An H1N1 strain of swine flu has been confirmed in Ontario this winter


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
An H1N1 strain of swine flu has been confirmed in Ontario this winter

Ainsley Smith
Jan 10, 2019 7:41 am

In 2009, Ontario was hit with a strain of swine flu commonly known as H1N1. It was a pandemic strain claimed the lives of manyand triggered widespread vaccinations.

And now, Ontario health officials have confirmed a similar strain is back, with thousands of cases being reported across the province since September.

According to Dr. Bryna Warshawsky, a medical director with Public Health Ontario, the H1N1 strain that is circulating is very similar to what began in 2009.

When it first appeared 10-years-ago, a majority of people, particularly younger children and adults, had not experienced it before, resulting in many people getting sick not just in Ontario and Canada, but around the world.

Older adults were more protected from the strain as it was similar to another strain that had circulated many years prior that they may have been exposed to when they were younger.

“Since 2009, the H1N1 strain has reappeared as the dominant strain circulating during several flu seasons (2013-2014 and 2015-2016). In addition, we have vaccinated against this strain of H1N1 in 2009 and every year since,” says Dr. Warshawsky.

Because this strain has circulated a number of times since 2009 and we continue to get vaccinated, people have more immunity now, so few fewer people are getting ill.

Ontario is seeing cases of both H1N1 and H3N2

So far this year, Dr. Warshawsky says there are more H1N1 cases being reported across the country. But here in Ontario, there is also a low-level of H3N2 circulating, which is another type of influenza A.

From September 1 to December 29, 2018, Dr. Warshawsky says there have been 1,767 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza reported in Ontario.

“This only represents a fraction of the people who are infected with influenza, as many people with influenza are not tested to see exactly what is causing their symptoms,” says Dr. Warshawsky.

As for where cases are specifically appearing in the province, Dr. Warshawsky says influenza activity is wide-spread with “some variability in the rates of laboratory-confirmed infections.”

Common symptoms include fever, chills, cough, sore throat, body aches and fatigue. However, while many symptoms of a cold may appear similar to influenza, influenza symptoms tend to be more severe.

“As an example, people with influenza can feel extreme fatigue with little energy to get out of bed,” says Dr. Warshawsky.

“Influenza tends to be more serious than the average cold, as it can cause complications that result in hospitalizations and deaths, such as pneumonia, and worsening of underlying medical conditions such as heart disease or lung disease. Influenza infections have also been linked to heart attacks.”

As we dive into winter, the best way to ensure you’re protected is to get the influenza shot if you haven’t already.

“Each year’s influenza vaccine contains two strains of influenza A – one H1N1 strain and one H3N2 strain, as well as one or two influenza B strains,” says Dr. Warshawsky.

Influenza B tends to occur later in the influenza season, often when influenza A activity is decreasing.

Dr. Warshawsky says this year’s influenza vaccine contains the H1N1 strain, which in past years has been shown to be fairly effective in protecting against the H1N1 strains that have circulated in those years.


New member
Nov 27, 2018
Gee where is UN's World Health and why aren't raising the "The sky is falling" battle cry like the last time? Is it because aside from being a bit tougher on kids it's still really a relatively mild strain of flu. In 2009, despite the hysteria caused by World Heath it killed half the people of your garden flu season normally does. If memory serves, 4,000 Swine deaths in Canada compared to a usual 8,000. I know it's sound like a lot but there is a lot fools that don't believe in flu shots.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Gee where is UN's World Health and why aren't raising the "The sky is falling" battle cry like the last time? Is it because aside from being a bit tougher on kids it's still really a relatively mild strain of flu. In 2009, despite the hysteria caused by World Heath it killed half the people of your garden flu season normally does. If memory serves, 4,000 Swine deaths in Canada compared to a usual 8,000. I know it's sound like a lot but there is a lot fools that don't believe in flu shots.
Does it come down to a cost benefit analysis then if this is a mild form of flu? Why isn't the flu shot on the mandatory recommended list but a secondary list such as this one:

Here is what the Canadian Paediatric Society and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization currently recommend:

5-in-1 or 6-in-1 vaccine (also known as DPTP-Hib), DPT-polio, or Hib vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, and Hib disease.
Rotavirus vaccine protects infants against rotavirus, the most common cause of serious diarrhea in babies and young children.
Pneumococcal vaccine protects against infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, including meningitis (a brain infection), pneumonia, and ear infections.
Meningococcal vaccine protects against diseases caused by the meningococcus bacteria, including meningitis and septicemia, a serious blood infection.
MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps, and rubella.
Varicella vaccine protects against chickenpox, a very uncomfortable and sometimes serious infection.
Hepatitis B vaccine protects against hepatitis B, a serious infection of the liver.
dTap vaccine protects adolescents against diptheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough).
HPV vaccine protects against the types of HPV that cause cervical cancer, some other cancers, and genital warts.
Then later in the link the say this about the flu:

Should my child receive any other vaccines?
The CPS recommends that all children over 6 months old get a flu shot each year. The vaccine is especially important for children less than 5 years of age, and for older children with chronic conditions who are at high risk of complications from the flu. The flu shot is safe and highly recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Since infants less than 6 months of age cannot get the flu shot (it won’t work), antibodies against the flu are transferred to the baby from the mother before birth and through breast milk.

