Mirage Escorts

Am I Gay??

I just had an amazing DUO ( thankyou) with a 22yr old auburn haired, EE, SP and my client from NY city..Oh MY GOD!!

Im sorry, but it was totally cool and I really don't think I am gay but I actually enjoyed my interaction with her better than with anyone else I have seen in a while.. Maybe it was the fact that she was 22 had ivory soft soft skin a perrrrrfect body and enjoyed going to the Greek Islands ( The only thing I cant/wont do)
It was truly a beautiful experience.. I hope she joins my team!!



New member
Feb 4, 2003
Boston, USA
OK, Lady Brittney, 'fess up. We've had thread after thread over the years looking for genuine bi escorts without much luck. From your description (22 yr. old, auburn haired, EE, who loves Greek) she sounds for all the world like Bobbi...but the word on the street says that she's not genuinely bi. So LB, who was she? "Enquiring minds want to know!"
Aug 1, 2002
Lady Brittney said:
Maybe it was the fact that she was 22 had ivory soft soft skin a perrrrrfect body and enjoyed going to the Greek Islands ( The only thing I cant/wont do)
It was truly a beautiful experience.. I hope she joins my team!!

So you mentioned she enjoyed going to the greek islands so I guess both you and your client went greek styles (you with a strap-on of course)

Personally this means you are bi-sexual and if a girls bi-sexual her best experiences will be with both men and woman. As long as you still enjoy males you are not a lesbian.

BTW, you keep on talking about your "team" as in that Babewatch Babes Escorts or whatever the hell it's called. When is that going to be up and operational???


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