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American Troops Tell Murtha, Defeatocrats, & Insurgent-Mouthpiece US Media to STFU!

May 3, 2004
American Troops Tell Murtha, Defeatocrats, & Insurgent-Mouthpiece US Media to STFU!

Great article demonstrating the damage caused to the fighting men, their morale and their mission by the incessant and endless shrill shrieking from the Defeatocrats and their ideological insurgent-mouthpiece media buttbuddies.
Never has so much whining and crying been so incessantly carried on by so many Defeatocrats and their insurgent-mouthpiece media buddies in the history of the world than has been cried and cried about in the past 3 years.
The fighting men and women tell you to JUST STFU!!!!!!

]Troops in Support Of the War[/B]
By Wade Zirkle
Thursday, April 13, 2006; Washington Post

Earlier this year there was a town hall meeting on the Iraq war, sponsored by Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), with the participation of such antiwar organizations as CodePink and MoveOn.org. The event also featured Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), a former Marine who had become an outspoken critic of the war. To this Iraq war veteran, it was a good example of something that's become all too common: People from politics, the media and elsewhere purporting to represent "our" views. With all due respect, most often they don't.

The tenor of the town meeting was mostly what one might expect, but during the question-and-answer period, a veteran injured in Afghanistan stood up to offer his view. "If I didn't have a herniated disc, I would volunteer to go to Iraq in a second with my troops," said Mark Seavey, a former Army sergeant who had recently returned from Afghanistan. "I know you keep saying how you have talked to the troops and the troops are demoralized, and I really resent that characterization. The morale of the troops I talk to is phenomenal, which is why my troops are volunteering to go back despite the hardships. . . ."

"And, Congressman Moran, 200 of your constituents just arrived back from Afghanistan -- we never got a letter, we never got a visit from you, you didn't come to our homecoming. The only thing we got was a letter from the governor of this state thanking us for our service in Iraq, when we were in Afghanistan. That's reprehensible. I don't know who you two are talking to, but the morale of the troops is very high."

What was the response? Murtha said nothing, while Moran attempted to move on, no pun intended, stating: "That wasn't in the form of a question, it was a statement."

It was indeed a statement; a statement from both a constituent and a veteran that should have elicited something more than silence or a dismissive comment highlighting a supposed breach of protocol. This exchange, captured on video (it was on C-SPAN), has since been forwarded from base to base in military circles. It has not been well received there, and it only raises the already high level of frustration among military personnel that their opinions are not being heard.

In view of his distinguished military career, John Murtha has been the subject of much attention from the media and is a sought-after spokesman for opponents of the Iraq war. He has earned the right to speak. But his comments supposedly expressing the negative views of those who have and are now serving in the Middle East run counter to what I and others know and hear from our own colleagues -- from junior officers to the enlisted backbone of our fighting force.

Murtha undoubtedly knows full well that the greatest single thing that drags on morale in war is the loss of a buddy. But second to that is politicians questioning, in amplified tones, the validity of that loss to our families, colleagues, the nation and the world.

While we don't question his motives, we do question his assumptions. When he called for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq, there was a sense of respectful disagreement among most military personnel. But when he subsequently stated that he would not join today's military, he made clear to the majority of us that he is out of touch with the troops. Quite frankly, it was received as a slap in the face.

Like so many others past and present, I proudly volunteered to serve in the military. I served one tour in Iraq and then volunteered to go back. Veterans continue to make clear that they are determined to succeed in Iraq. They are making this clear the best way they can: by volunteering to go back for third and sometimes fourth deployments. This fact is backed up by official Pentagon recruitment reports released as recently as Monday.

The morale of the trigger-pulling class of today's fighting force is strong. Unfortunately, we have not had a microphone or media audience willing to report our comments. Despite this frustration, our military continues to proudly dedicate itself to the mission at hand: a free, democratic and stable Iraq and a more secure America. All citizens have a right to express their views on this important national challenge, and all should be heard. Veterans ask no more, and they deserve no less.

The writer is executive director of Vets for Freedom. He served two tours in Iraq with the Marines before being wounded in action.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Democracy is too complex for you, why don't you come out of the closet and say that you want a military doictatorship. That will stfu everybody.
May 3, 2004
danmand said:
Democracy is too complex for you, why don't you come out of the closet and say that you want a military doictatorship. That will stfu everybody.
American fighting men and women are telling Murtha, the Defeatocrats and their insurgent-mouthpiece US media buttbuddies to STFU because their incessant whining and crying affects their morale and hence the effectiveness of their mission. They are saying their incessant crying supports and emboldens the terrorists and insurgents that they are fighting and thus HARMS them.