Why isn’t the flu shot on the primary list? Is it about the money? Why don’t they arrest and/or charge the parents from kids who get sick for a particular strain of flu that is in the flu shot? How effective is the flu shot for prevention from that particular strain?

Why should people take the flu shot who never get the flu? One valid explanation is that I can be a carrier and affect others. Then shouldn’t those with weaker immune systems be taking these shots to protect from carriers?

I am fully supportive of the main list of vaccinations and will be of the flu once it makes it to this list. Until then I will not take it because I don’t get the flu.


Mar 9, 2018
I am fully supportive of the main list of vaccinations and will be of the flu once it makes it to this list. Until then I will not take it because I don’t get the flu.
Thats just it. the average person might get the flu once every several years. Also remember, there are different types of flu. The vaccine is engineered at best to guess the strain thats coming here. Last year the shot was at best 10% effective, which means 90% chance you would get the flu no matter what. Does it mean we should inject ourselves? I dont know?

When you get your fixed at the shop and the tech comes out saying you NEED this and that, do you take their word for it and do it or do you ask to see the proof? Thats how I see it.

Some people think EVERYTHING a doctor or scientist says is truth without investigating first. Its up to the people to decide for themselves. Ask a doctor what the side effects are and if they are liable for any damages occurred if you get a side effect and they will simple say, "Nothing is 100%". That alone keeps me away from the shot.


New member
Nov 27, 2018
Thats just it. the average person might get the flu once every several years. Also remember, there are different types of flu. The vaccine is engineered at best to guess the strain thats coming here. Last year the shot was at best 10% effective, which means 90% chance you would get the flu no matter what. Does it mean we should inject ourselves? I dont know?

When you get your fixed at the shop and the tech comes out saying you NEED this and that, do you take their word for it and do it or do you ask to see the proof? Thats how I see it.

Some people think EVERYTHING a doctor or scientist says is truth without investigating first. Its up to the people to decide for themselves. Ask a doctor what the side effects are and if they are liable for any damages occurred if you get a side effect and they will simple say, "Nothing is 100%". That alone keeps me away from the shot.

Well if you don't believe the vast majority of Doctors or scientists how are you going to investigate? Ask Jenny McCarthy? Foolish.

Yes nothing is 100% but does mean you due nothing? It's all about improving your odds.


Mar 9, 2018
Where did it come from?

Im sure since most people are vaccinated it probably wasnt from a Canadian? Must have been an irregular immigrant that has no vaccination laws in their previous country that brought it over?

I dont think too many Canadians live with their pigs to bring out another outbreak?


Mar 9, 2018
Well if you don't believe the vast majority of Doctors or scientists how are you going to investigate? Ask Jenny McCarthy? Foolish.

Yes nothing is 100% but does mean you due nothing? It's all about improving your odds.
Improving what odds? Vaccines dont give you any better chance of not getting the flu. Its NOT 100% effective therefore its useless.

Id rather inject my body with natural virus killers like we use to for the past thousands of years.

Yes people die but so do people who have had the shot as well.

So, how is getting the shot any better?


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
What natural virus killers? Are you implying that eating roots and herbs will protect you from smallpox? Maybe ask the local Native tribes how that worked out for them.


Mar 9, 2018
What natural virus killers? Are you implying that eating roots and herbs will protect you from smallpox? Maybe ask the local Native tribes how that worked out for them.
Yea, tell me how many African or Brazilian tribes have gotten those viruses? How about native tribes?

Im wondering if you know where most medicines come from in the first place?

Are you telling me injecting your body with chemicals is much better than boosting your immune system naturally with vitamin C, garlic.....???? Why bother eating fruits and vegetables? Im sure they arent good for you or do anything to benefit you?

Since when were humans created by chemicals that we need more to keep us alive?

Funny that we live in world where we want to live clean and natural only to pump our bodies full of man made agents and preservatives......


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
I can’t tell you how many native tribes have smallpox because they don’t exist anymore. Because smallpox killed them. Have you not read your history?


Mar 9, 2018
I can’t tell you how many native tribes have smallpox because they don’t exist anymore. Because smallpox killed them. Have you not read your history?
Yea......i was under the impression the big old WHITE MAN killed them off in MY govt funded history books.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Ok, this isn’t getting anywhere. Medicine is a scam, everything the media says that isn’t on fringe websites you need to dig for is a lie, everything the government does is not to be believed. I’m out. There’s no arguing this, because any evidence I give you will be dismissed as misinformation to deceive the sheeple.


Mar 9, 2018
Ok, this isn’t getting anywhere. Medicine is a scam, everything the media says that isn’t on fringe websites you need to dig for is a lie, everything the government does is not to be believed. I’m out. There’s no arguing this, because any evidence I give you will be dismissed as misinformation to deceive the sheeple.
Why does it have to be that what you know and understand has to be correct? IF we all bitched out of an discussion, we wouldnt have democracy.

You get upset that what you are taught is right and when someone else gives you examples, you run away.

Tell me how only one of us is correct? And why what you believe in is the ONLY right way?
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