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American Universities begin to impode


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

For over half a century, American universities, with few exceptions, have ceased teaching and begun indoctrinating. In the last few weeks, this downhill spiral has accelerated. The university is now a caricature of an educational institution. It is difficult to come up with an idea or policy that is more absurd than the ideas and policies that now dominate American campuses.

The University of California, once an elite public institution, now circulates a list of "microaggressions" that students and faculty must be careful to avoid lest they engage in racism and bigotry.

Some examples:

"There is only one race, the human race."

You read that right. The denial of the significance of race in favor of the primacy of the individual and the affirmation of the equality of all human beings — one of the noblest achievements of liberal Western society — is now officially listed by the University of California as a racist statement. It is a pure expression of moral inversion.

"America is a melting pot."

The University of California considers this, too, a racist statement. Throughout American history the melting pot idea has been an expression of America's unique ability to transform people of every race, ethnicity, and nationality into Americans. It is now deemed racist.

"I don't believe in race."

Again, this statement — which is the opposite of racism — is deemed racist. In terms of the inherent importance of race, the American university is now closer to Fascism than to traditional liberalism.

"America is the land of opportunity."

According to the University of California, this is a "myth" that is also racist. It implies that some of those who fail do so not because they haven't had opportunities to succeed but because of their failure to take advantage of those opportunities.

Meanwhile university after university allows students to take over administration buildings and even president's offices. University presidents and other moral weaklings who administer colleges — aka leftists — never demand that these students leave the buildings they have illegally occupied. Rather they give in to just about all of their "demands."

Thus the president of the University of Missouri was forced to resign for allegedly not doing enough about a handful of isolated instances of alleged racism.

The president of Princeton University has agreed to demands of students who occupied his office to consider removing the name of Woodrow Wilson from buildings and institutes.

Wilson, president of Princeton prior to becoming the president of the United States, held racist views common to many fellow progressives of his time.

Protesters at Dartmouth College invaded the school's library and screamed at white students studying there. According to the New York Post, "About 150 Dartmouth students this week protested in the school's Baker-Berry Library, chanting "Black Lives Matter" — and harassing kids who tried to keep studying. Oh, and assaulting them, too, according to The Dartmouth Review, which reported that protesters pinned one girl to a wall while calling her a "filthy white b?-?-?-?h."

Other chants included "F?-?-?k your white privilege!" and "F?-?-?k you, you filthy white f?-?-?ks!"

The response of Dartmouth? An apology to the racist attackers: "The school's vice provost for student affairs, Inge-Lise Ameer, told the BLMers [Black Lives Matter] "I'm very, very sorry that you feel this way. We don't want you to have this experience here. ... We told them [the protesters] that ... the protest was a wonderful, beautiful thing."

As reported by Newsweek, more than 400 students at Occidental College took over the school's administrative building "stating that they intend to stay until a list of 14 specific points relating to diversity and inclusion of students of color are met." Occidental immediately agreed to 13 of the 14.

The universities, along with the rest of the American left, have repeatedly told students that America is a racist society, and many black students now believe it, even though they live in the least racist multiracial country on earth and attend the protective cocoon known as college. Likewise, the left has repeatedly told American women that the universities are rape cultures where they have a 1 in 4 chance of being raped.

So, the universities are imploding by their own doing. They produce aggrieved and angry young Americans whose primary identity is that of victim.

And there may be worse to come. There is little that produces violence as surely as does a victim mentality.

At this time, if you donate money to an American university, you are doing much worse than wasting your money. You are subsidizing the most anti-liberal, anti-American institution in America.


Mar 8, 2014
This is nothing but anti-intellectual and anti-academia nonsense. The arguments are very stupid and comical.

It's not even worth a response from a notable scholar.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This is nothing but anti-intellectual and anti-academia nonsense. The arguments are very stupid and comical.

It's not even worth a response from a notable scholar.
Actually it's not. The issue is that the concept of the Socratic method of teaching has gone from the campuses. No longer do teachers challenge students with uncomfortable notions and ideas to get them to critically think. To learn how to challenge themselves.

It is now about feelings. Not logic.

And this sanitizing of history? Instead of treating it as it should be, a useful tool to teach?

Those who ignore and wipe away history are doomed to repeat it.


Mar 8, 2014
Actually it's not. The issue is that the concept of the Socratic method of teaching has gone from the campuses. No longer do teachers challenge students with uncomfortable notions and ideas to get them to critically think. To learn how to challenge themselves.