The RIFTs best ally appears to be the Defeatocrats and their insurgent-mouthpiece US media buttbuddies who by virtue of their 3 year campaign of incessant whining and crying have supported their cause and hurt the American fighting man and women.

Support the troops not the terrorists and insurgents. Obviously you disagree with what the fighting men and women have to say.:rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
rogerstaubach said:
Support the troops not the terrorists and insurgents. Obviously you disagree with what the fighting men and women have to say
I have no idea what the fighting men and women are saying, and neither do you. And actually, the fighting men and women are paid to fight, not to talk, as they under our type of government are directed by the civilian leadership.

Do you agree with that system or not?


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
Better Safe than Sorry, chicken hawks!

danmand said:
Democracy is too complex for you, why don't you come out of the closet and say that you want a military doictatorship. That will stfu everybody.
Ah! But don't forget: a military dictatorship where the (honky) rich never have to serve in combat, don't forget.



New member
Feb 28, 2006
I'm sure that

rich people of all backgrounds(insert derogatory term here) would decline to fight.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
danmand said:
I have no idea what the fighting men and women are saying, and neither do you. And actually, the fighting men and women are paid to fight, not to talk, as they under our type of government are directed by the civilian leadership.

Do you agree with that system or not?
Sure you do
you just choose to ignore them

The majority of millitary that come home say that media lies.

Why is it that libs just can not report this?


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
Another Defeatocrat loe!:

xdog said:
I'm sure that rich people of all backgrounds(insert derogatory term here) would decline to fight.
What a vicious lie! That's absolutely not true they'd never sign up. They'd be proud to--as long as there's a National Guard, and zero chance of combat assignment.



Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Lives In The Balance

Lives In The Balance (Exclusive Video)
From Jackson Browne Solo Acoustic, Vol. 1

A Must Watch 3 Minute Music Video.


This excellent music video by Jackson Browne, cuts through all the 'smoke & mirrors' and obfuscation trotted out by Team 'w' and their cackling chirping chickenhawks and allied neocon 'Fucking Crazies'.....that Colin Powell alluded to awhile back.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Cinema Face said:
The lefties WANT the US to loose. Just to say, "I told you so."
Sure, and the righties WANT the people to buy American flags at Wal Mart, so that Wal Mart gets the money by hypnotising idiot Americans, rather than coming out and having Americans supply troops with ass wipe-its so their fannies can be nice and clean in Iraq with American anti-bacterial soapies, in a war (which is ideological, not declared).

The day I believe the US military telling freedom to "STFU", the day I believe George W. Bush Jr. will be put on Mount RushLimbaughmore.

May 3, 2004
danmand said:
I have no idea what the fighting men and women are saying, and neither do you. And actually, the fighting men and women are paid to fight, not to talk, as they under our type of government are directed by the civilian leadership.

Do you agree with that system or not?
The fighting men and women are telling the Complainocrats, the Cryocrats, the RIFT-huggers and the media enemy-embolders to STFU because they are nourishing the enemy and hurting their them.

Support the troops, do not embolden the enemy and STFU with this incessant criticism and crying for the sake of criticism and crying. Are you against this time-honoured and well-known principle of success and support?

The Mugger

Sep 27, 2005
rogerstaubach said:
The fighting men and women are telling the Complainocrats, the Cryocrats, the RIFT-huggers and the media enemy-embolders to STFU because they are nourishing the enemy and hurting their them.

Support the troops, do not embolden the enemy and STFU with this incessant criticism and crying for the sake of criticism and crying. Are you against this time-honoured and well-known principle of success and support?

Gee Roger it seems that the American soldier did very well in the Civil War (well depends on what side you were on), Spanish American War, WW1, WW2, and the Korean war. In each of these wars there was a sizable anti war rhetoric being pushed around yet it didn't seem to harm the war effort.

Democracy means you have a duty to dissent if you feel the Government is wrong.

To me this attempt to call people cowards, non -patriotic, killers of soldiers or giving comfort to the enemy is the last refuge of supporters of this war because they can no longer defend the purpose of this war.

Just because a democracy is at war does not mean that freedoms guaranteed by a democracy are suspended - it is preciously these times that these freedoms are needed to stop the excesses of the Federal Government.

To me trading in our democratic values is what gives comfort and support to the enemy and ultimately puts soldiers at additional risk.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
All this reminds me of WWI shortly before the end, when the imminent defeat of Germany was blamed on their own folks at home. "Stabbed in the back", as the saying went. Whenever the onus of military failure is shifted back to the citizenry, it can be fairly predicted that the cause is lost.
May 3, 2004
The Mugger said:
Gee Roger it seems that the American soldier did very well in the Civil War (well depends on what side you were on), Spanish American War, WW1, WW2, and the Korean war. In each of these wars there was a sizable anti war rhetoric being pushed around yet it didn't seem to harm the war effort.

