And this is why you either...


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
...tell your kid to secure their own cell phone with their own job and own credit...or give them a pre paid phone...

I once...years ago...made the mistake of securing a cellphone for a "friend" (read: ongoing booty buddy) whose credit was too fucked up to get one of her own. BIG mistake...lesson learned for me...never co sign ANYTHING for ANYONE who doesn't have the credit to get it on their own...and that includes my kid.
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resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
And yet ANOTHER example of someone not accepting responsibility for their actions. Whether his daughter is "developmentally challenged" or not, she can read, write, send txt msgs, and go through the semi-complicated sign up process to authorize these services so, pay the fucking bill and cut off her cellphone. EOS.. I mean, he's LUCKY sprint offerred to cut the bill in half, a pretty good deal if you ask me.

As Mlam says: never co-sign anything and if I had a kid? They'd be getting a pre-paid virgin phone with a limit of $25.00 a month and they'd be paying at least half. IMO anyone who gives a teenager a cellphone without a limit is playing russian roulette with an automatic.
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