this get?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The pedophilia accusations are plain idiotic. There is nothing sexual about it.

On the other hand there are better ways to deal with blood (and to add, this mouth method is used by an extremely small part of the orthodox Jewish community).

But let's not let facts get in the way of gryf's campaign to de-legitimize anything Jewish or Israeli.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The pedophilia accusations are plain idiotic. There is nothing sexual about it.

On the other hand there are better ways to deal with blood (and to add, this mouth method is used by an extremely small part of the orthodox Jewish community).

But let's not let facts get in the way of gryf's campaign to de-legitimize anything Jewish or Israeli.
I don't see the need for an old man to be putting an infant's penis in his mouth. Ever. It's sick and the parents who allow it are even sicker still.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I agree there's no need but sick is not the appropriate term. Maybe stupidly traditional, maybe 1000 years behind the times, but sick and accusations of sexual misconduct are ridiculous (not to mention that this practice is very rare - I don't know if it's even practiced in Canada).

This has all been discussed at length before and addressing gryf's motivation in posting this article well after the fact is worth questioning as well (and based on his posting history of ONLY posting on Israeli and Jewish issues we know the answer - I haven't done it recently but I previously searched 1000 of his past posts and discovered 998 bashing Israel/Jews, 2 bashing american policies in the middle east, and ZERO about anything else including the hobby)


New member
Oct 12, 2010
no. the putting of a mouth on a young boys you-know. illegal. should be charged. you can have your religion however goofy it is, but you can't touch little boys. how simple can this get?
So are you arguing that Rabbi's should be charged for carrying out circumcisions?

Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
no. the putting of a mouth on a young boys you-know. illegal. should be charged. you can have your religion however goofy it is, but you can't touch little boys. how simple can this get?
Hard to take your opinions seriously when you can't even say the word penis. Are you 12 or just that homophobic?
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