Am I a shill?


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Got a question.
For the sake of argument, let's say a REALLY HOT (& I mean HOT) new SP publicly offers a discount for favourable reviews.
So, I go see her; enjoy the experience and I think she deserves a good review.

Here's the ethical kink -

First thoughts:
Tainted fruit. My reputation would be in jeopardy 'cuz her ad states she gives a discount for nice words.
Or - Should I give her a good review
Or - Forget the review & enjoy the discount?

Second thoughts:
Forget the discount, do the experience & let the chips fall where they may.
If the experience is less than good and I write a so-so review, there may be downstream issues. The SP responds claiming she gave a discount & that we had an "Understanding" and I bargained in bad faith. Nobody wins.

Third thoughts:
Don't see this SP. But dudes, this chick is frigging hot!

What do you think?


Mar 11, 2012
I'll go with the third. I will avoid seeing her because of her offer no matter how hot she is.

If you do see her and enjoy the experience and in your opinion deserves a good review, I'll give credit where credit is due. You are simply stating the truth and not making it up.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Did you receive the discount for that session or is it for a subsequent session?!

Second thought.
Have the session and write your real opinion. The SPs set their own rate so whatever the cost, whether there's a perceived discount or not, you're still paying. And you have no way of knowing if she is putting in extra effort or extra services because you're writing a review, or if she's giving you the same level of service that everyone enjoys.

If the experience is less than good you're not going to see her again anyway, and what I've found is that 'new' SPs can retire suddenly for any reason - so take the discount when offered.

Sgt Banger

Nov 22, 2012
Go see her, let her fuck your brains out then write an honest review. Very easy choice. Don't over brain it.


Student of the master
Mar 20, 2006
Do the third. I would heavily discount any reviews about someone who advertised a discount for good review so I wouldn't be hurt by trusting your review anyways; you might as well enjoy the discount. OTOH, you would have wasted your time writing it :D

If you got something in return for writing a good review and it WASN'T disclosed, then of course you would be a shill and hurting the usefulness of the board.


New member
Jun 29, 2004
Jabba, I think your longevity on the board, posting history and the fact that you even raised the question precludes any suggestion that you would be viewed as a shill.
However, if it is still a dilemma for you, I suggest Option 4 as follows - Flip me the contact info and I would gladly volunteer to see a smoking hot new SP (without discounted rates) and post a review (lol).
Aug 1, 2006
I understand why new providers who aren't aware of the ramifications offer this and I don't fault them for it. Reviews build traffic and that means cash flow. Staying away from her isn't the answer if you want to see her but accepting the discount isn't an option if you want to write a review. If it were me who had put the discount offer out, I would appreciate someone coming to see me and explaining my faux pas so I could correct it with an online apology. That would then allow clients to post deserved reviews. We were all newbies at one point and if her intentions were indeed sinister then she would have had the common sense to realize that a public offer was shooting herself in the foot. To me this was an honest error and she didn't realize the consequences of her actions. Help her fix it...



Oct 16, 2011
In first instance.. I believe Reviews should come from you guys... Good or Bad is something that should come because you feel like writing about your experience... Not because some one offer you a Discount or any kind of compensation for it...
Ass a Provider It should not be something you ask for...
and if she is so hot and good at what she does.. why do you even need to be asking for a review???
I 100% agree with Cat... is not about avoiding her at all.., you can go and see her forget the review part.. let her know that asking is not the answer to get a good review.. the answer is to deliver what you promise to the gentlemen that visit you.., to be honest from the very first contact ...

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
I don't think there is anything wrong with an SP mentioning (after) the session is over that if the client enjoyed his time to "feel free" to review her on Terb or Cerb. It's good for the fellow hobbyist, it's good for the Sp, and for the industry as a whole to encourage proper communication amongst all of us.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
I understand why new providers who aren't aware of the ramifications offer this and I don't fault them for it. Reviews build traffic and that means cash flow. Staying away from her isn't the answer if you want to see her but accepting the discount isn't an option if you want to write a review. If it were me who had put the discount offer out, I would appreciate someone coming to see me and explaining my faux pas so I could correct it with an online apology. That would then allow clients to post deserved reviews. We were all newbies at one point and if her intentions were indeed sinister then she would have had the common sense to realize that a public offer was shooting herself in the foot. To me this was an honest error and she didn't realize the consequences of her actions. Help her fix it...

