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Amsterdam and Area - Advice Needed


Jul 20, 2006
I'll be heading off to Amsterdam in a few weeks with a few others and I was hoping for your help. If anyone has any advice on places to go, I'd appreciate it. I've read the old posts but I'm hoping some of you may have recent experiences to add..

- We'll be in Amsterdam for a while and would like to do a side trip or two. Any recommendations? I've heard Dusseldorf can be fun. What about elsewhere in Germany, the Netherlands or Belgium?
- Any input on the Partytreffs/FKKs?
- Any places we shouldn't miss in Amsterdam itself?

Thanks guys.


Aug 30, 2001
I have been to Amsterdam many times, but I find it more fun for the "coffee houses," than hobbying. First, walking through the red light district with thousands of other tourists is fun but I doubt you will find it arousing, as almost all of the ladies will be totally non gfe. Your best best is to go to captain 69. Some of the clubs are fun and you can often meet a lady there or even set up a time with one of the performers, many fabulous blondes. The first time there, I hit the yellow pages big time, then on other visits, had a lady from a surrounding area meet me for a few overnights. You must go to the Reich (SP) Museaum, and Anne Frank's House which now is like a universal studio shop. Also, best oriental food I have ever had is in a three story resturant, giant glass windows, right around the corner of the Karipolsky( SP) hotel. Don't miss it. If it is not too late, I would go to Prague instead, if you like fabulous EE girls.


Rebistrad Suer
Jan 10, 2003
Over home
kon said:
I have been to Amsterdam many times, but I find it more fun for the "coffee houses," than hobbying. First, walking through the red light district with thousands of other tourists is fun but I doubt you will find it arousing, as almost all of the ladies will be totally non gfe. Your best best is to go to captain 69. Some of the clubs are fun and you can often meet a lady there or even set up a time with one of the performers, many fabulous blondes. The first time there, I hit the yellow pages big time, then on other visits, had a lady from a surrounding area meet me for a few overnights. You must go to the Reich (SP) Museaum, and Anne Frank's House which now is like a universal studio shop. Also, best oriental food I have ever had is in a three story resturant, giant glass windows, right around the corner of the Karipolsky( SP) hotel. Don't miss it. If it is not too late, I would go to Prague instead, if you like fabulous EE girls.
Kon is right on the money. Amsterdam is fun but the girls are usually mechanical about the sex. The red light district is fun to wander around and look but don't bother wasting your money. I had best result in the coffee shops smoking dope and picking up american, canadian, and brit girls who were also in there getting stoned. Amsterdam is fun for a weekend. I could spend the rest of my life in Prague. I went to Germany and Belgium a few times while in amsterdam - nothing special there. Brussels OK if you bring your own woman.
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