It is now about feelings. Not logic.

And this sanitizing of history? Instead of treating it as it should be, a useful tool to teach?

Those who ignore and wipe away history are doomed to repeat it.
The article is basically saying that liberal professors are indoctrinating students. Those on the left are the ones with facts, logic, history, science amd pretty much most disciplines on their side except business. But they get called out for being biased when they present real evidence instead of opinion.

Elitist institutions tend to be right wing and if anyone challenges their ideological framework they are cast off as left wing kooks or words to that silly affect.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The article is basically saying that liberal professors are indoctrinating students. Those on the left are the ones with facts, logic, history, science amd pretty much most disciplines on their side except business. But they get called out for being biased when they present real evidence instead of opinion.

Elitist institutions tend to be right wing and if anyone challenges their ideological framework they are cast off as left wing kooks or words to that silly affect.
Not at all. There was a diverse population of opinion at one point. It is why tenure was created. So that those who speak out on unpopular topics would be protected. And it worked. The Socratic Method became the cornerstone of some of the greatest educational institutions in the world.

Then parenting changed. Yup I blame a sudden and very real shift in Where children were not held accountable. They did no wrong in their parents eyes. Where teachers were undermined by over protective parents. Where they wrapped their little darling in Cotton batting to protect them from the "harshness" of the world. Where competition became bad. Grades became bad. Only participation and good feelings for all mattered. Where no one failed.

Without failure there can be no forward movement. Without failure the scientific method is moot. It is a world of "known truths" based on emotions and immaturity.

If you think all science is "left wing" you would be wrong. Science is supposed to be impartial. It is when it is weaponized, restricted for profit or stifled(whether due to left or right views) that science becomes political.

The campuses are NOT supposed to be protected spaces. They are supposed to be filled with dangerous ideas. Bad thoughts and flighty notions. So that they may be deconstructed. So they may be tested.

These people are killers of free thought, free speech and free will.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The article is basically saying that liberal professors are indoctrinating students. Those on the left are the ones with facts, logic, history, science amd pretty much most disciplines on their side except business. But they get called out for being biased when they present real evidence instead of opinion.

Elitist institutions tend to be right wing and if anyone challenges their ideological framework they are cast off as left wing kooks or words to that silly affect.
Ever read some of the writings of these sociology and women's studies professors.

And I'm not saying they don't have the right to say it. But what the professors are doing is denying the students right to question. To examine.

When a professor refuses to allow dissent for their opinion. To allow students to think. When what they want is regurgitation and not critical thinking......

Yes that is indoctrination.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
When the alumni that support the universities through private scholarships and funding pull back, then the universities will listen. Not before, only when the money walks


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
The University of California, once an elite public institution, now circulates a list of "microaggressions" that students and faculty must be careful to avoid lest they engage in racism and bigotry.

Some examples:

"There is only one race, the human race."

You read that right. The denial of the significance of race in favor of the primacy of the individual and the affirmation of the equality of all human beings — one of the noblest achievements of liberal Western society — is now officially listed by the University of California as a racist statement. It is a pure expression of moral inversion.

"America is a melting pot."

The University of California considers this, too, a racist statement. Throughout American history the melting pot idea has been an expression of America's unique ability to transform people of every race, ethnicity, and nationality into Americans. It is now deemed racist.

"I don't believe in race."

Again, this statement — which is the opposite of racism — is deemed racist. In terms of the inherent importance of race, the American university is now closer to Fascism than to traditional liberalism.

"America is the land of opportunity."

According to the University of California, this is a "myth" that is also racist. It implies that some of those who fail do so not because they haven't had opportunities to succeed but because of their failure to take advantage of those opportunities.
I don't know about the rest of what you're saying, but certainly attempting to curb the above statements is ridiculous.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
This is nothing but anti-intellectual and anti-academia nonsense. The arguments are very stupid and comical.

It's not even worth a response from a notable scholar.
have you been reading college news from the U.S? why are you acting ignorant of recent events?