Words of wisdom as always Cat.
My original post wasn't that explicit - as of yet I haven't seen this lady.

Anyway - I think her advertising a discount was an honest (if perhaps misguided) attempt to score some business. In a competitive market, everyone's gotta dangle something, right? I was just musing that if I were to see her, how could anyone trust my review in light of the implied inducement to write positive stuff? Hopefully I got that message across. But now going forward, do I have to worry that all subsequent reviews coming from me are gonna be suspect? I say this because I kind of like controversy...some ladies out there already know I'm a bad boy.

To answer your question with another question Cat - should advice come from a fellow SP or a client?

I might just ask Bobman to step up to the plate, do the experience, write a review and fall on my sword (does that sound right??)...


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
Go see her, review her, good or bad, tell us first about the conditions for the review, let everyone make up their own minds
Jul 28, 2006

I never introduce my self as CK to avoid preferential treatment in hopes of a positive review. Kinda like a secret shopper. Conversely I often get offers for discounted or freebie sessions in return for favorable reviews from new indies and agencies, I turn them all down and advise them why it's not a good idea. When I write a review it's honest and frank be it good or bad.


New member
Apr 27, 2011
I think excepting a discount is OK since its an enticement to see someone you would otherwise not see.

However agreeing to write a good review for said discount is not OK. Only write honest reviews. It may be difficult to reconcile those two things.


go fuck her and tell us about it. forget the other shit. if you get a discount all the better.

I'm channeling t2s here, since he has "retired" again :) But the thoughts expressed in this post are mine.
Aug 1, 2006
To answer your question with another question Cat - should advice come from a fellow SP or a client?

I might just ask Bobman to step up to the plate, do the experience, write a review and fall on my sword (does that sound right??)...
In all honesty, I think it should come from a client. Women in this industry are not trusting of other providers if they see the world in a competitive way and if she doesn't have an established level of trust with the advising provider it will come off as meddling in her affairs with a possible ulterior motive. There is no need to fall on the sword so to speak! Your reputation on an online forum is really not all that serious a reputation to protect in the grander scheme of things and from what I gather, your position of respect is strong amongst other hobbyists so if you say you didn't take the discount, I think they'll believe you. Go and have fun, the girl needs to make a living and you're $ might be what she needs to meet a goal or get something finally paid off! A win/win...



Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Just review her honestly. I don't review anyone unless I think they deserve some mention, discount or not.

She'll learn not to offer the discount if many guys take this approach to give honest reviews, which might not all be so complimentary.

Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
What do you think?
Yep, you're definitely a shill... a TERB member for over 10 years with nearly 900 posts - how did you stay unsuspecting for so many years ? Think of how many you've steered in the wrong direction. hahaha

I've written a favourable review because I was asked, but the lady already had many positive reviews and mine was just another one added to the list (remember the Luvvv sisters?) But I didn't get a discount and it wasn't a shill because the service was above average and I thought she would provide that level to everyone.

What I find more serious is, why guys don't give the 'anti-shill' - the heads-up warning for deplorable providers, under-age, under duress SP's or outright scammers. I remember one SP, Taylor, (no, not Cleo's friend, don't connect that Taylor to my story). If I recall, this Taylor was a traveling/visiting Montreal/Quebequois SP. Absolutely the worst SP I ever saw, and she came with glowing reviews from seniors members of the Rosey Board. I wish I could have my money back !

Seriously Jabba, I'm sure you do what's fair and do with what you can sleep at night with. If she gives you a discount for a positive review, then she better be committed to providing that level of service consistently.


Dec 12, 2010

definitely a shill man. Imagine if I would do the same thing and start here something along the lines of "Dear I had the most beautiful day...etc..."and then you show up after reading my BS and get shit treatment. How would you feel? Mission abort!


New member
May 7, 2012
One provider even told me that she's gotten so many referrals from me from members of this board that she thought I must be some kind of "big wig, with a lot of power" on these boards. :D She said thanks, but didn't give me any kind of a discount though. Oh well, her thanks were enough for me, and also being mistaken for some kind of VIP were enough to satisfy my ego. :thumb:
Haha...there is another prolific reco'er on the other board and a lady told me once she figured a reco from him "could make her or break her" ??
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