Anal sex with GF. To cover or not to cover?

Choose your anal menu if your GF was clean.

  • I love anal, and prefer not to use a condom.

    Votes: 40 47.6%
  • I love anal, but I prefer to use a condom.

    Votes: 13 15.5%
  • I'm ok with anal, and prefer not to use a condom.

    Votes: 11 13.1%
  • I'm ok with anal, but I ain't getting her shit all over my cock!

    Votes: 8 9.5%
  • I wouldn't go in her bunghole to begin with.

    Votes: 12 14.3%

  • Total voters


Cover it up boys! Really, shit has tons of nasty bacteria that could make you sick.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Used a condom you don't want to start spreading bacteria and if you switch positions take off the condom or your exposing her to risk of some major infections.

Just because she is "clean" from STD doesn't mean there isn't a host of other problems.


Mr. Lucky said:
Well they don't cover in the porno movies..

Does that also include from an aids test?

You can do an ass 2 mouth if you like..
Just ask an sp for a bbgreek
That is one of the best ways to get HIV.

People who perform in porns know this, and are willing to take the risk. That said, these days porn stars are consistantly tested for just about everything. Most update their test every few weeks. I know of companies that insist on tests less then 7 days old. But that does not mean anything.

Bacterial infections can be very nasty.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Mr. Lucky said:
Well they don't cover in the porno movies.......
But then give themselves an enema just before the shoot so there is less chance of the odd nugget popping out at the wrong moment.....

(hence why some sp's who offer trips to the islands need 24 hrs notice)

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
What exactly does "perfectly clean" mean?

Being squeaky clean for the event would entail almost a days worth of preparations - not just the clean up but also keeping track of bowel movements and going on an empty stomach to make sure there's now "new mail" arriving ... certainly not very spontaneous is it?

I think one would have to bee over-obsessed with the whole BB Anal thing to plan a whole weekend around it. But if it's something SHE really wanted, then I guess she could prepare for it - just DON'T tell me in advance, it don't like appointments.


New member
Jul 27, 2003
I don't get how they can do it bareback in the porn movies....going back and forth from anal to mouth w/o being covered.

Yuck! :eek:


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
In the good old days it was never covered anal, that way you saved the risk of pregnancy and didn't waste money buying condoms. Catholic girls could technically keep their " virginity". Win Win all around.


Rebistrad Suer
Jan 10, 2003
Over home
I do not cover when I have anal with a gf. Part of what I enjoy about anal is that for me it is a domination experience and I want to cum in her ass. I have never had a problem after many years of doing it this way, although we always both shower shortly afterwards.


New member
May 25, 2005
Essentially the canal pretty much has to be free and clear of debris before you consider sailing in without a condom. In the movies the girls have enemas before they do the scene. Too it's a good idea to do a thorough clean up afterwards. You are potentially exposing yourself to bacteria, however I wouldn't necessarily consider it an instant death warrant, especially if it's with a long time GF.

But for all intensive purposes you may find using a condom to not only be safer, but cleaner, and more convenient. Of course the vagina is much more welcoming if you look at it in a natural, God built it right, kinda way.


New member
Jun 4, 2006
Jeez... I get the feeling that if nostrals or ear canals were big enough, then people would be sticking willys in there too.

Have a hole? Then keep it filled!

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
The way i see it. if this is the girl of your dreams and someone you hope will be your last partner, and you really just want that closeness with her, than maybe it is worth some risk.

However, I'll bet this isn't really much to do with her. I suspect it's all about the ass, and she just happens to have one that's available. IMO, that's not a good enough reason to take that risk.

You haven't said anything about her previous experience with this. If she is new to anal, covered will be easier because some condoms fit tight, compact the penis a little and glide smoother through the lube. Plus she will be more relaxed not having lingering concerns about safety.

And she should be having lingering concerns. If she is so lacking in judgement as to jump right into BB anal, she's probably not a safe enough person to do it with.
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