New member
Sep 28, 2015
Hey Twizz can you let me know what Starbucks you Barista at? I order my coffee black and have no desire to offend you or to be micro-aggressive toward your (bizarre) sensibilities.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007

The Witches of the Ivy League
By David P. Goldman November 24, 2015

Cross-posted from Asia Times

The rumpus over perceived racism at American universities, with its demands for “trigger warnings” against possibly hurtful statements, “safe spaces” to protect minority students against felt hostility, and “speech codes” which forbid statements that might offend self-styled victims, has turned into something of a circus. A black female official at Yale provoked demonstrations when she refused to intervene against possibly offensive Halloween costumes, even though no such offensive costume yet had appeared. A University of Kansas professor is suspended after simply using the “n-word” to characterize racism.

Salem witch trials

Prof. Andrea Quenette merely said, ““As a white woman I just never have seen the racism. It’s not like I see ‘n****r’ spray painted on walls.” Every student in her class signed a petition demanding her termination. It began last month at the University of Missouri, where racial slurs yelled at a black student leader from an unidentified man in a pickup truck led to a strike by the football team, campus demonstrations, and the resignations of the university’s two top officials–for insufficient deal in suppressing racism. The targets are university administrators and faculty who without exception are commited liberals and professed enemies of racism, but who are insufficiently vigilant against “casual, everyday slights and insensitivities,” as a US News commentary noted. It is one thing to revile the student protesters as “college crybullies,” as my friend Roger Kimball did recently at the Wall Street Journal, and another to talk about rope in the house of the hanged.

Kimball sees this as the triumph of the 1960s radicalism that took root in universities and now has become the reigning ideology of the academic establishment. A widely-read Atlantic magazine commentary by Prof. Jonathan Haidt blames the hysteria on changes in child-rearing practice during the 1980s. But the hysteria at American universities is instantly recognizeable as a commplace if neglected practice of European civilization (among others), namely the witch-hunt. The 20 victims of the 1692 Salem witch trials have become the stuff of American legend, but the inquisitors of Massachusetts hardly make the league tables: up to 100,000 presumed witches were executed in Europe between 1450 and 1750, during the rise of the Age of Reason. St. Augustine had thought the whole notion of witchcraft absurd in the 5th century, but the 13th-century Church Father St. Thomas Aquinas revived the notion of demons that led poor souls to perdition.

There must be a witch in here somewhere: A woman fails to conceive, the milk is sour, the crops fail, adolescent girls become hysterical. Once we assume that these events are the workings of witchcraft, the only thing remaining is to uncover the witch (0r warlock) and kill her (or him). If we kill a witch, and the milk remains sour, it means that yet another witch is hiding in the woodshed, and that witch must be flushed out as well. Witches are crafty and try to evade detection, but they betray themselves through insufficient zeal in denouncing witchcraft. Those who display insufficient outrage against micro-aggressions (such as the unfortunate Yale administrator who declined to set up a review board for Halloween customes in advance of the event) must be witches. That is why the unfortunate Prof. Quenette of the University of Kansas watched her career burn at the stake: She was the most likely available suspect.

Unlike previous witch-hunts, the event that motivates the exercise remains unspoken. But that is easy to identify: black American college students, especially men, are failing at a catastrophic rate.


Little more than a third of black male college students obtain a bachelor’s degree (ideally a four-year program) after six years of university attendance. The college entrance rate is identical for white and black high school graduates at about 70%, but graduate rates diverge. Sixty percent of white male students graduate within six years, almost double the proportion of black males.

A 2006 study in The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education cited a number of possible explanations. The first amog several, JBHE wrote, is how welcome black students feel at a particular college:

Clearly, the racial climate at some colleges and universities is more favorable toward African Americans than at other campuses. A nurturing environment for black students is almost certain to have a positive impact on black student retention and graduation rates. Brown University, for example, although often troubled by racial incidents, is famous for its efforts to make its campus a happy place for African Americans. In contrast, the University of California at Berkeley has had its share of racial turmoil in recent years. The small number of black students on campus as a result of the abolishment of race-sensitive admissions has made many African Americans on campus feel unwelcome. This probably contributes to the low black student graduation rate at Berkeley.

Nonetheless, the journal added, “High dropout rates appear to be primarily caused by inferior K-12 preparation and an absence of a family college tradition, conditions that apply to a very large percentage of today’s college-bound African Americans.” That seems like a reasonable assessment. But at most American universities, merely to repeat this statement–printed originally in a respected journal of black university educators–would be considered prima facie proof of witchcraft.

