Amid The Falling Snow...

Just yesterday I had commented to a friend how fortunate I felt to not have any snow yet, having watched a few small flurries fall but nothing that stayed I was feeling fortunate compared to the rest of the world thus far. Friends in the US were already buried in snow, some were already deep in winter having gone a month or more without a break from the flurries. I knew it would come eventually but as pretty as snow is to look at I was not in a rush to welcome the days of shovelling and wet toes needing to dry out when I return home.

I settled into the kitchen, opened up the wine cupboard and saw this beautiful '96 Barolo just teasing me, daring me to open it. It was a gift from a suitor and I could think of no better occasion than cooking a good meal, watching a movie and reading a book to drink a good wine so of course it was time to treat myself. I popped her open and started my work in the kitchen. A wild mushroom ragout and a few side dishes, I then settled down under a nice cozy blanket and toasted myself; a job well done.

As the night wore on, a few candles lit, another glass of wine (or two, it was a very good wine) and I found myself sitting by the window and just watching as the snow began to fall outside. It was quite beautiful in the candlelight, the soft glow of the city lights and the quiet winter night. I put on the song above, a winter favourite of mine and stood at that window candles flickering, blanket held tight and glass of wine in hand, it was a picture perfect moment for me, an idyllic backdrop for my first winter snowfall of the year. I had forgotten how wonderful it can be.

I think it's important to take time to relax, unwind and enjoy the world that surrounds us, taking pleasure in such little things as the warmth of the candlelight to the way the wind suddenly changes direction and sends the snow in a massive flurry upwards before continuing it's journey downward to blanket the streets around us.
That's todays little pleasure and what has provided such passion and warmth for me on this wintry day. I am looking forward to repeating my night.

What pleasures will your day bring?

I remember as a child travelling to Lake Superior in the winter, we'd drive by and I'd stare at the amazing ice formations. As a child I never really felt the cold, not like I do now. Hats, mittens, snow pants, those were an ongoing struggle between mother and daughter, a battle I always lost but nonetheless prepared for everytime I wanted to venture out in the cold. I felt invincible even against the harsh environment I encountered on my brief visits to the north.

Now I venture out in only a few cm of snow, hat, gloves, scarf, coat and I long for the days when I could wear snow pants and not look like a fool. It's not nearly as cold but I prefer the warm glow of a fireplace, a glass of redwine and the arms of another wrapped tightly around me. It keeps the chill out and I can see the beauty of the winter again. I do enjoy the winter, the snow, the ice, a slowing of the world around me preparing for a rebirth... if only it weren't so damn cold out. :wink:
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