Democracy means you have a duty to dissent if you feel the Government is wrong.

To me this attempt to call people cowards, non -patriotic, killers of soldiers or giving comfort to the enemy is the last refuge of supporters of this war because they can no longer defend the purpose of this war.

Just because a democracy is at war does not mean that freedoms guaranteed by a democracy are suspended - it is preciously these times that these freedoms are needed to stop the excesses of the Federal Government.

To me trading in our democratic values is what gives comfort and support to the enemy and ultimately puts soldiers at additional risk.
Nonsense, in none of those wars you mentioned was there anywhere near the level of shrill, shreiking crying and complaining for the sake of complaining as has been evidenced during the 3 years of the Iraq war.

There is a HUGE difference between the shrill, shreiking crying and complaining that has been incessantly crowed since the Iraq War began AND responsible, constructive criticism with the intent to AID the mission and the fighting men and women.

This responsible balance of free speech has been breached on many many occassions. And it's consequence has been to strengthen and embolden the enemy and weaken the resolve and will. That is exactly what the terrorists and insurgents have been praying for. Playing right into their hands.
May 3, 2004
Asterix said:
All this reminds me of WWI shortly before the end, when the imminent defeat of Germany was blamed on their own folks at home. "Stabbed in the back", as the saying went. Whenever the onus of military failure is shifted back to the citizenry, it can be fairly predicted that the cause is lost.
The military alone, cannot lose nor can it win. However, the "citizenry" as you phrased it, decides the outcome.

Will and resolve determines a victory.
May 3, 2004
DonQuixote said:
Roger. The C-in-C sets the plans and policies. Don't thrust
this foolish and ill-conceived operation on the backs of the American
citizens who have to fund and fill the ranks of those honorably
serving without questioning the decisions from above.

An ill-conceived plan costing over $272 Billion to date without any
substantial progress is insane. The Iraqis had elections over 4
months ago and haven't been able to form a government. And
we're supposed to set back like nice little lap dogs and take it?
You've got to be kidding.
The will of the citizens will determine the outcome. The will of the citizens has already strategically altered the possible outcome.

DQ, a page of history is worth a volume of logic. You are two wars behind the times bro. Knowledge is there, go forth and seek it. The constant unchanging vacuum of history in all it's inglorious legacy.
May 3, 2004
DonQuixote said:
No Roger. The Incompetence of the GWB administration
has determined the results. So, too, for the decisions of the
LBJ administration. Failed policies must be admitted as
such. If there will ever be a positive result of this situation
it will not be by Bush or the Rs. They've lost all credability.
Only the die-hard true believers among the hard-core
conservatives hold out hope for this disaster. Truly, a
disaster. $272 billion and counting. How would Canada
like to pay that bill, due on delivery?
No DQ. The will of the people will ULTIMATELY decide the disposition of this mission, failed policies and decisions notwithstanding. Policies, strategy, decisions and tactics can and are evolving. But, it all depends on the WILL.

Ironic that many, many unhardcore believers still believe that the missions can still succeed. Ironic that many, many unhardcore believers believe that the consequence of failure would be immensely catastrophic.

The WILL and RESOLVE ultimately determines the outcome. Read some history DQ. Geesh.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
rogerstaubach said:
The WILL and RESOLVE ultimately determines the outcome. Read some history DQ. Geesh.
From what I've read, the will and resolve of the people only matter as long as they are made to feel threatened, or are in reality threatened. It is a far different matter to invade and occupy another country, and expect those back home to support what is increasingly obvious. It is a failed adventure.
May 3, 2004
Asterix said:
From what I've read, the will and resolve of the people only matter as long as they are made to feel threatened, or are in reality threatened. It is a far different matter to invade and occupy another country, and expect those back home to support what is increasingly obvious. It is a failed adventure.
Does the above jibe with Vietnam?

Were American's made to feel threatened by Vietnamese attempts to "unify" Vietnam? Were American's made to feel threatened by "communism" spreading from Vietnam to the shores of America?

Attempts to link "the spread of communism" in faraway SE Asia to "threatening American's" did not hold sway in the American citizen's consciousness during Vietnam era.

Yet, yet the will and resolve of the American people ultimately tipped the balance on a downward slope towards withdrawal.

So as you can plainly see Asterix, it is the WILL and RESOLVE of the citizens that ultimately decides the disposition of wars and conflicts. Without the WILL and RESOLVE the mission most likely is doomed to be resolved unfavourably.
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