When JBHE surveyed the damage in 2006, the cohort of black students failing to graduate after six years were born in the late 1970s or early 1980s, when the proportion of children born to unmarried non-Hispanic black mothers was a bit under 50%. By 2013 the proportion had risen to 72%. Without stigmatizing unwed mothers, children born in one-parent households are more likely to face the “inferior K-12 preparation and an absence of a family college tradition” cited by JBHE. Things have gotten worse, in fact much worse, for black children.

The failure of universities to graduate more black men has wide implications. Black illegitimacy rates are high in part because so many black men of marrying age are incarcerated, as the New York Timesnoted in a widely-quoted study early this year. “Remarkably, black women who are 25 to 54 and not in jail outnumber black men in that category by 1.5 million. For every 100 black women in this age group living outside of jail, there are only 83 black men. Among whites, the equivalent number is 99, nearly parity.” Black university students are the ones who escaped the cycle of violence and incarceration, and the low graduate rate is tragic. It implies that the well-intended efforts of universities to reach out to minority students too often have failed, and that the educational system will not interrupt the continued decline of conditions of life of the black American minority. In that case one might as well hunt witches. It will do as much good as anything else.

The trouble is that generations of university students have been reared on the presumption that clever and beneficient social scientists can engineer desirable outcomes. If the outcome is undesirable, it must be due to racism; if the racism is not overt, it must be covert, and if blacks are not subject to racist aggression, the “micro-aggresion” of subtle deprecation. This quickly reduces itself to absurdity. TheUniversity of Wisconson’s new speech code declares that the statement “I believe the most qualified person should get the job” is racist. The university says that this is a coded statement that “People of color are given extra unfair benefits because of their race.” It is also racist to say that “Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough,” because it really means, “People of color are lazy and / or incompetent and need to work harder.”

People who make these sorts of commonplace statements, it appears, really are witches who cast spells on black students in order to make them feel badly about themselves so that they won’t succeed. The solution is to burn the witches (or their careers) and isolate minority students in “safe spaces” where no-one will hurt their feelings. Of course, this sort of thing will do no more to improve the black graduation rate than the burning of witches improved the quality of cow’s milk in early modern Europe. Nonetheless, the Europeans continued to burn witches for centuries until they tired of it. There is no reason to expect the witch-hunts at American universities to stop any sooner.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


Mar 31, 2009
black American college students, especially men, are failing at a catastrophic rate.
Surprising considering they are the primary beneficiary of affirmative action. Blind SAT results show they have the lowest scores but are still admitted to universities over more qualified non-black applicants.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Some examples:

"There is only one race, the human race."

You read that right. The denial of the significance of race in favor of the primacy of the individual and the affirmation of the equality of all human beings — one of the noblest achievements of liberal Western society — is now officially listed by the University of California as a racist statement. It is a pure expression of moral inversion.
That is correct
Only ignorant people still cling to the civil war era ideal of white & black races

"Thanks to spectacular advances in molecular biology and genetics, most scientists now reject the concept of race as a valid way to divide human beings into separate groups. Contrary to widespread public opinion, researchers no longer believe that races are distinct biological categories created by differences in the genes that people inherit from their parents...."Race has no basic biological reality," said Jonathan Marks, a Yale University biologist....Instead, a majority of biologists and anthropologists, drawing on a growing body of evidence accumulated since the 1970s, have concluded that race is a social, cultural and political concept based largely on superficial appearances. "In the social sense race is a reality. In the scientific sense, it is not," said Michael Omi, a specialist in ethnic studies at the University of California at Berkeley."

Genetically two people of the same "race" can have more difference than two people of a different "race", there is a greater degree of genetic variation within a race than between races.


Mar 31, 2009
That is correct
Only ignorant people still cling to the civil war era ideal of white & black races

"Thanks to spectacular advances in molecular biology and genetics, most scientists now reject the concept of race as a valid way to divide human beings into separate groups. Contrary to widespread public opinion, researchers no longer believe that races are distinct biological categories created by differences in the genes that people inherit from their parents...."Race has no basic biological reality," said Jonathan Marks, a Yale University biologist....Instead, a majority of biologists and anthropologists, drawing on a growing body of evidence accumulated since the 1970s, have concluded that race is a social, cultural and political concept based largely on superficial appearances. "In the social sense race is a reality. In the scientific sense, it is not," said Michael Omi, a specialist in ethnic studies at the University of California at Berkeley."

Genetically two people of the same "race" can have more difference than two people of a different "race", there is a greater degree of genetic variation within a race than between races.
Does this mean liberal lefties can no longer call people racist?
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